Extra Tools Apps 2397 Apps found. category: Extra Tools × version: 17.0 ×

Odoo Office 365 Connector Office 365 Connectors Office 365 with Odoo integration Odoo Office 365 Email Odoo Office 365 Connector API Office 365 Task Office 365 Mail Office 365 Contact Office 365 Calendar Office 365 Base Odoo Microsoft office 365 Connector Microsoft office 365 Connectors Microsoft office 365 Integration Microsoft office 365 Odoo Connector MS Office Connector MS Office Odoo Connector MS Office 365 Connector MS Office 365 Odoo Connector MS Office 365 Integration Office 365 Sync MS Office 365 Sync Microsoft Office 365 Sync Manage Office365 from Odoo excel odoo connector Calendar Connector Calendar Connectors Office 365 Calendar Connector MS Office 365 Calendar Connector Microsoft Office 365 Calendar Connector Office Calendar Connector Microsoft Office Calendar Connector MS Office Calendar Connector Calendar Integration Office 365 Calendar Integration MS Office 365 Calendar Integration Microsoft Office 365 Calendar Integration Office Calendar Integration MS Office Calendar Integration Microsoft Office Calendar Integration Office 365 Calendar Sync MS Office 365 Calendar Sync Microsoft Office 365 Calendar Sync Office Calendar Sync Microsoft Office Calendar Sync MS Office Calendar Sync Contact Connector Contact Connectors Office 365 Contact Connector MS Office 365 Contact Connector Microsoft Office 365 Contact Connector Office Contact Connector Microsoft Office Contact Connector MS Office Contact Connector Contact Integration Office 365 Contact Integration MS Office 365 Contact Integration Microsoft Office 365 Contact Integration Office Contact Integration MS Office Contact Integration Microsoft Office Contact Integration Office 365 Contact Sync MS Office 365 Contact Sync Microsoft Office 365 Contact Sync Office Contact Sync Microsoft Office Contact Sync MS Office Contact Sync Contacts Connector Task Connector Task Connectors Office 365 Task Connector MS Office 365 Task Connector Microsoft Office 365 Task Connector Office Task Connector Microsoft Office Task Connector MS Office Task Connector Task Integration Office 365 Task Integration MS Office 365 Task Integration Microsoft Office 365 Task Integration Office Task Integration MS Office Task Integration Microsoft Office Task Integration Office 365 Task Sync MS Office 365 Task Sync Microsoft Office 365 Task Sync Office Task Sync Microsoft Office Task Sync MS Office Task Sync Tasks Connector Mail Connector Mail Connectors Office 365 Mail Connector MS Office 365 Mail Connector Microsoft Office 365 Mail Connector Office Mail Connector Microsoft Office Mail Connector MS Office Mail Connector Mail Integration Office 365 Mail Integration MS Office 365 Mail Integration Microsoft Office 365 Mail Integration Office Mail Integration MS Office Mail Integration Microsoft Office Mail Integration Office 365 Mail Sync MS Office 365 Mail Sync Microsoft Office 365 Mail Sync Office Mail Sync Microsoft Office Mail Sync MS Office Mail Sync Mails Connector Email Connector Email Connectors Office 365 Email Connector MS Office 365 Email Connector Microsoft Office 365 Email Connector Office Email Connector Microsoft Office Email Connector MS Office Email Connector Email Integration Office 365 Email Integration MS Office 365 Email Integration Microsoft Office 365 Email Integration Office Email Integration MS Office Email Integration Microsoft Office Email Integration Office 365 Email Sync MS Office 365 Email Sync Microsoft Office 365 Email Sync Office Email Sync Microsoft Office Email Sync MS Office Email Sync Emails Connector

Office 365 - Odoo Connector
Softhealer Technologies

Report Designer allows to Create and Print various Financial and Analytical reports in MS Excel format (XLSX, XLSM)

Report Designer (XLSX, XLSM)

Committee Management, Committee Process, Committee Member, Committee Evaluation, Board, Council

Committee Management

The tool for time-based service management from booking appointments to sales and reviews. Portal reservations. Website reservations. Appointment calendar. Online bookings. Website bookings. Portal appointments. HMS Online Appointments. Booking calendar. Slot Booking. Website calendar. Book facility. Reserve room. Schedule meeting. Service Management. Rental management. Doctor appointments. Clinic appointments. Dental appointments. Beauty salon appointments. Lawyer services. Book consultations. Online lessons. Field service. Sell services. Time management. Shift management. Shifts management. Resource allocation. Resource booking. Website appointments. Reservation system. Appointment system. Scheduling system. Appointments online. Book online

Universal Appointments and Time Reservations

The tool to set up KPI targets and control their fulfillment by periods. KPI dashboards. Dashboard designer. KPI charts. Odoo dashboards. Analytic dashboards. Create dashboards. Customize dashboards. Chart Graphs. Key performance indicators. Dynamic KPIs. Smart goals.

