Task start and end date
This app allow you to manage Equipments and Equipment Maintenance Request for Job Work order.
Construction Assets MRO Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Equipment MRO system Equipment repair Management in construction mro construction Equipment repair machine repair construction repair checklist repair material mro repair Asset Maintenance Equipment
Task and meeting sync calender Task and Calendar Meeting Synchronization Calendar Meeting Synchronization joint Synchronization calendar Joint Calendar Common Calendar for tasks and meetings one calendar for meeting tasks single calendar for tasks meeting
create task from purchase task from purchase purchase task convert purchase to task all in one task management all in one create task by sale purchase lead helpdesk Convert Purchase Order into Task products on task and purchase order add tasks from purchase order add project tasks from PO create purchase order from task Convert Purchase Order into Task convert purchase order into task Create Task from Purchase Order
Project task timer task timesheet generated based timer timesheet timer project timesheet timer watch on task start stop timer project timer project start stop timer start project task timer start task timer duration of task task start stop functionality
Task Stages, Assign User, Tasks, Stage In Progress, Automatically, Stage Canceled, User, Stage Tasks, Stage New, In Progress, Done, Canceled, Assign, Stage Done
This app will create a unique sequence code every time in project whenever new project was created.This module assigns unique sequence numbers to projects and tasks, improving tracking and searchability, unique sequence,sequencefor project, project sequence
The module introduces internal states (new, open, suspended, done) for tasks and task stages to facilitate the easy determination of task statuses.
Apps validate and approve task checklist project task subtask checklist project task subtask checklist project task checklist for tasks checklist on project task project task own checklist project checklist task checklist task delegation add checklists
Project Dashboard For Odoo16 Community And Enterprise Edition
Keep your finger on the projects pulse with this module. Featuring a dynamic progress bar, it provides a visual snapshotof project and task advancement. Toggle effortlessly betweenKanban and list views for a personalized project tracking experience.
Helps to view all documents attached to Projects/Tasks
Automatically Send Mail To Responsible User if Deadline Of Task is Today
Users Restriction For Project And Task restricts and access the users to the project and task records.
Automatic daily and weekly report.
Advanced PDF & XLS Reports for Project With Filtrations
Project Team Management
This apps helps to make project as template and make new project from the Template
Module for Minutes of Meetings and Print PDF Report.