Odoo Apps 109 Apps found. search: "POS Discount" ×

Retail Point Of Sale Solution Retail POS cash in cash out own customer discount mass update product tags own product template auto validate pos quick print receipt import pos secondary product suggestion pos access right pos auto lock cancel whatsapp return exchange pos all feature Restaurant & Shop Retail All In One POS Enterprise POS Community All In One POS all in one features pos Reorder pos Reprint pos Coupon Discount pos Order Return pos order all pos all features pos discount pos order list print pos receipt pos item count retail pos retail import sale from pos create quote from pos odoo All in one pos Reprint pos Return POS Stock pos gift import sale from pos multi currency payment pos pay later pos internal transfer pos disable payment pos product template pos product operation pos loyalty rewards all pos reports pos stock pos retail pos label pos cash control pos cash in out pos cash out pos logo pos receipt all pos in one all pos in one retail odoo All in One Point of Sale Point of Sale Features POS Features Product Multi barcode for POS POS Multi barcode Discount in POS Customer DIscount Point of sale POS Category Slider Point of Sale category slider Import POS Order from Excel Import POS Order from CSV Import Multiple POS Orders Import Multiple POS Orders from Excel Import Multiple POS Orders from CSV POS Realtime Quantity Update POS Realtime Qty Update POS Realtime Stock Update Realtime Stock Update POS Disable Button Option POS Disable Button Feature Disable Button POS POS Hide Button Disable Button Access Create PO from POS Create Purchase Order from POS Create PO from Point of Sale Create Purchase Order from Point of Sale Generate Purchase Order from POS Request for Quotation from POS Request for Quotation from Point of Sale RFQ from POS RFQ from Point of Sale Create Purchase Order POS Product Variants Popup POS all in one features pos Reorder pos Reprint pos Coupon Discount pos Order Return POS Stock pos gift pos order all pos all features pos discount pos order list print pos receipt pos item count retail pos retail import sale from pos create quote from pos Point of Sale Product Variants Popup POS Product Multi Variants Select Product Variants Product Variant Suggestion POS Orderlist Filter Point of Sale Orderlist Filter Orderlist Filter in POS Order list Filter Point of Sale Order list Filter Order list Filter In POS SO from POS Sale order from POS Sale order from Point of Sale SO from Point of Sale Quotation form POS Quotation form Point of Sale Generate Sale Order from POS Generate Quotation from POS POS Product Suggestion POS Related Products Point of Sale Product Suggestion Pos Recommended products Dsiplay Related Product POS Product Weight and Volume POS Product Weight POS Product Volume POS Product Volume information POS Product Weight Information POS Product Weight Details POS Product Volume Details Point Of Sale Secondary Unit Of Measure POS multiple UOM POS multiple Unit of Measure Product Unit of Measure Multiple Unit of Measure POS Portal Portal POS Point of Sale Portal Portal Point of Sale POS Product Bundle Sale Combo Combo of Product Bundle of products Pack of Products Combine two or more Products in POS Access Rights in POS POS Access Rights Disable Discount Button Disable Price Button Disable Plus minus Button Disable Payment Button Restrict Numpad Auto Lock POS POS Screen Auto Lock Auto Lock Screen POS Session Lock Auto Lock POS Bag Charges POS Carry Bag Charges POS Carry Bag Option Bag Charges Carry Bag Charges Carry Bag Option POS Bag Size Option Add Bag Charges Add Carry Bag Charges Cancel POS Orders Cancel Point of Sale Order POS Order Cancellation Cancel Order Delet POS Order POS Chatter Add Chatter in POS Add Chatter in Point of Sale Point of Sale Chatter Chatter History POS Chatbot Point of Sale Chatbot POS Item Counter Item Counter Point of Sale Product Counter POS Product Couter POS Item Calculator POS Product Count POS Default Customer Point of Sale Default Customer POS Default Invoice Point of Sale Default Invoice Point of Sale Default Customer Invoice POS Default Customer Invoice POS Bydefault Customer POS Bydefault Invoice POS Login POS Direct Login POS Signin POS Direct Sign in POS Keyboard Shortcut Custom Keyboard POS Custom Keyboard POS Shortcut Key Access POS Shortcut POS Pricelist POS Logo Point of Sale Logo POS Custom Logo POS Notes POS Line Notes Point of Sale Order Line Notes Point of Sale Order List POS Remove Cart Item Point of Sale Remove Cart Item Point of Sale Cart Item Remove POS Item Remove POS Clear Cart POS Delet Cart Item POS Cart Clear Remove Cart Item POS Rounding POS Rounding Amount POS Rounding Enable Point of Sale Rounding Cash Rounding Rounding Payment Rounding Rounding Off POS Customisation POS Customization Point of Sale Customization POS Stock Display POS Stock Quantity POS on Hand Quantity POS Inventory Stock Quantity POS Forecasted Quantity POS Incoming Quanity POS Whatsapp Integration Whatsapp Inetegration Point of Sale Whatsapp Integration POS Own Customer POS Specific customer Salesperson specific customer POS Special Customer User Own Customer POS User Own Customer POS User wise Customer POS Own Product POS Specific Product POS User Specific Product POS User own Product POS Saleperson Specific Product POS Product Tags Point of Sale Product Tags POS Product Search by Tags POS Tags Search Product Tags Search Auto Validate Point of Sale POS Auto Validate Auto Validate Auto POS Session Auto Validate POS Session POS Order Product Template Product Custom Template POS Product Template Build POS Product Multiple Template POS Product Variants POS Product Multiple Variants Merge Categories POS Categories Merge POS Merge Categories Point of Sale Discount POS Custom Discount POS Sale Line Discount POS Discount Odoo POS Receipt With Discount Employee Discount POS Employee Discount Product Code POS Product Code MAnage Product Code Product Quantity Pack Product Pack Product Package Product Bundle Product Combo POS Product Pack Customize Product Pack Customize Product Bundle POS Section Point of Sale Label POS Order Label POS Category POint of Sale Cart Line Label POS Cart Line LAbel POS exchange POS Return and exchange POS Order Exchange Point of Sale Order Exchange Point of Sale Order Return Manage Return Manage Exchange POS Product Return POS Product Exchange POS Product Return Odoo POS Refund POS All in one pos all in one pos point of sale all in one point of sale Odoo What Is a Retail POS Solution What Is a Retail Point Of Sale Solution Retail POS System Retail Point Of Sale System Retail Point of Sale Software Retail POS Software Top Retail POS Systems Top Retail Point Of Sale Systems Best Retail POS Best Point Of Sale Retail Best Retail Point Of Sale POS All In One Point of sales All In One POS Responsive POS Order History POS Order List POS Bundle POS Signature POS Keyboard Shortcut POS Direct Login POS Toppings POS Orders With Type POS Order Type

