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Advance Helpdesk, Website Support Ticket Management Odoo app help to Manage your Customer Supports Online



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Lines of code 17433
Technical Name website_axis_helpdesk_advance
Versions 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
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Lines of code 17433
Technical Name website_axis_helpdesk_advance
Versions 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0

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Support : Community Enterprise

Advance Website Helpdesk App | Create ticket with support email | Create Sale Orders, purchase Order, Invoices from Tickets | Merge and Reopen Tickets | Assign Tickets Via Ticket Type, Team management, Mass Ticket update, Helpdesk Timesheet, Helpdesk with Stages, Send Message In Whatsapp, Helpdesk Tickets To Task create | SLA policy setup | Analytic Dashboard | HelpDesk Ticket Filter Options

Odoo Advanced Helpdesk Support Ticket and Issue Management Module

Odoo Advance website Helpdesk Support Ticket Management Module allows to create tickets online from portal. Team, managers

create and manage Support Tickets from admin.

Customer access Ticket's via Portal to check status of Tickets.

Create Invoices from support tickets with odoo website

. Helpdesk module allows to create ticket via online email.

Key Features for Odoo Advanced Website Helpdesk

    Helpdesk Support Ticket management module supported Odoo V18, V17, V16, V15, V14, V13 version with Multiple languages supported (English, Arabic, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Danish-dansk, Dutch-Nederlands, Spanish - Español, French-français,Russia-Russian) in odoo backend.

    Email us for your language support, will add it without any cost. We have used google translator for translation, let us know if any translation needs to update.
    Customers can Create support tickets with attachment of documents from the odoo website.
    Create Teams, Support Manager for assign tickets, track status of tickets.
    Team manager, Team Leader, users create tickets from the odoo website helpdesk admin and from the portal system.
    Add SLA policy for finish tickets on time.
    Team member only see his tickets, automatically assign tickets to team, manually assign tickets. Support manager assign tickets, track tickets status, track team activity.
    Customers can create support tickets via support email and received Created ticket detail in email.
  • Odoo Helpdesk dashboard with chart available for monitoring all activity of the helpdesk system in odoo backend.
  • Allow customers to create a ticket by odoo Helpdesk Website form, the ticket automatically creates at odoo backend
  • Customers can check the status of all submitted support tickets in the Account section of the odoo website
  • Admin user, Support manager assign tickets to support agents, team from odoo backend.
  • Customer upload document file in attachment and Support team can check document to provide support to customers.
  • Chatterbox for customers and support agents, technicians manage tickets with tech support portal, and support managers can communicate to team.
  • Support Agent, Team or technician fill timesheets on a ticket to provides paid support to customers
  • The Support Manager or Support Agent can close tickets and send the invoice to customers through the customer support system
  • Customers can set priority for a ticket (Urgent, high, low) with our website helpdesk support Ticket Management in odoo
  • Email notification settings for every activity of support tickets
  • Create customer support ticket invoices from timesheets in the Customer Support and Helpdesk system in Odoo
  • Odoo helpdesk comes with the feature of call center management within the odoo website helpdesk support ticket and Issue management module, which allows creating tasks for helpdesk tickets
  • The support manager easily creates an invoice with the help of timesheets with a few clicks
  • The support agent can inform customers to manage helpdesk ticket stages under support tickets in odoo
  • The customer submits the ticket subject so the support agent or support manager can understand the customer ticket and provide support
  • The customer can submit Ratings and Review/Comments on particular ticket
  • The customer can login and close their ticket from website helpdesk frontend
  • Filter option in odoo backend for view customer ratings and review/comments
  • With the help of an Online ticketing system for customer support in Odoo, you can create tickets, show tickets and search tickets by filling up the customer ticket form
    Odoo Website Helpdesk and Support System Module allows you to view tickets with data such as Kanban View, Calendar View, List view, Activity View, and much more
  • Roles and Rights - set roles and rights to support agent/helpdesk employee for work in helpdesk system
  • Odoo Website HelpDesk Ticket Filter Options with Team, Assigned, Date with Status display
  • Create Sale Orders, Invoices, Purchase Orders from Tickets
  • Reopen Closed Tickets with Description
  • Merge Tickets with any stage like New, InProgress, Closed
  • Assign Tickets Automatically With Ticket Type, Team
  • Send Message, Ticket status in Whatsapp

