Dashboard Ninja Dashboard Ninja
Create amazing reports with the powerful & smart Dashboard Ninja app for Odoo. See your business from a 360-degree angle with an interactive, engaging, and beautiful dashboard.

Ksolves - Your one-stop solution
We are available 24/7 for your service. Contact us today!


What makes
Dashboard Ninja
The ultimate time and money saving Odoo tool for your Business.

Dynamic & Animated
Reporting Dashboards
Supports 10 impressive dashboard item types for easy business data interpretation. (Tiles, Line Chart, List View, Bar Chart, Horizontal Bar Chart, Area Chart, To-do Item, Polar Area Chart, Pie Chart, & Doughnut Charts)

Real-Time Streaming Dashboard
Upgrades the data in real-time to give a 360 view of the business performance. This feature will update the data if any changes occur from the backend in real-time or after a specific interval of time.

Fluid & Flexible
Conveniently view your data over different devices such as Mobile, Desktop, or Tablet for easy access. It offers an optimized browsing experience to track business performance on the go.

Date Filter
Present data in a timely manner over a selected period in the date filter option. Select from 20 predefined date filters (Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, & more) or choose a custom date.

Download Dashboard Items
(Excel, CSV, PDF, PNG)
Exported data items can be used for offline presentations, seminars, or emails.

Export & Import Dashboards
or Specific Dashboard Items
Export an entire Dashboard or Specific Dashboard Item to a same system or different Odoo instances for saving time and effort while migrating from one system to another.

Control who can access the dashboard with a single click for robust security.

Paid Predefined Dashboards
5 Predefined dashboards are provided for different verticals of a company(Sales, CRM, Account, Inventory, & POS). Customize them as per your need.

Drill Down /
Drill Up Data
Modify the degree of details presented in a dashboard entity. Drill-down to access detailed data or drill-up to get a broader view of information.

Odoo.sh Support
Dashboard Ninja supports the Community, Enterprise, and Odoo.Sh Edition of Odoo v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, & v15.

If you have mistakenly created a dashboard item in another Dashboard, don't worry, you can duplicate/move it to your required dashboard easily with the Duplicate/Move option.

Dashboard Tile
Customize dashboard items with predefined font style, font icons or upload icons, font color, background color, and 6 predefined layouts.

Data Filtration -
Group By, Limit & Sort By
Group By, Sort By, Limit, filter condition to get desired data for any dashboard item as per your requirement.

Dashboard Item 2 List View Styles
Use the list-view item to view multi-value data sets in a grouped or ungrouped manner. Example: To see the total sales, average sales, total quotations of the top 10 sales persons.

Design Multiple Dashboards
Over a single platform, one can create as many dashboards as required to support a large number of business/department requirements.

Dashboard Personalization/Configuration
Configure the dashboard name, menu, group access, choose the sequence, and more while creating interactive presentable dashboards for your business.

Design Your Own Dashboard Layout
Design your dashboard layouts by resizing, dragging, repositioning the dashboard items, and renaming the dashboard heading for arranging all items as per your need.

View Dashboard Item Data
Users can hover over any dashboard chart and get quick access to the data from the dashboard window. By clicking on the Info Icon, the user can get every detail associated with a particular chart.

Multi - Color Themes
Beautiful, interactive, and outstanding multi-colored themes can be added to your dashboard.

Target feature helps to present clear and concise performance information without providing complex formulas or knowledge.

Unique User ID (%UID)
Filter logged-in user data using %UID in domain filter to see the results related to the logged-in user.

Authentic %MYCOMPANY Filter
Get company-oriented details by filtering the logged-in user data using this dynamic filter.

To do item
A user can keep track of his/her activities with a to-do list. To-do items can be used as a useful reminder of specific tasks.

Instant Edit Mode
A user can edit the basic information of any dashboard items instantly with Quick Edit Mode without going to the detailed edit screen.

Number Systems
Track the data in your country format with the pre-defined Number system
options (English Format, Indian Format, Colombian Peso Format, and Exact Value)

Data Values
Show/hide value on Dashboard Items to read the statistics easily for making impressive business decisions.

Monetary/ Custom Units
A user can put the Monetary value like INR, Dollar, Euro etc., over the charts using the Monetary unit type or create its own Custom unit.

