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Zehntech Technologies Inc. Apps 42 Apps found. author: Zehntech technologies inc. ×

Allow clients to Schedule Appointments through your Website and according to your availability. Odoo Calendar Appointment Booking Module Odoo Calendar Appointment Booking App Odoo Calendar Booking Module Odoo Appointment Booking Module Odoo Calendar Appointment Booking Odoo App Odoo App for Calendar Appointment Booking Advance Features Odoo Calendar Appointment Booking App for Odoo Odoo Calendar Appointment Booking Module for Odoo Odoo App for Calendar Appointment Booking Download Odoo App for Calendar Booking Management Download Odoo Calendar Online Scheduling Odoo Client Appointments Odoo Time Zones Odoo Available Timings Odoo Publish Appointments Odoo Unpublish Appointments Odoo Timing Slots Odoo Customize Availability Odoo Modify Time Slots Odoo Email Communication Odoo Chat Communication Odoo Streamlined Communication Odoo Resource Allocation Odoo Time Management Odoo Booking Form Odoo Website Integration Odoo Calendar Integration Odoo Email Confirmation Odoo Meeting Details Odoo Administrator Access Odoo Appointment Management Odoo Booking System Odoo Meeting Scheduler Odoo Resource Scheduling Odoo Client Communication Odoo Booking Automation Odoo Booking Reminders Odoo Booking Availability Odoo Booking Confirmation Odoo Booking Management Odoo Booking Resource Allocation Odoo Booking Calendar Integration Odoo Booking Confirmation Emails Odoo Appointment Scheduling Odoo Scheduling Module Odoo Meeting Booking Odoo Calendar Management Odoo Online Appointment Booking Odoo Schedule Appointments Odoo Time Zone Scheduling Odoo Available Time Slots Odoo Time Slot Management Odoo Custom Booking Form Odoo Confirmation Email Odoo Booking Confirmation Odoo Custom Booking Messages Odoo Appointment Visibility Odoo Time Zone Management Odoo Schedule Management Odoo Meeting Scheduling Odoo Calendar Integration Odoo Website Integration Odoo Booking System Odoo Appointment Management Odoo Calendar Synchronization Odoo Booking Confirmation Email Odoo Time Management Odoo Efficient Scheduling Odoo Streamlined Booking Odoo Custom Cancellation Policies Odoo Booking Policy Odoo Personalized Booking URL Odoo Manage Appointments Odoo Customizable Time Slots Odoo Calendar Booking App Odoo Appointment Management

Calendar: Appointment Booking
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

The Odoo Gantt App Base Module offers a comprehensive visual representation of project timelines and tasks in a single view. This Odoo Gantt Base App enhances project management with its intuitive Odoo Base Gantt View, making it an essential Gantt Base Module for Odoo users.

Odoo Gantt App Base
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

Odoo PowerBI Connector is a powerful Odoo app that seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Power BI. Effortlessly create and manage Power BI workspaces, datasets, and tables directly from your Odoo interface. Easily upload data from any Odoo model to Power BI, empowering you to visualize and analyze your business data in a whole new way.

