Odoo Apps 49254 Apps found.

Send SMS using SMSAPI gateway

SMSAPI SMS Gateway Integration

Print Stock Card Report In PDF Stock Card Report In EXCEl Stock Card Report In XLS Product Stock Report Stock Rotation Report Real Time Stock In Real Time Stock Out Stock Ledger Report Incoming Ledger Outgoing Ledger Inventory Valuation Odoo Stock Movement Analysis Report Product Movement Analysis Report Stock Movement Report Inventory Movement Analysis Report Inventory Movement Report

Stock Card Report
Softhealer Technologies

Mega Menu App, Mega Menu Styles, Website Mega Menus Module, Mega-Menu With Categories, Different Mega Menu, Various Mega Menus, Advance Mega Menu Odoo

Website Mega Menu
Softhealer Technologies

Split view is used to navigate between records in a list while staying on the same screen, work through lists with ease using split view for standard navigation. Split list view, dual-view layout, open form view next to list view, customize layout, list and split screen, multiview, enable split view

Adaptive Split View
Sveltware Solutions

Product Purchase Orders History Product Purchase History Products Purchase History Products Orders History PO History Product Purchase Price History Product Purchase Cost History Products Purchase Price History Product Price History Product Prices History Product Sales Price History Product Sale Prices History Product Selling Price History Sales Price Past Records Sale Price Past Records Prices Records Product Sale Order History Product Sales Order History Product Sale Orders History SO History Orders Tracking Price Tracking Prices Tracking Request For Quotation History Last Purchase Order History Product Sale Price History Product Cost Price History Last Sale Order History Product History Odoo Order history Sales history Customer order history Sale invoice history Sales order tracking Purchase order history Vendor order history Purchase Purchase order tracking All In One History Customer Sales Order History Vendor Purchase Order History History With Limited Records History Based on Status all-inclusive history All-in-one History History learning Complete History Customer Sale Order History Customer Sales Order History Customer Order History Customer Sale Orders History Customer Sales History Customer Sale History Vendor Purchases Order History Vendor Order History Vendor Purchases History Vendor Purchase History Vendor Purchase Order History Vendor Purchases Order History Product Prices History Product Price Change History Product Cost Price History Changes History Access Control Data Access Extra Tools Odoo

All In One History
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Multi Discount Accounting Multi Discount Purchase Multi Discount Request For Quotation Multi Discount All In One Discount RFQ Discount SO Multi Discount PO Discount Multiple discount offer discount double discounts deals Odoo Sale order Multi Discount Accounting Multiple Discount Purchase order Multi Discount Sale Order Multiple Discount Purchase Order Multiple Discount Invoice Order Multiple Discount All in One Multi Discount - Sale, Accounting, Purchase Multiple Discount Selection Multiple Discounts selection Multi Discount Selection Multi Discounts Selection Add Multi Discounts Add Multiple Discounts Sales Discounts Sale Discounts Trade Discounts Fixed Discounts Cash Discounts Threshold Discounts Percentage Discounts Set Discounts Manage Discounts Offer Discounts Customer Wise Discount Purchase Discounts Invoice Discounts All In One Discounts All In One Multiple Discounts All In One Multi Discounts Discount on Purchase Discount on Sales Discount on Invoices Purchase Order Discount Sale Order Discount Sales Order Discount Manage Discounts Special Discount On Reports Vendor Bill Discount Customer Invoices Discount Odoo

All in One Multi Discount
Softhealer Technologies

The tool for real-time control of customer and opportunity duplicates. Partner duplicates. Partners duplicates. Lead duplicates. Leads duplicates. Deduplicate partners. Unique Lead Alert. Find & Merge Duplicate Data. Unique Contact Alert. Unique Opportunity Alert. Deduplicate contacts. Deduplicate leads. Deduplicate opportunities. Opportunities duplicates. Customer duplicates. Customers duplicates. Contact duplicates. Contacts duplicates. Unique contacts. Unique partners. Unique customers. Unique leads. Unique opportunities. Duplicates search. Duplicates detection

CRM Duplicates Real Time Search

odoo app to manage Car Rental Management, Rental car, Booking car, Car Reservation, Car rental workflow, rental card availability, Car rental Invoicing, car rental analysis

Car Rental Management, Fleet Rental
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Change Order Management in Job Contracting and Construction Business

Change Order in Job Contracting and Construction
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.

Multi Branch for scrap order for multi branch scrap order multiple branch scrap order for multi branch warehouse multi branch warehouse unit operation for scrap order multi branch scrap multi branch scrap multiple branch multi unit for scrap order process

Multi Branch Operations for Scrap Order Odoo App

This module allows the odoo users to Add individual email signature per company.

Multi-Company Email - Multi Company Email

Multiple Branch Management CRM Multi Branch Crm app CRM Multiple Unit Operating unit desk branch customer relationship service system branch CRM Lead branch CRM Sales branch service for single company with Multi Branches multi company

Multiple Branch Unit Operation Setup for CRM

Multiple Branch Management Multi Branch manufacturing app Multiple Unit Operating unit manufacturing branch mrp branch production multiple branch manufacturing single company with Multi Branches multi company branch mrp unit multi branch mrp multi branch

Multiple Branch Unit Operations for Manufacturing

Application provide functionality of manage Multiple Branch management for companies in Manufacturing process.

Multiple Branch(Unit) Operations for Manufacturing
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd

The POS Order Status Screen keeps your customers informed about their order's status. Real-time sync, Preparation display, POS order sync, POS Order Display, Odoo Order Display, Point of sale restaurant screen, POS restaurant, Preparation Screen, Preparation Display, Self-Order Status

POS Order Status Screen
Andreas Bichinger

POS Order sync between Salesman and Cashier

POS Order Synchronization (Community)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

partial invoice payment invoice partial reconciliation partial reconciliation partial payment reconciliation customer partial invoice payment reconciliation customer payment partial reconciliation multiple invoice partial reconciliation multiple partial reconcilation

Partial Invoice Payment Reconciliation

Password Generator, Generate Dynamic Password Module, Encrypt System Password App, Provide Customer Password Application, Get Passwords For Test, Create Strong Password, Different Password Filter, Make Password With Pattern Password Generator Field Password Manager Credential Manager Password Keeper Team Password Management Odoo

Password Generator
Softhealer Technologies

Backdate and Remarks Backdate Remarks in Odoo Force Date Purchase Order Confirmation Backdate Mass Confirmation Backdate Mass Back Date Mass Backdate Purchase confirm date Purchase Pastdate old date RFQ backdate Purchases Backdate Change effective date change effective dates effective date changes in effective date effective date change purchase effective date change in purchase effective date change in purchase order effective date change in PO effective date change PO Odoo

Purchase Backdate | Change Effective Date | Back Date In Purchase | Purchase Order Backdate
Softhealer Technologies

Manufacturing Components swapping or Raw Material Substitution which defines dynamically exchange of lot-serial of raw materials in production Main Product : CAR Components Engine Serial E1 Seat Serial S1 Tyre Serial T1 Production Orders MO/1 : 000001 MO/2 : 000002 Now Swap Engine E1 With E2 Main Product CAR Transaction Serial 000001 and 000002 Production to stock Stock to swapping Swapping to stock Componets Transaction Serial E1 and E2 Production to Swapping Swapping to Stock Raw material Swapping Raw Material Swapping Componets Swapping Componets Substitution Spare part Swapping Raw Material Substitution Material Substitution

Raw Material Substitution