Why Ksolves
You know us as the
makers of the "Dashboard Ninja",
will remember us with Odoo WooCommerce Connecter
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Invest your trust like our elite clientele did!
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Yes, our app works with Odoo Enterprise as well as Community.
Please drop email at sales@ksolves.com or raise a ticket through Odoo store itself.
When you create a dashboard, an action is created with name : Menu Name + "Action". So for example if you create a dashboard with name : Project Dashboard. Go to any user page -> Preference -> Home Action and can select action with name : Project Dashboard Action.
Yes, we do provide free support for 90 days for any queries or any bug/issue fixing.
Yes, we have provided a feature to move and duplicate any item from one dashboard to another. When you mouseover any item you will see a copy icon or click on edit icon and from top center of screen there is Actions dropdown with options to move/duplicate items.
Pretty simple, just click on Gear like icon present at top right of screen and then click on edit layout option. Now, when you mouseover any tile or chart you will see resize icon at bottom right of item using which you can resize items as per your need.
No, it is not the behaviour of Dashboard Ninja. Actually the dashboard layout changes automatically only in that case if you have customised the Dashboard Ninja via underlying code, record rule, group access or using any custom addons/themes on your server which is conflicting with Dashboard Ninja.
Please feel free to reach out to us at odoo.helpdesk@ksolves.in. So that we can debug the cause for it on your server and provide you an optimal solution for the same.
Latest Release 8.4.5
26 October, 2022- Chart sub-group by data value visibility improved.
- Item quick edit feature improvement.
Release 8.4.4
26th September, 2022- Managing the dashboard breadcrumbs after the drill-down functionality.
Release 8.4.3
4th August, 2022- Added the setting button option in mobile view to manage the edit and remove functionality of the item.
Release 8.4.2
27th July, 2022- Update the format of group by hours based on the selected time format.
- Updated the Dashboard rendering to manage the js console log warning.
Release 8.4.1
22nd June, 2022- Export item button access to users not having complete dashboard access.
Release 8.4.0
17th June, 2022- Dashboard security enhancement.
Release 8.3.9
9th June, 2022- Options to show the chart data label in value and percentage on circle type charts.
- Quick settings dropdown.
Release 8.3.8
2nd June, 2022- Minor code fixes in date filter for better code usability.
Release 8.3.7
15th APRIL, 2022- Export/Import dashboard and dashboard items bug.
- Dashboard multi-layout bug.
- Move multi Dashboard layout option in Dashboard configuration.
Release 8.3.6
15th March, 2022- Items layout while importing Dashboard Json File.
Release 8.3.5
23rd February, 2022- Change cumulative field into many2many so users can choose multiple fields to show distinct fields cumulative sum.
Release 8.3.4
16th February, 2022- Minor code change related to the Date Filter.
Release 8.3.2
30th August, 2021- Sort Order Issue On Data Type Count Earlier sorting was not performing according to the applied sort by field on data type count.
- Import Item Issue With Multiplier Lines Added Now user can import item with Multiplier lines.
- Export Issue With Exact Timezone Now user can see exact datetime on exporting listview.
- Export Issue With Decimal Value Now listview records will be exported with all decimal value.
Release 8.3.1
08th July, 2021- If in KPI Data#2 tab the date filter field is blank then applying date filter records will not affect the respective items records
Release 8.3.0
25th June, 2021- Feature-Multiplier option - Added Multiplier option for all type of items.
- Add To Do Item - Added new item TO Do type in Dashboard Ninja.
- Feature Colombian peso format - Now user can select Currency in Colombian Perso Format and can see the amount in a particular format.
- Update configuration form view - Updated the Dashboard form view for better User Experience.
- Enhancement - Change Import Dashboard functionality added Import Dashboard menu under Dashboard configuration menu.
Release 8.2.8
15th June, 2021- Custom Date filter issue with KPI data2
Release 8.2.7
04th June, 2021- Public/portal website user login issue
Release 8.2.6
21st May, 2021- Global Filter Feature - Users now can configure (create/edit/delete) global filters for any dashboard. These filters will be visible under the Filters menu on the respective Dashboard from which the user can apply these global filters on fly.
- Cumulative Feature for Bar and Line Chart - Users now can select a field as a cumulative field to be shown on the Chart. Selected Cumulative field data will be shown as cumulative sum on the chart.
- Add Pagination In List View - User now able to set record limit to see on a page in the List View Item.
- Item Click Action Update: Client Action - Now Users can configure client action on item click. This will open the client action when they click on the dashboard item.