Website Helpdesk Menu, Features Details:

Helpdesk Ticket Create
Dashboard for Tickets Tracking
Helpdesk Tickets List
Create Invoicing for Tickets
Timesheets to Invoice

Helpdesk Team, Access Setup

Helpdesk Tickets Filter

SLA Policy

Tags, Activity Type Creation

Sale Order Creation

Purchase Order Creation

Email to Ticket Create

Send Message In Whatsapp

Mass Ticket Status Update

Mass Ticket Assign To Team

Reopen Closed Tickets

Merge Tickets

Assign Tickets via Ticket Type, Team

This module supported Odoo Community and Odoo Enterprise edition

(If you want to run in enterprise edition you have to uninstall existing helpdesk module)

Helpdesk module is also available in

Features of Website Helpdesk Module

helpdesk ticket management in odoo, Odoo 13 helpdesk module in odoo apps

Odoo HelpDesk Dashboard

Our rich and modern dashboard keeps you up-to-date on your help desk statistics

Odoo Helpdesk Support Ticket

Manage Support Executive

Add, edit, and delete your support employees, Team or support agents and set access

Create Support Ticket Customer Odoo module

Customer Support Portal

Customer Helpdesk support moudle in odoo help your business to manage customer tickets.

odoo website helpdesk support ticket and Issue management

Report of Each Users

See all Ticket activities, Status of Ticket and Report of support users and customers

odoo helpdesk support in odoo

Ticket Filters

Helpdesk Ticket feature allows to the right tickets goes to the right department

Helpdesk Support Ticket in odoo apps

Email Notification

Configurable auto email sending mechanism when customer create support ticket from odoo website

manage helpdesk tickets in odoo

Agents/Support Executives

HelpDesk Support admin allow staff, agents to assign tickets during response to avoid confliction

Odoo Service Desk, Support ticket create using website

Assign, Status, Resolved

Transfer tickets between departments when being handled by the correct agents with status

Download helpdesk management in odoo, customer support ticket create

Odoo Website Portal

All support responses are display in odoo website helpdesk tickets menu for customers

Odoo15, Odoo 14 Issue ticketing system, Odoo 14 Customer ticket managment

Tasks for Agents

Tasks can be associated with tickets or they can stand alone in the help desk

tech support portal in odoo, ticket support odoo app

Summary Option

Summary Menu for Future v/s current ticket status check this will display in admin

Odoo Website customer helpdesk support Ticketing System

Calender View

In odoo helpdesk support admin you can see all ticket in calender view

Online ticketing system for customer support in Odoo

Bill/invoices from a list

Support Manager can close tickets and send invoice to customers as per timesheet

Customer Support system in odoo, Issue management module

Document Attachment

Document attachment functionality implement in odoo website frontend form

Odoo Website Helpdesk and Support System Module

Responsive Website Form

Added features in odoo HelpDesk support form for create customer tickets request

customer can close their ticket in odoo

Customer can close their ticket

The customer can submit ratings and review/comments on particular ticket

customer rating management in odoo

Rating and comment on Ticket

The customer can login and close their ticket from helpdesk frontend and give Ratings, Comments.