Point of Sale Retail Shop| POS Retail Shop| All In One POS Retail
Softhealer Technologies
5 232

All In One POS Access Management App for setting the correct access rights for various pos features like related to order, product, customer, payment etc. All in one pos access management App. pos cashier access rights | pos manager access | pos cashier access | pos waiter access | pos floor access | pos category access | pos restrict category, pos hide category, pos restrict floors, pos hide floors, pos restrict payment method, pos hide payment method, pos restrict create order, restrict delete order, hide numpad, hide qty, hide discount, hide customer note, hide refund button, hide split button, hide quotation, restrict customer update, hide customer button, hide actions, hide cash in out , hide close pos button, hide debug window, remove debug window, POS user roles setup, POS access roles setup Simplify Access Management | Manage - Hide Menu, Submenu, Fields, Action, Reports, Views, | Restrict/Read-Only User, Apps, Fields, Export, Archive, Actions, Views, Reports, Delete items | Manage Access rights from one place | Hide Tabs and buttons | Multi Company supported. Access rules setup, Easy access rights setup, Hide Any Menu, Any Field, Any Report, Any Button, Easy To Configure, Access group management, Access organizational structure, Odoo user rights, User security roles, readonly whole system, Access Rights Manager, Advanced Users Access, Advanced Users Access Rights, Advanced Users Access Rights Manager, Access Manager Ninja, User Activity Log, User Activity Audit, Session Management, Record Log, Activity Traces, Login Notification, User Activity Record, Record History, Login History, Login location, Login IP' Our odoo Point of Sale split bill module allows the user to split orders by persons. You can split the order and get reciespt of the splited amount. POS split bill | split by person | split order | split invoice | pos split invoice | devide amount in group | split by group Point of sale split bill | split bill on point of sale | pos restaurant split table | pos split restaurant table Odoo POS Split Bill | Point of Sale Split Order |Invoice Splitting in Odoo | Split Payment POS Module | POS Order Split by Persons | Bill Splitting and Invoicing | Splitting Orders by Customers |POS Multi-Invoice Generation | Odoo POS Split Amounts | Separate Invoicing for Split Orders Odoo POS Multiple Payments | POS Bill Sharing|Split Bill by Items|POS Invoice Distribution|Dividing POS Orders|Share Expenses in POS|POS Check Splitting|Multiple Invoices from POS Orders POS Payment Allocation|Odoo POS Group Payment|Retail POS System | Retail Point Of Sale System | POS table orders merge | POS merge tables | Order list merge | POS order management | POS table management Merge Orders from pos | Merge multiple pos table orders into single table | POS table management |Order list merge Merge multiple orders in single order from pos| Merge multiple table orders into single order in restuarant pos | You can process multiple table's order in single table POS table orders merge | POS merge tables | Order list merge | POS order management | POS table merge Delight POS theme | Advanced POS theme | Theme POS | Odoo POS theme | Shopon POS | Multipurpose odoo pos theme | point of sale theme | ShopOn POS | POS restaurant theme | POS theme | all in one pos | pos layout |pos order| pos cash in cashout| pos order| pos visibility control| product suggestion|Odoo POS customization |New customized pos theme for the modern generation | POS Brand New User Interface| Redesigned Look for POS | New Look and Features to existing POS Design| Gen X | Design |Custom POS theme |Retail POS system |POS customization | POS theme in Odoo | POS Dashboard | POS Mobile interface | POS tablet interface | POS Theme for Odoo | Mobile POS Theme for Odoo | Responsive Point of Sale Theme |Touchscreen POS Theme for Odoo | Modern POS Theme for | POS User