KPI Balanced Scorecard

Configurable Workflow Engine, Workflow, Workflow Engine, Approval, Approval Engine, Approval Process, Escalation, Multi Level Approval, Automation, Workflow Automation

Workflow Engine Base

Cancel Sale Order Cancel Quotation Cancel Purchase Order Cancel Request For Quotation Cancel POS Order Cancel MRP Order Cancel Invoice Cancel Payment Cancel Stock Picking Cancel Stock Moves Odoo Cancel Inventory Cancel Landed Cost Cancel HR Expense Cancel HR Expance Cancel Multiple Records Cancel Individual Records Cancel Scrap Orders Cancel Manufacturing Orders Cancel SO Cancel Quote Cancel PO Cancel RFQ Cancel Point Of Sale Orders Cancel Bill Cancel Account Cancel Acc Delete Sale Order Delete Quotation Delete Purchase Order Delete Request For Quotation Delete POS Order Delete MRP Order Delete Invoice Delete Payment Delete Stock Picking Delete Stock Moves Odoo Delete Inventory Delete Landed Cost Delete HR Expense Delete HR Expance Delete Multiple Records Delete Individual Records Delete Scrap Orders Delete Manufacturing Orders Delete SO Delete Quote Delete PO Delete RFQ Delete Point Of Sale Orders Delete Bill Delete Account Delete Acc

All In One Cancel - Advance | All In One Cancel and Delete
Softhealer Technologies

The "Soft Restrict" feature offers a unique way to access restricted records within associated models, allowing users to read these records even when they may not have directly visible. This feature improve data accessibility and insight, providing a valuable tool for users to work with restricted data in associated models, even when it's not directly visible to them.