Rating and comment in support tikcet management in odoo

Filter and customer Review

Filter option in odoo backend for view customer ratings and review/comments

Customer Support and Helpdesk system in odoo

Roles and Rights

In this odoo website helpdesk support module allows set roles and right for users

manage helpdesk in odoo

Kanban View

Create custom field in kanban view and drag/drop ticket with it's updated status

odoo website helpdesk system

List view

Perfect user interface for listing all ticket display in list view for Support Admin/Support Agent

Raise Support ticket on Odoo

Star sign for priority

When customer create support request through star field for set priority(Urgent, High, Medium)

Odoo Helpdesk and support

Activity View

Admin can see all tickets in activity view with its status in Odoo helpdesk support module

ticket support system in odoo

Chatter Message Send

Chatter Message Send feature available for customer they can write and send to admin/agents

ticket support system in odoo

Create Teams, Support Manager for assign tickets, track status of tickets

Resolving tickets create teams, support manager to assign tickets, track status of tickets.

ticket support system in odoo

Add SLA policy for finish tickets on time

Adding SLA policy to track deadline of tickets to resolve it faster.

ticket support system in odoo

Ticket access

Team members only see his tickets, automatically assign tickets, manually assign tickets to resolve in helpdesk.

ticket support system in odoo

Invoice Creation from ticket

Create Invoice for Ticket.

ticket support system in odoo

Sale Order Creation

Create Sale orders from Tickets..

ticket support system in odoo

Purchase Order Creation

Create Purchase Orders from Tickets.

Website HelpDesk Module and HelpDesk Support using Customer Tickets:

A customer support module that built for best practices and rated as the best help desk support by multiple independent industry sources.

Website Helpdesk Support Ticket Management in odoo16, odoo 14, Odoo 13, Odoo 12

Quick Reply - Interact faster with Instant preview and Quick reply to opened tickets.

Bulk Response - Quickly select related tickets and apply bulk actions like changing ticket status, assignee and due dates, Admin can assign multiple tickets to multiple support agents.

Beautiful Dashboard - Dashboard displays count of All tickets, Pending Tickets, Closed Tickets, Success Rate. User can do quick actions like assignments, changing priority, ticket status. Ticket Due time display day, week, month, Year counts. DASHBOARD tickets priority displays for Urgent, High, Medium or Low with our Odoo website customer helpdesk support Ticketing System. Website Helpdesk Module - provides a website interface for submitting requests by the users. This odoo website service desk system allows you to define rules to route incoming tickets to the right department, agents, and trigger actions. Read the Website Service Desk module guide for more information.

Odoo Helpdesk Support System Screenshots and Flow

Odoo Website Helpdesk Dashboard - Customer Ticket Support and Issue Management

customer support helpdesk system in odoo

Odoo Website HelpDesk Ticket Filter Options with Team, Ticket Type, Assigned, Date with Status display (New feature)

Odoo Website HelpDesk Ticket Filter Options with Team, Assigned, Date with Status display

Summary - Overall Status of HelpDesk Customer Tickets Status and Reports

Summary - Overall Status of HelpDesk Customer Tickets Status and Reports in odoo

Click on Settings => User => Support User (Support Agent/Users Group) -- Support User set for helpdesk module

customer support ticket module in odoo

Helpdesk Advance Setting for SLA Policy, Sales, Invoice and Purchase Order Creation..

create team, assign team in odoo

Allow Products for Sale Order, Invoice and Purchase Order Creation..

create team, assign team in odoo

HelpDesk Team Configuration

You can add helpdesk team and assign to support user..

create team, assign team in odoo

Helpdesk Team Detail

Add Support Users, Manage Team and Set Assign tickets method.

create tickets sla tags priority setup in odoo

Add Tickets Tags.

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Ticket Type Configuration, Assign Tickets Automatically With Ticket Type, Team

create tickets tags in odoo helpdesk app

Add Tickets Activity Types.

