Purchases Apps 541 Apps found. category: Purchases × price: Paid ×

odoo app allow checklist on Purchase Order, Purchase checklist approval process, Purchase checklist approve, checklist on purchase, checklist on rfq, checklist on rfq order approval,RFQ Checklist, Purchase Checklist

Purchase Checklist Approval Workflow, RFQ Checklist, Purchase Checklist
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
1 | 0

Purchase Comparison module for Odoo v10.

Purchase Comparison
Asterisk Technologies LLC
2 | 0

Purchase confirmation date purchase order confirmation date purchase force date purchase order confirmation date purchase confirmation backdate purchase confirm back date purchase backdate purchase order backdate purchase back date PO backdate on purchase

Purchase Confirmation Force Date - Back Date in Odoo
41 | 0

Confirmation date manually while confirming purchase order purchase confirm date purchase backdate confirm date purchase confirm past date backdate purchase confirm backdate purchase backdate purchase Pastdate purchase confirm past date purchase old date confirmation date pastdate backdate purchase purchase date process

Purchase Confirmation backdate, Purchase back date, Purchase Past Confirm Date
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
6 | 0

This module helps to manage/approve/renew purchase contracts , purchase contract , purchase order contract , rfq contract , quotation contract , purchase contract approval process , approve purchasing contract , approve contract purchase , order contract approval workflow , purchase contract management , vendor contract approval , supplier contract , purchase order template , vendor bill template , recurring purchases , purchase recurring , purchase order recurring , po recurring , recurring quotation , recurring rfq

Purchase Contract Management
19 | 0

Purchase Contract Management, Purchase Order, Purchase Contract, Contract Management, Service Contract, Requests for quotation, Contractors, Procurements, Vendors

Purchase Contract Management

Create purchase checklist template purchase order checklist progress request for quotation checklist PO checklist filter for purchase custom checklist for purchase invoice checklist multiple purchase orders checklist custom checklist templates for purchase

Purchase Custom Checklist

Purchase Order app customized features

Purchase Custom Kit
Seventh Dimension

"This module displays the purchase details of product in graphical views, also list the maximum 10 purchase order/receipt of each product vendor

Purchase Dashboard
Srikesh Infotech

User-friendly, detailed and flexible dashboard for purchase module | purchase order dashboard | purchase dashboard | vendor dashboard | supplier dashboard | purchase product dashboard | purchase module dashboard | PO dashboard

Purchase Dashboard
9 | 0

Purchase Dashboard, RFQ Dashboard, PO Dashboard, Request For Quotation Dashboard

Purchase Dashboard
OMAX Informatics
8 | 0

odoo app will show user wise Purchase Dashboard, Users wise Purchase dashboard, Sales kanban view, salesteam kanban, salesteam dashboard

Purchase Dashboard by Users
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
1 | 0

odoo app will generate excel graph report of 1).Top Supplier 2). Top Purchsed Products

Purchase Dashboard | Excel Dashboard
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Purchase Report, Purchase Day Wise Product Report, Purchase Weekdays Report, Purchase Weekly Report, Daily Product Purchase Report, Weekly Product Purchase Report, Weekly Purchase Report, Weekly Product Purchase Report, Weekly Product Report, Daily Purchase Report, Day Wise Purchase Report, Day Wise Product Purchase Report,

Purchase Day Wise Report || Weekdays Product Purchase Report
OMAX Informatics

Purchase order fixed footer discount.

Purchase Discount Footer
3 | 0

Added Smart button on purchase view that will take you to attached documents of the record.

Purchase Documents
Jupical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
2 | 0

odoo app allow purchase Dynamic Approval by user/gropus |odoo purchase Dynamic approval | odoo purchase user Dynamic approval | user wise approval | odoo purchase group approval, purchase double approval, purchase workflow, purchase user approval, purchase manager approval, purchase approval process

Purchase Dynamic Approval workflow, Purchase Approvals
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
3 | 0

Purchase Order Dynamic Approval on purchase double approval purchase triple approval purchase user approval PO dynamic approval dynamic purchase approval purchase multi approval purchase order multi approval purchase multiple approval RFQ multi approvals

Purchase Dynamic Approval | Purchase Multi Level Approval
4 | 0

Based on define approval rules, purchase order dynamic approvals are created and You can also define sequence of user to approve from that approvals list

Purchase Dynamic Approvals V-17 Done
3 | 0

Plugin will help to print Purchase Excel and Send to supplier, export excel, export purchase excel, export RFQ, send purchase, send purchase excel, excel, print excel, print purchase excel, generate purchase excel, xlsx report, xlsx formate, export xlsx, daynemic excel, export excel, sale excel, invoice excel.

Purchase Excel
OM Apps
11 | 0