Odoo PowerBI Connector
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

ChatGPT Integration add functionality for HTML Field, Website, and Mail template body to Use ChatGPT with given prompt. Odoo ChatGPT Integration Module Odoo ChatGPT Integration App Odoo ChatGPT Module Odoo ChatGPT App Odoo AI Chat Integration Odoo ChatGPT Module Odoo ChatGPT App Odoo ChatGPT Integration Odoo App Odoo App for ChatGPT Integration Advance Features Odoo ChatGPT Integration App for Odoo Odoo ChatGPT Integration Module for Odoo Odoo App for ChatGPT Integration Download Odoo Natural Language Processing Odoo AI Integration Odoo ChatGPT API Odoo Prompt-Based Conversations Odoo Real-Time Responses Odoo ChatGPT Automation Odoo Communication Enhancement Odoo Customer Support Odoo ChatGPT Configuration Odoo Easy AI Setup Odoo AI-Powered Chat Odoo ChatGPT for Sales Odoo Seamless Integration Odoo Automation Odoo AI Conversation Odoo ChatGPT Email Integration Odoo ChatGPT in Odoo Apps Odoo Chatbot Odoo AI Customer Interaction Odoo ChatGPT in CRM Odoo AI-Powered Quotation Odoo Sales Automation Odoo ChatGPT Assistance Odoo AI Prompt Handling Odoo Advanced Chat Odoo AI Response Automation Odoo ChatGPT HTML Field Odoo Support AI Odoo AI Customer Engagement Odoo ChatGPT Prompt Invocation Odoo ChatGPT in Forms Odoo AI-Powered Workflow Odoo Efficient Communication Odoo ChatGPT Error Handling Odoo Troubleshoot AI Integration Odoo AI Integration Logs Odoo ChatGPT Interaction Module Odoo Real-Time Chat Odoo ChatGPT Browser Console Odoo AI Enhancement Odoo Interactive AI Odoo AI-Powered Support Odoo ChatGPT Website Integration Odoo AI Automation Odoo AI Chat Support Odoo ChatGPT Customer Service Odoo AI Chatbot Odoo AI Conversation Odoo AI Module Integration Odoo ChatGPT Config Settings Odoo AI Customer Interaction Odoo ChatGPT Prompt Feature Odoo AI Module Odoo Advanced AI Integration Odoo ChatGPT Website Chat Odoo AI Response Handling Odoo AI Communication Odoo ChatGPT Setup Guide Odoo Enhanced Interaction Odoo ChatGPT API Key Odoo ChatGPT Prompts Odoo AI Customer Engagement Odoo ChatGPT Troubleshooting Odoo AI-Powered Customer Support Odoo Real-Time AI Odoo ChatGPT in Business Apps Odoo AI Workflow Odoo ChatGPT Email Automation Odoo AI Response Odoo ChatGPT Module Setup Odoo AI Support System Odoo Advanced Chatbot Odoo Integration Guide Odoo AI Communication Tool Odoo Real-Time Chat Odoo ChatGPT Troubleshoot Odoo AI Module Odoo Efficient AI Integration Odoo Customer Interaction AI Odoo API Key Setup Odoo ChatGPT Customer Support Odoo AI Sales Automation Odoo Real-Time Interaction Odoo AI-Powered Business Odoo ChatGPT Usage Guide Odoo AI Response Integration Odoo Chat Module Odoo AI Engagement Tool Odoo ChatGPT Integration Setup Odoo AI Chatbot Odoo ChatGPT User Manual Odoo AI Customer Service Odoo Advanced AI Odoo ChatGPT Help Module Odoo Communication AI

ChatGPT Integration
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

Odoo Gantt App Manufacturing module's Gantt view concisely visualizes production schedules and resource allocation for efficient manufacturing management. Odoo Gantt App Manufacturing Module Odoo Gantt Manufacturing App Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Module Odoo Gantt App Manufacturing Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Odoo App Odoo App for Gantt Manufacturing Odoo Gantt Manufacturing App for Odoo Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Module for Odoo Odoo App for Gantt Manufacturing Download Odoo Manufacturing Management Odoo Manufacturing Gantt View Odoo Gantt View Odoo Gantt Base Module Odoo Gantt Base App Gantt Chart Manufacturing Odoo Odoo Gantt Production Management Manufacturing Gantt Tool Odoo Odoo Gantt Production Schedule Gantt Chart for Odoo Manufacturing Odoo Manufacturing Gantt Interface Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Timeline Odoo Gantt Production Planning Manufacturing Gantt Management Odoo Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Workflow Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Dashboard Odoo Manufacturing Task Gantt Gantt Manufacturing Scheduling Odoo Odoo Gantt Production Tasks Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Tracking Odoo Manufacturing Gantt Features Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Planning Gantt Manufacturing Module Odoo Odoo Manufacturing Gantt Tools Gantt Manufacturing Projects Odoo Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Timeline Odoo Gantt Project Management Odoo Manufacturing Gantt View Odoo Manufacturing Timeline View Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Creation Odoo Manufacturing Gantt Customization Gantt Manufacturing View Options Odoo Manufacturing Gantt Scheduling Odoo Manufacturing Gantt Workflow Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Resources Odoo Manufacturing Gantt Efficiency Odoo Manufacturing Gantt Visualization Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Management Odoo Manufacturing Gantt Timeline Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Tasks Odoo Manufacturing Gantt View Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Management Odoo Manufacturing Gantt Workflow Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Interface Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Tools Odoo Manufacturing Gantt Tasks Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Planning Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Management doo Gantt Manufacturing Data Handling Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Features Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Customization Odoo Gantt Manufacturing Workflow Management

Odoo Gantt App For Manufacturing Module
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

Enhance warehouse security with user-specific restrictions. This User Warehouse Restriction App Odoo App improves inventory management by allowing administrators to set warehouse access permissions for specific users. By ensuring that only authorized personnel can access certain warehouses, it enhances data security and operational control..