- Update Dashboard Configuration View - Convert the editable list of Dashboard into Form View to avoid the clustering of columns on single view.
- Live Update Feature - User now can set Live Update feature on item to view the LIVE changes directly on dashboard
- Dashboard Layouts Feature - User now can create different layouts of single dashboard
- Default Template Update - Updated the default template items of Dashboard Ninja
- Item Form View Update - Updated the item form view for better User Experience
Release 8.2.5
30th March, 2021- Minor code changes related to the "Export All" feature in list view item.
Release 8.2.4
16th February, 2021- Feature - Added Pagination feature in grouped list view item.
- Feature - Added sorting feature in subgroup fields for chart item.
- Fix - Set default limit for graph item to handle load issue.
Release 8.2.3
19th January, 2021- Fix - Custom date filter issue with the date type field.
- Feature - Added a new feature in the List view (ungrouped) item, to export all records at once.
Release 8.2.2
18th December, 2020- Feature - Added Top button color option for Tile and KPI item.
- Improvement - Display selection field value instead of selection key value in the ungrouped list view.
- Feature - Added the Number Formatter for displaying English, Indian and Exact value of the digits.
Release 8.2.1
19th November, 2020- Fix - Custom date filter issue with the date type field.
- Minor code changes related to the count data type for chart item.
Release 8.2.0
21st September, 2020- Minor code changes related to date filter field.
- Improvement - Add default action context in action.
- Minor code changes related to date type field in the ungrouped list view.
- Minor Code changes related to the sorting functionality.
Release 8.1.8
24th August, 2020- Minor code fix related to the model field.
Release 8.1.7
20th August, 2020- Improvement - Save as image background view in chart items.
- Fix date filter issue related to the user timezone.
Release 8.1.6
09th July, 2020- Domain record click issue form the item view.
- All-Time date filter changing issue after configure dashboard date filter.
Release 8.1.5
01st July, 2020- Update Same Period Previous Years limit from last 10 years to 100 years.
Release 8.1.4
09th June, 2020- Feature - Added Month-Year date filter aggregation in Group by Date.
- Fix - Minor bug fix related to KPI target.
Release 8.1.3
21st May, 2020- Feature - Added Month-Year date filter aggregation in Group by Date.
- Fix - Minor bug fix related to KPI target.
- Fix - Minor bug fix related to KPI target.
- Fix - Minor bug fix related to KPI target.
- Fix - Minor bug fix related to KPI target.
Release 8.1.2
03rd April, 2020- jsPDF Library issue (removing Save as PDF feature for Chart Items).
Release 8.1.1
02nd April, 2020- Minor code changes in list view drill down feature.
Release 8.1.0
25th March, 2020- Fixed UI Issues for Right-To-Left(RTL) Languages.
Release 8.0.0
13th March, 2020- Feature - Optimization of code decreasing loading time.
- Feature - Added New date filters (Past Till Now, Past Excluding Today, Future Starting Now, Future Starting Tomorrow).
- Feature - Configuration For Hiding and Showing Legends on Chart Items.
- Feature - Added Fill temporal value.
Release 7.0.6
24th January, 2020- Minor code changes of chart measure field in Quick Edit View.
Release 7.0.5
11th January, 2020- Minor code changes in Quick Edit View.
Release 7.0.4
2nd January, 2020- Allowed Item stretching till max width.
Release 7.0.3
31st December, 2019- Minor bug fix related to the import item.
Release 7.0.2
23rd December, 2019- Minor code changes (added groups name in xml view).
Release 7.0.1
19th December, 2019- Minor bug fix related the subgroup by.
Release 7.0.0
12th December, 2019- Feature - Drill down feature in grouped list view.
- Feature - Sorting and record limit in drill down.
- Feature - Allow users to Include/Compare their data with Previous Years by Same Period Previous Years option of all item.
- Feature - Use of %MYCOMPANY in domain filter to filter logged in user company data.
- Feature - Pagination in ungrouped list View.
- Feature - Option to enable and disable data for items.
- Feature - Allow user to export and import each item.
- Improvement - Computed Fields in ungrouped List View.
- Improvement - Add Drill Up text and increase size of drill up button.
- Improvement - List view row alternate colors.
- Fix - Minor bug of color picker for compatibility with List View Manager.
Release 6.3.5
05th December, 2019- Minor bug of color picker for compatibility with List View Manager.
Release 6.3.4
22nd November, 2019- Minor bug fix related to domain filter.
Release 6.3.3
20th November, 2019- Minor bug fix related to translation
Release 6.3.2
08th November, 2019- Minor bug fix related to drill down.
Release 6.3.1
01st November, 2019- Item position issue when changing company.
- Reset item update interval issue when saving layout.
Release 6.3.0
31st October, 2019- "Send by Email" issue in Safari browser.
Release 6.1.2
25th October, 2019- Import/export issue for custom field.
Release 6.1.1
17th October, 2019- Feature - Ability to add custom unit and currency symbol on tooltip and legends.
- Fix - Mobile view issue.
- Fix - Minor bug related to date filter.
- Fix - Minor bug related import Dashboard.
