Project Job Costing (Contracting) and Job Cost Sheet for Construction
by Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.$ 183.41
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Inventory (stock)
• Notes (note) • Project (project) • Purchase (purchase) • Discuss (mail) • Invoicing (account) • Employees (hr) |
Community Apps Dependencies | Show |
Lines of code | 3585 |
Technical Name |
odoo_job_costing_management |
License | See License tab |
Website | |
Versions | 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 |
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Inventory (stock)
• Notes (note) • Project (project) • Purchase (purchase) • Discuss (mail) • Invoicing (account) • Employees (hr) |
Community Apps Dependencies | Show |
Lines of code | 3585 |
Technical Name |
odoo_job_costing_management |
License | See License tab |
Website | |
Versions | 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 |
Construction Management | Project Job Costing | Contracting and Job Cost Sheet | Cost Sheet Management
Job Costing Management of Projects and Contracting Jobs
Construction Management with Job Costing Odoo App
This app allows you to manage any type of project(s)/contract(s) using its job costing (contracting) and job cost sheet features.
Basically, it allows you to prepare a job costing and job cost sheet to plan your material, labour, and overhead cost for your project.
This app also allows you to have a construction management business in odoo which allows you to manage projects related to your constructions in odoo.
Your project manager can plan your material cost, labour cost, and overhead costs on the job cost sheet.
It can also give you actual costs based on your purchase order, timesheets, and vendor bills so you can see what was planning costs and what is your actual cost for labour, material, and overheads related to your project and job order/ work orders.
Main Features:
- Allow your project managers to create a job cost sheet(s) for your project(s)/contract(s)/job order(s)/work order(s)/construction projects under the job application.
- Allow you to create and manage projects/contract with job orders / work orders which are nothing but project tasks of model in odoo (technically).
- Allow your project team to create and manage project notes and job order notes / work order notes.
- Allow your users to create and manage notes in odoo.
- Allow your employee and project users / managers to create and manage material requisition for job orders / work orders they are working on for any project. They can create material requisition requests for materials/stock they want in job order for project.
- Allow you to create and manage material requisitions (BOQ) for job orders / work orders of project(s).
- Allow your project team/project manager to configure/set up material costs, labour costs, and overheads costs on the job cost sheet where the project team can plan for your different jobs of the project.
- Allow you to create and manage multiple job cost sheets for a single project/job order/contract.
- Allow you to print pdf reports for job cost sheet and job orders as shown in below sample.
- Allow you to create job types for different types of jobs your company is doing for your customers.
- Allow you to configure job stages for job orders of projects.
- Cost center selection on vendor bill, purchase order, timesheet: first you select the analytic account on your line (make sure the analytic account which you select must be the same as which you have selected in your job cost sheet). and also make sure your job cost sheet must be approved. please go to your job cost sheet and make sure the analytic account is the same as your line and the state is approved.
- Allow you to set up, create and manage your subcontractors as a res.partner in odoo.
- Allow your employee/workers/project team to fill timesheets based on the job they are working on and allow them to select the job cost center and cost line on timesheets/activities.
- Materials Requisition / BOQ request and management. This also allows on-the-fly creation of purchase orders and internal picking / internal transfer from Materials Requisition / BOQ. (More details about dependent app of material requisition click here: (
- Generation of the unique sequence number for job cost sheet record.
- Create subtask/sub-job orders for the main job order/work order/task for the project.
- Manage material planning and consumption of material on job order/work order (manually).
- It gives a complete idea about your planned cost and actual cost since the system allows you to set up a planned amount for material, labor, and overhead on the job cost sheet and at the same time show actual amounts shown on the cost sheet automatically. This actual amount is based on linking purchase orders, vendor bills, and timesheets where the system allows you to select the job cost center and cost line on purchase orders, vendor bills, and timesheets.
- For more details, please check the below screenshots and watch the video.
Menus Available:
- Jobs
- Job Costs
- Job Cost Sheets
- Projects
- Projects
- Project Notes
- Job Orders
- Job Orders
- Job Notes
- Sub Contractors
- Sub Contractors
- Materials / BOQ
- Materials
- Materials Requisition / BOQ
- Configuration
- Stages
- Job Types
- Job Costs
For more features please see:( which is a bundle/package for more features for job costing management / construction management.
Edition Compatibility:
Enterprise Community
Job Cost Sheet Preparation for Project/Contract/Job
Job Cost Sheets with Material Tab
Job Cost Sheets with Labour Tab
Job Cost Sheets with Overheads Tab
Job Cost Sheets Showing Total Cost of All Tabs
Create Project/Contract/Job
Create Job Notes for Project/Contract/Job
Creating Job orders for Project/Contract/Job
Kanban View of Job Orders
Job Order with Timesheet Tab
Job Order with Material Plannings Tab
Job Order with Consume Materials Tab
Job Order with Material Requisitions Tab
Materials/ BOQ Management
Materials/Labour/Overhead Configuration for Project/Contract/Job
Materials Requisitions / BOQ for Project/Contract/Job
Configuration of Job Types for Project/Contract/Job
Job Types
Create Purchase Order for Project/Contract/Job
Request for Quotation
Create Purchase Order Line WITHOUT selecting Job Cost Line.