Advance Access Management
Terabits Technolab

Access Profile User Manager: Simplifies intricate user access management in Odoo, enabling easy customization of menu visibility, button actions, field access, and domain-specific rights without intricate technical knowledge. Comprehensive Access Control Application Unified Permissions Manager Access Rights Setup Centralized User Permissions Granular Access Management User-specific Permissions Selective Feature Visibility Easy-to-Configure Access Rules Role-based Access Controls Customizable Security Roles Visibility Control for Fields, Menus, Views Hide or Restrict Access to Features User and Group Access Management Security Roles Configuration Multi-company Support Control Panel for User Access Fine-grained Permissions Advanced User Access Rights Manage Access Across Modules Control Panel for Access Rights User Access Security Enhanced Data Security Restrict or Hide Menu Items, Fields, Buttons Access Rights Configuration Permissions Management Solution Access Control for Odoo Security Settings for Users Access Control for Models and Views User-specific Feature Restrictions Hide or Disable Menus and Reports Access Rights for Different Departments Tailored User Access Policies Field and Button Visibility Settings Role Management and Permissions Access Management Tool User Access Control Interface Centralized Permissions Dashboard Access Restrictions for Applications User Security and Access Policies Organization-wide Access Rules Permissions Setup Data Access Governance User Role Configuration Custom User Permissions Odoo Access Rights ManagerCentralize access rules, User wise access rules, Show only what is needed for users, Access rules setup, Easy access rights setup, Hide Any Menu, Any Field, Any Report, Any Button, Easy To Configure, Access group management, Access organizational structure, Odoo user rights, User security roles, readonly whole system, Access Rights Manager, Advanced Users Access, Advanced Users Access Rights, Advanced Users Access Rights Manager, Main Features:- Hide fields, Hide Buttons, Hide Tabs, Hide views, Hide Contacts, Hide Menus, Hide submenus, Hide sub-menus, Hide reports, Hide actions, Hide server actions, Hide import, Hide delete, Hide Export, Hide archive, Hide Tree view, Hide Form view, Hide Kanban view, Hide Calendar view, Hide Pivot, Hide Graph view, Hide Apps, Hide object buttons, Hide action buttons, Hide smart buttons, Readonly Any Field, read only user, readonly user, Hide create, Hide duplicate, Readonly Field, Invisible Field, Hide Chatter, Invisible Chatter, Hide group by, Hide filter, Hide filters, Chatter Hide, Control every fields, Control every views, Control every buttons, Control every actions, Restrict/Read-Only Apps, Restrict/Read-Only Fields, Restrict/Read-Only Export, Restrict/Read-Only Archive, Restrict/Read-Only Actions, Restrict/Read-Only Views, Restrict/Read-Only Reports, Restrict Delete items, Restrict Apps, Restrict Fields, Restrict Export, Restrict Archive, Restrict Actions, Restrict Views, Restrict Reports, Restrict Delete items, user access, advance user, model access rights, sales access rights,sales user permissions inventery access rights, timesheet access rights, accounting access rights, accounting user permission, invoicing access rights, purchase access rights , crm access rights , all in one access rights manager access manager Sales access Sale access Invoicing access Invoice access CRM access Inventory access Accounting access Purchase access Project access Manufacturing access Email Marketing access Timesheets access Expenses access Documents access Time Off access Recruitment access Employees access Knowledge access Maintenance access Helpdesk access Subscriptions access Quality access Quality control access Contacts access Rental access Calendar access Field Service access Social Marketing access Appraisals access Fleet access Approvals access Consolidation access Appointments access Surveys access Repairs access Referral access Attendances access Management access Shipping access VOIP access Payroll access Jobs access Lunch access Fleet access Multi Company supported. Access rules setup, Easy access rights setup, Hide Any Menu, Any Field, Any Report, Any Button, Easy To Configure, Hide fields, Hide Buttons, Hide Tabs, Hide views, Hide Contacts, Hide Menus, Hide submenus, Hide sub-menus, Hide reports, Hide actions, Hide server actions, Hide import, Hide delete, Hide archive, Hide Apps, Hide object buttons, Hide action buttons, Hide smart buttons, Readonly Any Field, read only user, readonly user, Hide create, Hide duplicate, Control every fields, Control every views, Control every buttons, Control every actions, Multi Company supported, Restrict/Read-Only User, Restrict/Read-Only Apps, Restrict/Read-Only Fields, Restrict/Read-Only Export, Restrict/Read-Only Archive, Restrict/Read-Only Actions, Restrict/Read-Only Views, Restrict/Read-Only Reports, Restrict/Read-Only Delete items, Manage Access rights from one place, Hide Tabs and buttons, Multi Company supported, Access group management, Users mass updating, Access organizational structure, Access Management System Customized Menu Access Field access control Navbar button management Chatter Access Management Report action Management Multiaction views access Role-based access control Customizable user permissions User Role Management Access Control Security Policies Multi-Factor Authentication User Provisioning Access Monitoring Access Management System module User Access Control software Access Management solution Access Control System tool Manage Access Management of user access manage access All in one access control all in one access management User wise access rules user wise access control user wise access management hide menu hide any menu hide sub menu disable menu disable submenu disable any menu invisible menu hide menus usewise hide menu user wise menu hide submenus hide menus Hide field hide fields hide any field disable fields user wise fields invisible field Read only fields hide archive disable action disable delete Hide buttons hide any buttons disable button user wise buttons invisible button Hide delete hide import hide export hide actions Hide tabs hide any tabs invisible tab Hide views hide any view hide tree view hide list view hide kanban view hide graph view hide activity view hide apps invisible views hide reports disable reports user wise reports Hide chatter disable chatter invisible chatter Access rights user access roles user security access user wise accesses access rights setup OdooAll In One POS Access Management App for setting the correct access rights for various pos features like related to order, product, customer, payment etc. All in one pos access management App. pos cashier access rights | pos manager access | pos cashier access | pos waiter access | pos floor access | pos category access | pos restrict category, pos hide category, pos restrict floors, pos hide floors, pos restrict payment method, pos hide payment method, pos restrict create order, restrict delete order, hide numpad, hide qty, hide discount, hide customer note, hide refund button, hide split button, hide quotation, restrict customer update, hide customer button, hide actions, hide cash in out , hide close pos button, hide debug window, remove debug window, POS user roles setup, POS access roles setup Manage - Hide Menu, Submenu, Fields, Action, Reports, Views, | Restrict/Read-Only User, Apps, Fields, Export, Archive, Actions, Views, Reports, Delete items | Manage Access rights from one place | Hide Tabs and buttons | Multi Company supported. Access rules setup, Easy access rights setup, Hide Any Menu, Any Field, Any Report, Any Button, Easy To Configure, Access group management, Access organizational structure, Odoo user rights, User security roles, readonly whole system, Access Rights Manager, Advanced Users Access, Advanced Users Access Rights, Advanced Users Access Rights Manager, User Activity Log, User Activity Audit, Session Management, Record Log, Activity Traces, Login Notification