Release 6.1.0
12th October, 2019- Feature - Target and deviation in grouped list view item.
- Fix - Minor bug related to selection field.
Release 6.0.2
17th September, 2019- Minor code fix related to Datalabels
- Minor code fix related to Item Update Interval.
Release 6.0.1
13th September, 2019- Minor code fix related to Grouping on Date Type field use case.
Release 6.0.0
12th September, 2019- Feature - Drill down on Chart Items.
- Feature - Item Action to open particular view after viewing item information (can select any particular action).
- Feature - Show Data Value Option for charts items (Data values) to show data values permanently.
- Enhancement - Date filter show changes on the fly.
- Enhancement - Show all possible field types in Group By and Subgroup By field selection for items.
- Feature - Added two more date filter aggregation in Group by Date and Sub Group By Date : Hour and Minute.
- Enhancement - Now user can set Single Item Refresh Interval instead of Dashboard in item configuration.
- Feature - Easily re-arrange dashboard menu using Menu Sequence from Dashboard Configuration.
- Enhancement - Removed the dependency of Sales Module from our app.
- Enhancement - Now using Odoo default Date-picker in Dashboard Date Custom Filter Selection.
- Enhancement - Now user can view item list of Dashboard/Dashboards and can delete/move/duplicate group of items at Once using List Action.
- Feature - Allow users to Include/Compare their data with Previous Period by Include Period option.
- Feature - Allow users to Include/Compare their data with Previous Years by Same Period Previous Years option.
- Enhancement - Now user can view Global Target. line on their chart in Sub Group Case when grouped on Date type field.
Release 5.3.2
29th August, 2019- Tile and Kpi item data calculation with Multi-Company Support.
Release 5.3.1
24th August, 2019- Added thousand decimal separator on Target and Percentage values of KPI
Release 5.3.0
22nd August, 2019- Performance Enhancement - We have skipped the aggregation over computed fields in record field for Tile and KPI item types to increase performance of item loading.
- 5 new Date Filter options provided : Next Day, Next Week, Next Month, Next Quarter and Next Year.
Release 5.2.0
20th August, 2019- Dashboard Ninja compatibility issue with Backend Theme where dashboard page was hidden behind app drawer.
- Dashboard Ninja now works with Microsoft Edge.
Release 5.1.0
01st August, 2019- Enhancement: Thousand Decimal Separator on Axis for Chart Items
- Enhancement: Clicking on Full setting in quick edit Mode will open item form page in editable mode.
- Enhancement: Viewing Dashboard item information should carry forward the date filter in Odoo list view.
- Fixed : Empty dashboard with Auto Refresh timer set was giving js error.
- Fixed: Selection Field translation was not working on the Dashboard.
- Complete dashboard screen will be scrollable now in mobile view.
- Fixed : Selection of "Last Day" in date filter giving error on last day of month.
Release 5.0.0
26th July, 2019- New Dashboard Item type - KPI card with comparison to Target & Previous period
- New Dashboard Item type - KPI card with comparison to Target & Previous period
- New Axis for line chart if used with Bar chart
- Fixed : Empty dashboard with Auto Refresh timer set was giving js error
- Group by with Selection type fields.
- 6 tiles can be places in a row which were 4 previously.
- Renamed date filter option from None to All Time on dashboard.
- Removed edit layout button in mobile view.
- Datetime field in list view as per local timezone & Date Time settings.
Release 4.0.0
12th July, 2019- Configure Dashboard Items easily using Quick Edit Mode
- Target feature provided to set targets on Bar Chart, Area Chart, Line Chart, & Horizontal Chart
- Feature provided to consolidate data by Group By and Sub Group By
- Feature to add thousands separator in the Charts and List View Dashboard Items (example 1,000,000.00).
- Ease to change parent menu of a particular Dashboard even after initial creation of the Dashboard. This is not applicable on default Dashboard.
- A particular month's comparison with the same month of last year using Sub Group By
- 20 Date Filter options provided like This Month, Last Year, etc.
- Feature provided to set Date Filter on Dashboard Items individually. This overrides overall Dashboard Date Filter for that item
- Feature to make your Doughnut and Pie chart into Semi-Doughnut and Semi-Pie chart.
- Renamed Dashboard Manager menu to Dashboards and placed it under Configuration menu.
- Added Dashboard Ninja module icon to the app docker.
- Revamped the view of Dashboard Item creation window.
Release 3.3.0
28th June, 2019- New Dashboard Item type - Stacked bar chart
- New Dashboard Item type - Horizontal & Vertical bar chart
- Export and Import complete dashboards between different databases
- Added a field Line Measure that will show line in bar chart
- Two list view type Feature provided: Grouped, Ungrouped
- Use of %UID in domain filter to filter logged in user data
- Ability to display maximum 3 charts in one row
- Feature provided to set Date Filter on Dashboard Items individually. This overrides overall Dashboard Date Filter for that item
All Features