After Confirm Purchase Order System will Add Job Cost Sheet Line Automatically
Job Cost Sheet Showing Added Line
If user select job cost line on Purchase order then system will not add new line but system will compute purchased quantity and show it to cost sheet.
Vendor Bills allow You to Select Job Cost and Cost Line
Showing Actual Purchased Quantity, Actual Invoice Quantity
Showing Actual Hours On Labour Job Cost
Smart Button on Cost Sheet
Show Purchase order lines, Timesheet Lines, and Account Invoice Line From Given Buttons.
Related Purchase Order lines for Cost Sheet
Related Timesheet Lines for Cost Sheet
Related Account Invoice Line for Cost Sheet
Reports by System
Project/Contract/Job Report Sample
Job Order Report Sample
Job Cost Sheet Report Sample
Product/Material Purchase Requisitions and Internal Picking Requisitions by Employee(s) / User (s)
Maternal Requisition Request by Employee(s)/User(s) - Odoo Module
This app allows your employee to create material requisition requests in odoo which will then be followed by the department manager's approval and requisition office approval process.
Main Features:
- Allow your employees to create requests for material purchase requisitions.
- Employees can see only their own records of product/material purchase requisitions.
- Employees can request multiple materials/items on a single material purchase requisition request.
- The department manager can approve of department approval of material purchase requisition.
- The department manager can also reject material purchase requisition.
- Requisition users can approve material purchase requisition.
- Requisition users can also reject material purchase requisition.
- Email notifications to department manager, and requisition manager for approval.
- Request for material purchase requisition will go to stock/warehouse as internal picking / internal order and purchase order.
- The warehouse can dispatch material to the employee location and if material not presents then procurement will be created by Odoo standard.
- Material purchase requisition users can decide whether the product requested by an employee will come from stock/warehouse directly or it needs to be purchased from the vendor. So we have a field on requisition lines where the respondent can select requisition action: 1. purchase order 2. internal picking. If option 1 is selected then the system will create internal order / internal picking request and if option 2 is selected system will create multiple purchase orders / RFQ to vendors set on lines.
- For more details please see the video on the live preview and check the below screenshots.
Product/Material purchase requisitions by employees/users
1. Employee
- Employees can create material purchase requisition requests.
- Employees can request multiple materials/items on a single material purchase requisition request.
- Employees can add requisition lines and confirm purchase requisition requests.
- Employees can print material purchase requisition reports in pdf format.
- Once an employee received materials/items at their location then they can click the received button manually at the end.
- The department manager can approve of department approval of material purchase requisition.
- The department manager can also reject material purchase requisition.
- The department manager can print material purchase requisition reports in pdf format.
- Requisition users can add a destination location on employee forms and department forms.
- Requisition users can approve material purchase requisition.
- Requisition users can also reject material purchase requisition.
- Requisition users can add vendors to the requisition line.
- Requisition user can add picking details information in material purchase requisition Form.
- Requisition users can create picking and PO.
- Requisition users can print material purchase requisition reports in pdf format.
2. Department Manager
3. Requisition User / Officer
Role of Employee / Internal User
Role of Department Manager
Role of Requisition User / Officer
For more additional features: please check our bundle apps here:
Material Purchase Requisition User ,Manager and Department Manager Groups added on Users Form
Employee Stock Location on Employee Form
Department Stock Location on Department Form
Requisition Action Options
1.Purchase Order
2.Internal Picking
Employee Create Request for Material Purchase Requisition
Material Purchase Requisition Waiting for Department Approval
Department Manager Approve Material Purchase Requisition Request
Material Purchase Requisition Head Approve Material Purchase Requisition Request
Create Picking and Purchase order based on Requisition Action
If stock is available then Purchase Requisition user can select Internal Picking in Requisition Action on Requisition line and if stock is not avialable and if they want to create purchase order they can select multiple vendors and system will create multiple RFQ's based on Vendors selected on lines.
Received Material Purchase Requistion Button
Received State on Material Purchase Requistion
Print Material Purchase Requisition PDF Report
Contact / Support
Probuse Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
If you need any help or want more additional features, you may contact us through:
Skype: mustufa_probuse
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt Ltd is an Software and Web development specialist which offers complete business application together. We are well experienced to provide a face for your business on the software and Internet level.
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt Ltd is a specialist in Odoo/OpenERP services and could give your business open source hand to drive.
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Odoo Proprietary License v1.0 This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed, modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file). You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example: LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one). It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software or modified copies of the Software. The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
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We are a pest control service provider company - we have fixed price contracts. We create one project for each sales order with multiple tasks related to project. We issue materials (not billable to customers) to our service teams to perform the services based on planned quantities for the specific project/tasks on projects. These materials are in our warehouse and can be used for various projects. Please advise if this module will work for us on Odoo 16 and if not do you have an alternative module to suite our requirement. Thank you Shailesh - My Contacts Mobile: +255658781861
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Probuse Team