Access User Access Manager

Odoo Print Direct simplifies printing by sending raw commands directly to printers like ZPL, ESCPOS, and standard ones. Odoo Direct Print | network print | thermal Print | zebra print | all in one print | label print | shipping print | invoice print | direct print | iotbox free print | printer connection | receipt printer | print directly | auto print

Print Direct : Single click Print
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Connecting ZID with Odoo ZID Connector Connect ZID with Odoo ZID Integration ZID Odoo Integration Of Odoo Partners with ZID Integration Odoo With ZID Import Customer From ZID Export Customer To ZID Import Product From ZID Export Product To ZID Import Sale Order From ZID Import Sales Order From ZID Import Sale Orders From ZID Import Quotation From ZID Import Sales From ZID Import Orders From ZID Import Customers From ZID Export Customers To ZID Import Products From ZID Export Products To ZID Connector Odoo Connector Odoo Connectors ZID Connectors Odoo ZID Connectors ZID Odoo Connectors ZID Odoo Connector,Integration Made Easy,Productivity Boost,Customer Satisfaction,Boost Your Business,Fatoorah,ZID Connector,ZID Integration,ZID Odoo Connector,ZID Solutions,ZID Technology,ZID Services,ZID Automation,ZID Business Solutions,Efficient Invoicing,Digital Invoicing,Paperless Invoicing,zakat,Simplified Invoicing,Streamlined Billing,zatca,VAT Invoicing,Business Automation,SAMA,sama,GAZT,MakkahMall,soca

ZID Odoo Integration | ZID Odoo Connector
Softhealer Technologies

Manage projects efficiently and perfectly with the unique application available in the market. Odoo Gantt View Project holds all the features to seamlessly modify the business. Gantt Native Web view,Gantt Native view for Projects,Gantt Native Exchange for Project,Gantt Native PDF Advance,Gantt Native view for MRP,Gantt Native view for Manufacture,Gantt Native view for Leave,Gantt Native view for Leave Holidays,Gantt Native,Gantt chart,Project Gantt View,Gantt view for Projects,Project Gantt Native Web View,Odoo Gantt View,Leaves Gantt View,HR Employee Holiday,Web Gantt Chart View,Web Gantt View for Project,Odoo Gantt View Manufacturing,Odoo Gantt View Time Off,Base for Gantt view,Meeting Gantt View,MRP Gantt View,Manufaturing Gantt View,Gantt View Base,Odoo Gantt View Base,Web Gantt View,Odoo Gantt,Manufacturing Gantt,Gantt View Pro,Gantt Chart Project,Odoo Project Gantt Chart,Odoo Project Gantt View,Gantt View for Project Task,Gantt chart on the web,Gantt Native Report for Project,Track Leaves,Plan Leaves,ksolves gantt view,gantt chart widget view,Web gantt view for projects,Gantt View for Project tasks,Gantt view for Project Issue,fastest Gantt chart,project management,Manage leaves,leave dependencies,Planning view,Gantt Tasks,Odoo Web Gantt chart view,Odoo Project Web Gantt Chart View,All in one Odoo gantt view,Odoo Gantt Chart, Odoo Construction, Odoo Manufacturing,Gantt chart view,Project Web Gantt,Gantt View Base module,Gantt View App,Gantt view to Odoo 16,Gantt view to Odoo 16,Odoo timeoff