Dynamic & Animated Reporting Dashboards

Streaming Dashboard

Responsive: Fluid
& Flexible Layout

Date Filter

Download Dashboard Items (Excel, CSV, PDF, PNG)

Export & Import Dashboards or Specific Dashboard Items



Drill Down/
Drill Up Data

Odoo.sh Support

Move Dashboard

Dashboard Tile Items

Data Filtration -
Group By, Limit & Sort By

Dashboard Item -
2 List View Styles

Design Multiple

Dashboard Personalization

Personalized & Interactive Dashboard Layouts

View Dashboard
Item Data


Set Targets

Unique User


To do item

Edit Mode


Data Values

Custom Units




Free 90 Days Support
Ksolves will provide FREE 90 days support for any doubt, queries, and bug fixing (excluding data recovery) or any type of issues related to this module. This is applicable from the date of purchase.
Note Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS
Ksolves Suggested Apps

Ksolves Odoo Services

Odoo Proprietary License v1.0 This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed, modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file). You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example: LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one). It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software or modified copies of the Software. The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
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Any abuse of this reporting system will be penalizedIt is very good module and provide a quick Matrix review
Hi Andy,
Thank you for the 5 star rating & encouraging feedback.
Look forward to a long-term association. We would request you to explore the latest offerings from Ksolves and share your valuable reviews.
Team Ksolves
Best Dashboard
Re: Best Dashboard
Hi Bigard,
Thank you for the 5 star rating & encouraging feedback.
Look forward to a long-term association. We would request you to explore the latest offerings from Ksolves and share your valuable reviews.
Team Ksolves !
Hello Augusto !
Thanking you for Five Star Ratings !
We request you to explore Ksolves latest Apps & Themes - upgrade and grow your business to next level. We look forward with your valuable reviews & ratings on it !
Team Ksolves !
I purchases this module a year ago. and I found difficulty, contact the support and they still support and help me to troubleshoot and with fast response.
What great after sale service. and great dashboard module. thanks
Hello Herru !
Thanking you for Five Star ratings & encouraging feedback ! We look forward with your long-term association and would like to request you to explore Ksolves latest offerings - share your valuable reviews.
Team Ksolves !
Just the perfect odoo dashboard ....
One of the best odoo dashboard out there if it isn't the best one. Great support team. It has been great working with Ksolves team. would definitely recommend their apps.
amazing tool
With this solution, we can create any kind of dashboard....for sure one of the best apps available in the odoo store...Thanks, Ksolves
Good , useful & Powerful tool
its very good tool that allow you to create a very useful Reports and create dynamic charts & reports based on your needs adding to that very good support team. Husam Obaid Engineering Solutions Company www.escoiq.com
Maybe the Dashboard you can get on ODOO APP Store + grandios Support
Hi @ all. We tested about 3 Dashboards in the odoo Store. But we could say the Ksolves Dashboard is wort every penny. You can configure everthing you would dream. And if something is missing. Ksolves can do it for you and offers a discount rate. Thanks Ksolves for supporting us.
The best Dashboard ever use
i really loved your dashboard, so beautiful and PRO , i really like 2 things , the Dashboard and your support , i had so many question and your support answered me in less than 5 minutes , the whole team is wonderful especially Shivani. thank you Ksolves India , and thank you Shivani for your wonderful support. i will buy others application that you have made , because im sure i will be happy again.
Why i have to buy it over and over again
You should really reduce the cost of your product since customers have to buy it again for V13 It is really disappointing to buy it again since i have purchased it 03 month ago. But i have to admit. it is really a good product
Re: Why i have to buy it over and over again