User Warehouse Restriction
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

Advance Login Form is an attractive modified view for login form. Odoo Login Module Odoo Login App Odoo Login Form Module Odoo Login Form App Login Form Odoo App Login Form App for Odoo Odoo app for Login Form download Login Form Module for Odoo Odoo App for Login Form management Odoo App for Login Form Advance Features Odoo Password visibility Odoo Password strength criteria Odoo Personalized login Odoo Enhanced login experience Odoo Easy login Odoo Login page customization Odoo Center-aligned login form Odoo Left-aligned login form Odoo Right-aligned login form Odoo Authentication Odoo Strong password Odoo Secure login Odoo Login layout Odoo Login security Odoo Login form settings Odoo Login alignment Odoo Toggle password visibility Upgrade login Odoo Odoo Login interface Odoo Login enhancement Odoo Customize login Odoo Login appearance Odoo Login screen Odoo Login design Odoo Login customization Odoo Login layout options Odoo Login screen design Odoo Login security features Odoo Login form design Odoo Login form customization Odoo Login form appearance Odoo Login form alignment Odoo Login form colors Odoo Login form security Odoo Login form personalization Odoo Login form usability Odoo Login form UI Odoo Login form UX Odoo Login form user experience Odoo Login form security best practices Odoo Login form customization tips Odoo Login form visual design Odoo Login form user interaction Odoo Login form security enhancements Odoo Login form user-friendly Odoo Login form personalized experience Odoo Login form security measures Odoo Login form color schemes Odoo Login form background image Odoo Login form alignment options Odoo Login form password visibility Odoo Login form password strength Odoo Login form customization benefits Odoo Login form user preferences Odoo Login form features Odoo Login form functionality Odoo Login form usability improvements Odoo Login form security guidelines Odoo Login form UI enhancements Odoo Login form UX optimization Odoo Login form personalization options Odoo Login form security best practices Odoo Login form customization advantages

Advance Login Form
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

This module allows you to manage and modify pricing in bulk with ease, ensuring that your pricing strategy remains competitive and aligned with business objectives. .

Mass Price Update
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

The Audit Log Odoo App is designed to meticulously track and log user actions, including Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations across various data models. This module ensures transparency and accountability, providing a comprehensive record of key operations to help maintain data integrity within the Odoo system.

Audit Log
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

The Access Restriction by IP Odoo app allows administrators to define allowed and blocked IP ranges, enhancing system security by controlling user access based on their location.

Access Restriction By IP
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

GroupBy Expand/Collapse used to collapse and expand all the records in list group by view. GroupBy Expand/Collapse GroupBy Expand Collapse Odoo GroupBy Expand/Collapse Module Odoo GroupBy Expand/Collapse App Odoo GroupBy Expand Collapse Module Odoo GroupBy Expand Collapse App Odoo module Odoo Data management Odoo Expand groups Odoo Collapse groups Odoo Data groups Odoo Group Expand View Odoo Group Collapse View Odoo Group management Odoo Single click expand Odoo Single click collapse Odoo Expand by Collapse Odoo List view Odoo Data organization Odoo Efficient data handling Odoo Grouped data Odoo Grouped data management Odoo Open groups Odoo Close groups Odoo Expand data Odoo Collapse data Odoo Time-saving Odoo Data navigation Odoo Data exploration Odoo Workspace organization Odoo Data groups control Odoo Expand and Collapse Odoo Group view Odoo Expand all Odoo Collapse all Odoo Data categories Odoo Data groups toggle Odoo Data efficiency Odoo Expandable lists Odoo Collapsible lists Odoo Data overview Odoo data groups Odoo Data group visibility Odoo list management Odoo Expandable data groups Odoo Collapsible data groups Odoo Data grouping Odoo efficiency tool Odoo Data handling Odoo Simplified data management Odoo User-friendly data tool Odoo Data group expand Odoo Data group collapse Odoo Grouped data toggle Odoo Efficient workflow Odoo Data group control Odoo Expand data groups Odoo Collapse data groups Odoo Data group management Odoo Group toggle Odoo data tool Odoo Organized data Odoo Group expand feature Odoo Group collapse feature Odoo Data group overview Odoo Quick data access Odoo Multiple Records Expand/Collapse Odoo Data group interface Odoo Group control feature Odoo Simplify data view Odoo Grouped list view Odoo Data view management Odoo data handling Odoo Expand/collapse tool Odoo Efficient data tool Odoo workflow Odoo Expand group functionality Odoo Collapse group functionality Odoo group management Odoo Data handling tool Odoo Organized workspace Odoo Data visibility control Odoo Group data access Odoo Data accessibility Odoo Data group navigation Odoo Streamline data handling Odoo Quick group access Odoo Group visibility toggle Odoo Data toggle feature Odoo Enhanced data view Odoo Group data efficiency Odoo data toggle Odoo User-friendly interface Odoo Data overview control Odoo Data access efficiency Odoo productivity tool Odoo Group data overview Odoo Simplified group management Odoo Streamlined data view Odoo Data expand feature Odoo Data collapse feature Odoo Data organization tool Odoo group control Odoo Grouped data interface Odoo expand/collapse Odoo Efficient group navigation Odoo Quick data toggle Odoo Multiple Records Expand Odoo Multiple Records Collapse