Odoo Gantt View Project
Ksolves India Ltd.
8 209

Backdate Remarks Confirmation Backdate Mass Backdate Sale Order Backdate Purchase Order Backdate Custom Backdate Bill Backdate Payment Backdate Picking Backdate Scrap Backdate All Inventory Backdate All Stock Transfer Backdate all backdate Change effective date change effective dates effective date changes in effective date effective date change stock effective date change inventory effective date change in stock effective date change in inventory effective date change stock move effective date change product move effective date change incoming order effective date change delivery order effective date change internal transfer Change effective date change effective dates effective date changes in effective date effective date change sale effective dates change in sale effective date change sale order effective dates change in sale order effective dates change sales effective dates change sales orders effective dates change sale orders effective dates change quotation effective date change in SO effective date change SO Change effective date change effective dates effective date changes in effective date effective date change purchase effective date change in purchase effective date change in purchase order effective date change in PO effective date change PO Change effective date change effective dates effective date changes in effective date effective date change in account Change effective date invoice Change effective date bill Change effective date invoices Change effective date bills Change effective date debit note Change effective date credit note Change effective date in debit note Change effective date in payment Change effective date Change effective date change effective dates effective date changes in effective date effective date change mrp effective date change mrp effective date change Manufacturing effective date change stock move effective date change product move effective date change in mrp effective date change in manufacturing Odoo

All In One Backdate - Advance | Change Effective Date | Sale Backdate | Purchase Backdate | Accounting Backdate | Invoice Backdate | Inventory Backdate | MRP Backdate | Manufacturing Backdate
Softhealer Technologies

Doc report and docx report - Use MS Word template to design reports

Docx Report - Populating MS Word templates | Report Doc | Report Docx
Dev Happy

The tool to plan, share and control employees shifts in a form of weekly timetables. Work schedule. Work shift calendar. Employee working hours. Team timetables. Team shifts. Shift allocation. Employee Shift Scheduling. Shift request. Working schedule. Shift schedule. Schedule shifts. Shift rotation. Department timetables. Employee attendance. Timesheet calendar. Calendar timesheets. Weekly timesheets. Monthly timesheets. Plan attendance. Department shifts. Employee shift management. Working calendar

Flexible Timetables and Shifts

Amazon Connector, Amazon Storage Connector, S3 Connector, S3 Attachment, Attachment Connector, Amazon S3 Storage, Cloud Connector, Amazon Cloud

Store Attachment on Amazon S3

Access Management System Customized Menu Access Field access control Navbar button management Chatter Access Management Report action Management Multiaction views access Role-based access control Customizable user permissions User Role Management Access Control Security Policies Multi-Factor Authentication User Provisioning Access Monitoring Access Management System module User Access Control software Access Management solution Access Control System tool Manage Access Management of user access manage access All in one access control all in one access management User wise access rules user wise access control user wise access management hide menu hide any menu hide sub menu disable menu disable submenu disable any menu invisible menu hide menus usewise hide menu user wise menu hide submenus hide menus Hide field hide fields hide any field disable fields user wise fields invisible field Read only fields hide archive disable action disable delete Hide buttons hide any buttons disable button user wise buttons invisible button Hide delete hide import hide export hide actions Hide tabs hide any tabs invisible tab Hide views hide any view hide tree view hide list view hide kanban view hide graph view hide activity view hide apps invisible views hide reports disable reports user wise reports Hide chatter disable chatter invisible chatter Access rights user access roles user security access user wise accesses access rights setup Odoo

Access Management System
Softhealer Technologies

Show Edit Button and Save Button On Form View For Odoo 17. Show Confirmation Popup before performing any action.

Show Edit Save Button On Form View.
Sonny Huynh

any data search Easy Object Search Quick Object Find Module advance search Object Using Attributes Overall Odoo Object Search Global Model Search advance records search google search Feeds search all in one search option Odoo Advanced Search List view search List View Manager Quick Search Listview search rename column reorder Column search expand powerfull search tree view search search range search by range search by date easy search fast search dynamic search speed up micro search Odoo Smart Search Elastic search dynamic filter product search auto search automatic search quick product search optimize search better search Linear search Binary search Sequential Search Interval Search Interpolation search Global Search Menu Global Menu Search Quick Menu Search Quick Search Menu Quick Menu Access Global Menu Access Global Search Odoo Quick Search Odoo Global Search Odoo Quick Search

Global Search
Softhealer Technologies

Gantt View Odoo17, Gantt View, Gantt, Odoo17, Odoo Apps, Gantt Chart, Odoo17 Views

Gantt View Odoo17
Cybrosys Techno Solutions