Hi Yousri, thanks for your query and apologies for the late response. Unfortunately, it's the Odoo pricing policy, we can not do anything. We suggest you to please enquire the same with Odoo Support. Moreover, In case of any other concerns, please feel free to get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Still errors also on demo server
The modul is great, but from the beginning the model has a big bug. If you go to sale order and want to send the order with "SEND BY MAIL" then a Odoo error is coming up. They have never fixed it and it is still today also on the demo server. I have wrote 3 times a support ticket without any fix. I hope this helps to improve the quality.
Re: Still errors also on demo server
Hi Thiemo, thanks for your query, In response to your query, our module doesn't have any dependency on the Sales module, hence our module is not responsible for the error coming in the Sale Order Form view. Moreover, we have checked our demo server as well there is no error coming on the "Send by Email" button in the Sale order Form view. If you are encountering this error on your server then this is due to some other customized sale module you might have installed on your system. We would love to assist you on the same and would require some more details so that we can serve you with the solution, please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Great module and even better support!
Like Asad already mentoined, this is an awesome dashboard module with a lot of features to fulfill all our business reports need! We also had some additional requirements and communication with Shivani from Ksolves was swift, friendly and they took our comments seriously! A very good team to work with and a very decent module! They also keep updating it, even the ODOO 10 version :) So thank you for the module and service provided!
Great Module | Great Support Team
This Dashboard module is by far the most versatile App available for Odoo. It fulfills almost all of my Dashboard needs for Sales, Purchases and PoS. A few requirements were missing initially and I contacted the KSolves team and they were really kind enough to fulfill those for me in no time. Very professional support staff especially "Shivani"; her follow-up skills are just perfect incase of any issues/queries.
i would give another five if i could
Best add-on i ever used
Its working exactly i was expecting !
Its working exactly i was expecting ! all features are really helpful. looking for more updates with more features.
By far the best Dashboard module for Odoo
I just want to pass my compliments to the Ksolves team for making a great module. I have tested several apps to create visual dashboards in Odoo (v11), this is the only one that checks all the boxes. Very well designed, flexible and easy to use. Not only the module is great, the Ksolves team is very quick to reply to any query I have sent them, and they release new features in no-time. Even ahead of estimate in my case. If you're in the market for a Dashboard module for Odoo, this would be an excellent choice.
Wonderful Dashboard
Was looking a product like this for long. Made my life a lot easier. Very impressed. Keep it up.
Stable operation, quick support
Stable operation, quick support. Hope to have more options to customize color display on dashboard!
Re: Stable operation, quick support
Hi Thuy, thanks for the appreciations! Sure, we've planned for the same in our app's future updates, we will update you once the same will be LIVE. In case of any further query, please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
does not work in
Internet Explorer Microsoft Edge
Re: does not work in
Hello Manuel, we apologize for the issue being faced. Please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com with the screenshot so that communication and detail sharing would be faster. We will definitely get back to you asap with solution. Thanks!
Adding Additional Models in Version 10
Hello, I have been able to install the app on my Odoo 10 Database. I have been able to create a couple of dashboards and the resut is very nice. However, while trying to add additional dashboards I disovered that there are only 160 Models from which dashboards could be built. Please, I would like to know if it is possible to add more Models from where I could then build more dashboards. Thanks
Re: Adding Additional Models in Version 10