GroupBy Expand/Collapse
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

Sticky Pivot View Odoo App enhances pivot tables by allowing users to freeze and unfreeze rows and columns. This ensures key data stays visible while navigating large datasets, improving analysis and visualization. Seamlessly integrating with all pivot views, it offers an intuitive and user-friendly experience for efficient data exploration.

Sticky Pivot
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

Introducing the Employee Birthday Wishes Odoo App – the perfect solution for celebrating your team's special days. This app automatically sends personalized birthday emails, enhancing employee engagement and fostering a positive workplace. Customize templates for each department and stay informed about upcoming birthdays with this essential app for employee birthday wishes in Odoo.

Employee Birthday Wishes
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

The Google Map Locator app enables users to easily input addresses by integrating Google Maps through the Google API. It allows users to enter an address, automatically display the location on a map, and auto-populate related address fields such as country, state, and city. This integration streamlines address input and improves accuracy by using real-time data from Google Maps, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.

Google Map Locator
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

Restrict Auto Save Odoo App enhances the user experience by preventing automatic saving of changes in form views. Users must manually save their edits, and if they attempt to leave, navigate away, or refresh the page without saving, a popup will alert them to unsaved changes. This feature minimizes the risk of accidental data loss and ensures that important updates are consciously saved, maintaining data integrity.

Restrict Auto Save
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

Streamline your workflow and foster a positive work environment with this powerful All-in-One Activity & Birthday Reminders Odoo app. Effortlessly track activity deadlines, receive timely task reminders, and celebrate employee birthdays with automated greetings, all within a single, user-friendly interface.

All-in-One Activity & Birthday Reminders
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

CRM Daily Activity Reminder Odoo App, designed to streamline task and activity management by automating email reminders for deadlines in the CRM Module. This tool allows administrators and users to set reminder schedules based on activity due dates, ensuring no task is missed. The automated reminders help teams stay organized, meet deadlines, and maintain efficient workflows, whether for daily tasks or larger projects.

CRM Daily Activity Reminder
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

Introducing the Email Activity Deadline Reminder Odoo App - A must-have module for efficient task management. This Odoo module automates deadline email reminders, ensuring no task is overlooked. Customize reminder intervals and receive notifications directly in your inbox. Boost productivity and stay on top of deadlines with the Odoo App for Email Activity Deadline Reminder.

Email Activity Deadline Reminder
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

Centralizing and modifying default terms for purchase orders, sale orders, and invoices from settings. Odoo Default Terms & Conditions Module Odoo Default Terms & Conditions App Odoo Default Terms and Conditions Module Odoo Default Terms and Conditions App Odoo Default Terms Conditions Odoo Terms & Conditions Odoo Terms and Conditions Odoo Default Terms Conditions Odoo Default Terms Customization Odoo Record Management Odoo Terms of Service Odoo Terms Management Odoo Purchase Order Terms Odoo Sale Order Terms Odoo Invoice Terms Odoo Terms & Conditions Settings Odoo Document Creation Efficiency Odoo Purchase Terms Consistency Odoo Sale Terms Consistency Odoo Invoice Terms Consistency Odoo Terms & Conditions Updates Odoo Purchase Order Standardization Odoo Sale Order Standardization Odoo Invoice Standardization Odoo Terms Settings Management Odoo Purchase Order Custom Terms Odoo Sale Order Custom Terms Odoo Invoice Custom Terms Odoo Custom Terms Management Odoo Default Terms Integration Odoo Default Purchase Terms Odoo Default Sale Terms Odoo Default Invoice Terms Odoo Unified Terms Management Odoo Purchase Document Terms Odoo Sale Document Terms Odoo Invoice Document Terms Odoo Terms & Conditions Customization Odoo Generated Reports Terms and Conditions

Default Terms & Conditions
Zehntech Technologies Inc.

The Email Activity Reminder Odoo Module streamlines your workflow. Set custom reminder intervals for any activity directly within Odoo. Receive timely email notifications to stay on top of deadlines, improve accountability, and boost productivity. Odoo App for Email Activity Reminder & Odoo Module for Email Activity Reminder never miss a task again.

Email Activity Reminder
Zehntech Technologies Inc.