Odoo 11 Light Materials Backend
Customised POS Interface, Works with and without Restaurant module.
Odoo 11.0 Community Backend Theme (based on Openworx Theme)
Odoo 11.0 community backend theme
Enterprise feel on Odoo Community
Odoo 11 Silent Material Theme
If you like colors,buy this theme
Enhance your Odoo experience with this completely rewritten backend theme for Odoo 11.
Odoo Backend Theme
Xao Xao Backend Theme Button Collapse Left Panel
Odoo + AdminLTE + LOVE = CooLTEve
Odoo 11 Fabric Theme
Customizable Backend Theme Based on Material Design
Fusion backend theme module provides the fascility for customize backend interface
If you a bored,try this theme
Hide Website Header Footer
Odoo 11 Light Materials Backend for Enterprise
If want more space, use this theme