friendly ui| Easy to Use POS Theme for Odoo | Optimized POS Theme for Odoo | Lightweight POS Theme for Odoo | Professional POS Theme for Odoo|Multi-Device POS Theme |Responsive POS Theme with Color Flexibility|Flexible POS Theme for All Devices |Colorful POS Theme for Any Device|Mobile-Friendly POS Theme |Touchscreen POS Theme with Custom Colors Modern POS Theme with Unlimited Color Options | Professional POS Theme for Any Device|Easy to Use POS Theme with Color Customization | Retail Point Of Sale | Retail POS System | Retail Point Of Sale System | POS table orders merge | POS merge tables | Order list merge | POS order management | POS table management dashboard ninja | shopify | magento | woocommerce | amazon | all in one pos | theme POS Extra Access Rights Restrict Access Point Of Sale POS Disable Customer Button POS Deny Numpad POS Restrict Plus-Minus Buttons POS Disable Quantity Button POS Discount Disable POS Payment Button Disable POS Disable Price POS Access Rights Odoo Restrict Access Point Of Sale POS Disable Customer Button POS Deny Numpad POS Restrict Plus-Minus Buttons POS Disable Quantity Button POS Discount Disable POS Payment Button Disable POS Disable Pric POS Access Rights For Cashier Odoo Point of sales access rights on pos access rights on point of sale access rights pos access rule pos disable button pos disable access allow and disable pos access pos disable payment pos disable qty pos disable price pos disable discount pos hide button. This module helps you to Allow / Disable payments, decrease qty order line, discount button, removing order line, edit price button, select customer button in POS.

Simplify Pos Access Management | POS access rights | POS user access setup
Terabits Technolab

POS User Permissions Access Control for Point of Sale User Roles in POS Security Settings for POS Role-Based POS Access Point of Sale Authorization User Privileges for POS Access Rights Configuration Role-Based POS Restrictions POS User Access Management POS User Security Permission Levels in Point of Sale POS User Role Assignment Secure POS Access Customizable Access Controls for POS POS Extra Access Rights Restrict Access Point Of Sale POS Disable Customer Button POS Deny Numpad POS Restrict Plus-Minus Buttons POS Disable Quantity Button POS Discount Disable POS Payment Button Disable POS Disable Price POS Access Rights Odoo

Point Of Sale Access Rights
Softhealer Technologies

POS all in one features pos Reorder pos Reprint pos Coupon Discount pos Order Return POS Stock pos gift pos order all pos all features pos discount pos order list print pos receipt pos item count retail pos retail import sale from pos create quote from pos

All in One POS Features in Odoo
15 387

POS Order Discount Sales Discount Management Discount Application in POS In-Store Order Discounts Flexible Discount Options Discount Codes for POS POS Discount Promotions Real-time Discount Calculation Automatic Discounting in POS Customizable Discount Rules Discount per Order in POS Discounting at Checkout Dynamic Order Discounting Discount on Point of Sale Orders Discount Authorization in POS Product Discount Point Of Sale Discount Point Of Sale Order Line Discount POS Custom Discount Point Of Sale Global Discount Point Of Sale Line Discount POS Line Discount POS Global Discount POS Order Discount POS Order Line Discount Odoo Discount POS Discount in POS Discount In Point of Sales Trade Discounts Fixed Discounts Cash Discounts Threshold Discounts Percentage Discounts Set Discounts Manage Discounts Offer Discounts POS Discounts Discount On Sale Orders Discount On Sales Orders Discount On POS Orders Discount On Point Of Sale Orders

Point Of Sale Order Discount
Softhealer Technologies

Restrict Access Point Of Sale POS Disable Customer Button POS Deny Numpad POS Restrict Plus-Minus Buttons POS Disable Quantity Button POS Discount Disable POS Payment Button Disable POS Disable Pric POS Access Rights For Cashier Odoo