Hi Raheem, thanks for your query. We have not restricted the Models to 160, it is Odoo default behaviour for Odoo relational fields. In order to get more Models you can type the few letters from your Model name and it will start displaying your Model in the list. For example: Let's say if you type Sale, it will start displaying all sales related Models. In case of any further queries, please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Fantastic Addon! Worth every penny
The Ksolves team is very responsive and accommodating, providing support and features in a timely manner. These dashboards have become a key component in our day to day workflow. Thank you
Excellent Features, Very Useful, Easy to configure
Thanks for the great effort!
Suggestion to separate sale dependency
Since some clients (like us) do not install sale modules.
Re: Suggestion to separate sale dependency
Hi Henry, thanks for the review and suggestion. Coming to your suggestion, initially, we thought to provide customers with predefined sales dashboard for their ease but considering your point soon we will separate it in a different app. Thanks!
It's pretty good, but still have some issues needs solution
I want to create a line-chart to show total number of expense in each month of last year, but the month showed in x-axis are disordered even if I chose sort_by_field(create_date) and sort_order(ascending), any solutions?
Re: It's pretty good, but still have some issues needs solution
Hi Toppwork, apologize for the issue being faced. Please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com with a screenshot of the problem you are facing. We would get it resolved for you ASAP. Thanks!
One of the best dashboard apps available
Brilliant work. It makes the Odoo platform come together in a very meaningful way. With continuous & regular feature updates, this will be the 'go to' dashboard app for the platform.
Re: One of the best dashboard apps available
Hi Abid, thanks for such a glowing review. We really appreciate having you onboard as a Dashboard Ninja customer. Thanks, Ksolves
Useful application with great performance
It saved me lot of time for expected output.
Re: Useful application with great performance
Hello Jermy,
Thanks for sharing the encouraging feedback.
Yes, we also look forward to a long-term association & serve you with future assignments up to the mark.
Team Ksolves!
How to remember state
I face issue when I click back on the bread crumb after drill-down, the view loses its sate of selected filters etc.
How can I achieve this with dashboard ninja?
Thank you
Re: How to remember state
Hi Team Citco Germany, Thanks for reaching out to us. Please write an email to odoo.helpdesk@ksolves.in or sales@ksolves.com with a screenshot or screen recording showing the error you are facing, so that we can check the cause of the issue and provide you the optimal solution at priority. Regards, Team Ksolves!
Great Addons , and great Support from Developer
i just got problem and the response from developer are so great
Re: Great Addons , and great Support from Developer
Hello Fitri,
Thanks for you comment. It will be great if you can provide Rating on our app.
We request you to try our other apps & themes, we are confident that it will add value to your business & help to grow your business.
Ksolves !
Every time I click on the graphic detail, when I go back to the graphics it loses the filter I had applied.
I have your module and I have a question:
Every time I click on the graphic detail, when I go back to the graphics it loses the filter I had applied.
It is possible to keep the filter back (in the case customized by date). or Create a new tab with the detail so as not to lose the filters and the position of the chart I'm in?
Hi, do you have a demo online?
RE: RE: UTC User
I have sent an email from gabriel.sanchez.soft@gmail.com, but he has not responded.
RE: UTC User
Hello, my odoo users have set the time zone according to our country (UTC-5). However, when displaying the data for the day, dashboradninja is taking the date without considering such settings. Starting at 19 hours UTC-5, it shows us the data for the next day. It should be noted that in this case the query is made to account.invoice in its date_invoice field, which is not datetime. I confirm again that the users have set the time zone correctly.
Re: RE: UTC User
Thanks for sharing your concern again with us, it would be helpful for us to assist you via a quick call or email, if possible, please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com so that we shall guide you a way forward.
Looking forward to your kind response at the earliest.
