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Mass Cancel Confirm Sale Orders

v 16.0 Third Party 251
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Inventory (stock)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 445
Technical Name lax_mass_cancel_confirm_so
Versions 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Inventory (stock)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 445
Technical Name lax_mass_cancel_confirm_so
Versions 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0

Cancel or Confirm Multiple Quotation Orders

These modules helps to cancel or confirm multiple Quotation orders from the Quotation tree view.


1. Cancel Multiple Quotations Orders

Option-1: Operation Type- Cancel Only

Sales > Quotations > Sales Orders. Select multiple records from tree view to cancel.

From wizard, click on "Confirm" to cancel selected record.

Once the entries gets cancelled, their states gets changes to "Cancelled".

Option-2: Operation Type- Cancel and Reset to Draft

Sales > Quotations > Sales Orders. Select multiple records from tree view.

From wizard, When you want to cancel a sale order and reset to the draft state select "Cancel and Reset to Draft".If you want to cancel sale orders, delivery orders & invoice then you can choose both options "Cancel Delivery Order" & "Cancel Invoice and Payment".

click on Confirm Button, thats record states gets changes to "Quotation".

Record Delivery status gets changes to "Cancelled".

Record Invoices status gets changes to "Cancelled".

Option-3: Operation Type- Cancel and Delete

Sales > Quotations > Sales Orders. Select multiple records from tree view.

When you want to cancel & delete a sale order then choose the "Cancel and Delete" option.If you want to cancel sale orders, delivery orders & invoice then you can choose both options "Cancel Delivery Order" & "Cancel Invoice and Payment".

click on Confirm Button, thats record was Deleted and its Invoice and Delivery also Delete.

Option-4: Operation Type- Cancel Multiple Sale Orders

Sales > Quotations > Sales Orders. Select multiple records from tree view.

From wizard, click on "Confirm" to cancel selected record.

All selected sale orders are cancelled.

Option-5: Operation Type- Cancel and Reset to Draft

Sales > Quotations > Sales Orders. Select multiple records from tree view.

From wizard, Select 'Cancel and Reset to Draft' option, click on "Confirm" to cancel selected record.

All selected sale orders are Now draft.

2. Confirm Multiple Sales Orders

Step 1:

Sales > Quotations > Sales Orders. Select multiple records from tree view to confirm sales orders.

Step 2:

From wizard, click on "Confirm Sales Orders" to confirm selected entries. if record state is Cancelled select 'Reset & Comfirm Sale Order' button.

Step 3:

Once the entries gets confirmed, their states gets changes to "Sales Order".

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