Point Of Sale Access Rights - Change Cashier Supported | Point Of Sale Access Rights | Different Access Rights For Employee | Access Rights For Cashier
Softhealer Technologies

Point of Sale Discounted Price pos Price show and actual price in pos show discount in pos price in pos pricelist price display pos order discounte discount per product base discount display line discount display in show price price discounte show price in receipt show price line price discounted pricelist detail pricelist price pos display price pos display pricelist pos display pos receipt pos discount pos discounted pricelist disocunt

Point of Sale Discounted Price

POS hide Features POS Access rights pos Disable Payment disable Qty pos Discount pos disable price pos restric pos Limitations pos Disable pos enabled POS deny pos hide features pos permissions pos user pos extra

Allow/Disable POS Features Point of Sales Access rights POS Restrict User staff permissions

POS Buy X Get Y Free POS Fixed Discount POS Percentage Discount POS Promotions POS Discount Promotions POS Buy 1 get 1 free POS buy one get one free pos coupon discount pos product discount pos free product discount pos product offer pos discount offer

POS Buy1 Get1 Free Offers -POS Discount Promotions

The Module allows the POS user to create Promotions/Offers. Create multiple discount and offer free prdouct. Offer products are visible in Sale Orderlines.Odoo POS discount|Order discount|Customer discount POS|Purchase discount|Sales order discount

POS Promotional Offers & Discounts
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Point Of Sales discount on POS Discount Amount Display POS Discount Coupons POS Custom Discount pos fix discount pos offers POS Global Discount point of sales fixed POS global Discount on POS order Discount on POS Discount Coupons on pos

POS Discount Percentage and Fixed Amount in Odoo

Point Of Sales discount Coupons POS Discount pos voucher POS Promocode Discount pos bonus Coupons POS offers Discount pos Coupons discount POS promo Discount pos offer discount pos bonus pos sale discount POS Promotional

POS Gift Coupons & POS Vouchers Discount in Odoo

By default in Odoo Point of Sale, a discount is applied individually on every product instead of the total amount. Using this module seller can apply the discount on the total amount of the Sale Order.POS Order line discount|POS Orderline discount|Discount per product|POS Per product off|Odoo POS discount

POS Order Discount
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Disable POS access based on the User, Disable POS Features like Payment, Quantity, Discount, Edit Price, Remove Orderline, Manual Customer Selection and Plus and Minus qty, POS User Permissions Access Control for Point of Sale User Roles in POS Security Settings for POS, Role-Based POS Access Point of Sale Authorization User Privileges for POS Access Rights Configuration Role-Based POS Restrictions, POS User Access Management POS User Security Permission Levels in Point of Sale,POS Disable Buttons, POS Access Rights, POS Buttons Access, Allow/Disable payments, Allow/Disable add product, All In One POS Access Management, Allow/Disable delete, Allow/Disable price, Allow/Disable discount, Allow/Disable quantity, Control access to the POS payments,POS Disable Refund Button, Control access to the POS quantity, Control access to the POS delete, This apps helps you to Allow/Disable POS Features like Discount, Change Price, Payment, Quantity, Remove Orderline | Allow/Disable pos features, Restriction of POS User | POS Access Rules | Point of Sale Access Rights | Allow/Disable POS Features Point of Sales Access rightsControl access to the POS price, Control access to the POS add product POS User Role Assignment Secure POS Access Customizable Access Controls for POS POS Extra Access Rights, Restrict Access Point Of Sale POS Disable Customer Button POS Deny Numpad POS Restrict Plus-Minus Buttons, POS Disable Quantity Button POS Discount Disable POS Payment Button Disable POS Disable Price POS Access Rights Odoo.

POS User Access Rights
Khaled Hassan

Pos Discount Limit

Pos Discount Limit
Kaizen Principles

point of sale global discount line discount apply discount base on amount pos discount amount discount global discount price discount line price discount remove discount global auto calculate discount pos global discount pos line discount pos discount

Point Of Sale Discount || Point of sale Amount/Percentage discount

POS Discount Limit

POS Discount Limit | User Wise Discount Limit | Product Wise Discount Limit | Category Wise Discount Limit | Discount Limit
Creyox Technologies

POS Auto Discount on point of sale auto discount on pos product auto discount on point of sales auto discount apply automatic discount on pos discount apply product discount on pos apply product discount on point of sale product discount apply pos discount

POS Product Auto Discount

Discount limit for each employee in every point of sale

POS Discount Manager Approval
Cybrosys Techno Solutions

This module is used to limit the discount on pos product category.

POS Discount Limit & Restrict Global Discount
Cybrosys Techno Solutions