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Tickets Stages.

create tickets activity types helpdesk in odoo

Add SLA Policies.

create tickets activity types helpdesk in odoo

Create Tickets from Admin, Assign to Team (User), Add SLA Policy, Priority, Tags in ticket.
You can create Invoice, Sale Order, Purchase Order from Tickets.

create tickets sla tags priority setup in odoo

Support User can communicate with Support Manager(Admin).(Cannot Create Task and Invoice)

Kanban View - Tickets with Status

Kanban View - Tickets with Status

Customer tickets status (New, Pending, Progress, Resolved) - You can modified as per your requirement

manage helpdesk tickets in odoo 12

List View - Tickets with Status

Odoo Service Desk, Customer tickets status (New, Pending, Progress, Resolved)

Activity View - Tickets with Status

Manage customer tickets and see all tickets in the activity view

Odoo Issue ticketing management system

Calendar View - Tickets with Status

Manage customer tickets and see all tickets in the calendar view

Customer Support ticket in Odoo 13, Helpdesk in odoo apps download

Website Support Ticket Form

Customer can generate tickets with detail and document attachment

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Website Support Ticket Form With Attachment Option

manage helpdesk ticket in odoo 15

Website Support Ticket Attachment Configuration

manage helpdesk ticket in odoo 13

Thanks Message- When ticket is created.

Customer Tickets in Portal/My Account

Odoo 15 Helpdesk and support module

Customer Tickets List View

Odoo 12 Helpdesk and support module

Customer Create Ticket Via Email

Odoo website Helpdesk ticket

Customer Get Ticket Detail In Email

Odoo website Helpdesk ticket

Website Chatter Box for Sending Message

Customer and Support user can communicate in chatter message box with document attachment

website helpdesk in odoo

Backend Chatter Box for Send Message

Support Manager reply in chat message box from backend

odoo module for Ticket Management System download

See Message sent by Customer and Attachments in Ticket Detail

Manage Customer Tickets Document Attachments

Create Purchase Orders from Ticket.

create Purchase orders from ticketsin odoo

Create Sale Orders from Ticket.

create Sale orders from tickets in odoo

Create Invoices from Ticket.

create Invoices from tickets in odoo

Support Manager(admin) can create task(Optional)

create Task from tickets in odoo

Manage Assign Support User for Assigned Ticket, Create Sale Order from ticket

create Task from tickets in odoo

Support Manager can create and send Invoice/Bills to customer for payment

create Task from tickets in odoo

Invoice/Bill Sample

Status of Customer Ticket - (New, Pending, In Progress, Solved)

Odoo Helpdesk and support ticket odoo module in odoo apps

Manage Timesheet for Support User/Support Manager

Timesheet and Customer Support Ticket Hours

Call center management in odoo

Create Invoice from Timesheet

Call center management in odoo

Close Support ticket

Odoo Website helpdesk Close ticket

Close Your Ticket

Close your ticket

Filter your Closed ticket in Backend

filter your closed ticket in website helpdesk odoo

Add Customer Ratings

customer give rating helpdesk in odoo

Add Your Rate and Comment

Add Your Rate and Comment in odoo

Thank you Page of Submit Rating

Thank you Page of Submit Rating

Show Rating in Backend

Show Ratings in Backend of odoo

Merge Tickets with any stage like New, InProgress, Closed

Merge tickets in odoo
Reopen tickets in odoo
Ticket type assign team tickets in odoo

Reopen Closed Tickets with Description

reopen tickets in odoo

Manage Tickets Report

Odoo Helpdesk, multi branch support management in odoo

Mass ticket update with Team, Status

create Task from tickets in odoo
create Task from tickets in odoo
create Task from tickets in odoo

Report view in Bar Chart

manage helpdesk in odoo 13

Report view in Pie Chart

Odoo Helpdesk dashboard. Support Ticket Management System in odoo apps

Print PDF Support Ticket Report

Tickets view for User login

Tickets view for Team user login

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Odoo Website HelpDesk WorkFlow

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For Technical Help and Support

At Axistechnolabs we offer end to end solution for all Odoo services which includes custom development, integration, migration, analysis & consultation.

Incase of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on

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Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.