Team Ksolves!
UTC User
Please I need to know how to make the module respect the user's time zone.
I have configured in Peru (UTC-5) an item that shows the sales of the day; but at 7:00 p.m. it no longer shows me information, since it is working with (UTC 0)
Re: UTC User
Hi Gabriel,
Thanks for sharing your concern with us. In regards to it, Dashboard Ninja follows the Odoo user time zone. If your Odoo user time zone is GMT +07, then Dashboard Ninja work excepted. You just need to change your Odoo user timezone to GMT +07. Please follow>> Go to User Preference > Select "Timezone" > Click "Save".
Hope your concern has been addressed!
In case of any further queries, please feel free to share with us at sales@ksolves.com
Team Ksolves!
Domain filter
Helo, can we filter current user (tasks) in domain filter? (the example below throw error)
Re: Domain filter
Hi there, thanks for buying our app, PFB our reply to your query.
have same problem with :
Hello Support,
I want to filter the "Date Filter Field" but is out of time zone.
Server is GMT, and client is GMT + 7, as a result I have more data for this month + 7 hours earlier.
How to use right?
Thanks for sharing your concern with us. In regards to it, Dashboard Ninja follows the Odoo user time zone. If your Odoo user time zone is GMT +07, then Dashboard Ninja work excepted. You just need to change your Odoo user timezone to GMT +07. Please follow>> Go to User Preference > Select "Timezone" > Click "Save".
Hope your concern has been addressed!
In case of any further queries, please feel free to share with us at sales@ksolves.com
Team Ksolves!
Just Perfect ...
One of the best dashboards if it is not the best one. Great support team, they are very helpful and understanding. I would definitely use their apps. I wish you all the best ...
Current User Specific dashboard data
Is there any setting to be used, when we want to show dashboard results based on current login user (Not user group)? for example, the count of Order which is assigned to currently logged in user.
Re: Current User Specific dashboard data
Hi Helly, thanks for sharing your concern with us. Yes, you can have it by using the %UID in domain to get current login user data by putting this domain: [["user_id","=","%UID"]]. Hope your concern have been addressed. If you have any further queries, please feel free to share the same with us at sales@ksolves.com We would love to assist you. Thanks Ksolves!
once open any app contain in its menu dashboard but after getting this bug the system work good normally but if log out and login again to any other app contain dashboard the issue will shown again one time only with each login
Hi Islam, thanks for elaborating it. Sure, we will check this and update you for the same ASAP. Thanks!
login to my demo database https://odooerp.cf demo by email demo pass demo
Hi Islam, thanks for your response, it would be great if you can please help us in elaborating the issue that when you have encountered this so that we shall check the same and update you. Thanks!
eroor Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'createElementNS' of undefined ks_dashboard_ninja/static/lib/js/jsPDF.js:9912 Traceback: TypeError: Cannot read property 'createElementNS' of undefined at https://odooerp.cf/ks_dashboard_ninja/static/lib/js/jsPDF.js:9912:21 at https://odooerp.cf/ks_dashboard_ninja/static/lib/js/jsPDF.js:10055:2 at https://odooerp.cf/ks_dashboard_ninja/static/lib/js/jsPDF.js:4:18 at https://odooerp.cf/ks_dashboard_ninja/static/lib/js/jsPDF.js:5:2
Hi islam, thanks for sharing your concern with us, we would suggest you to please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com with the steps or the reference video of the issue so that we can dig out the concern further. Looking forward to your response. Thanks!
the menu is hidden in odoo mobile app
Hello, i have issue when browsing the model from odoo mobile app. i'm using odoo 12 ee and connected it with odoo mobile app, and for ninja, i have three dashboards, two under the dashboard menu, it's ok on desktop, but the menu not shown on mobile app.
Cannot install the module on Odoo 12
Hi Ksolves, We were trying to install this module on Odoo Enterprise 12 but encountered an error. It said "Module Not found error. no module name odoo.addon.ks.dashboard.ninja.lib" Could you help me with this issue? Thanks!
Re: Cannot install the module on Odoo 12
Hi Binh, thanks for your query and apologies for the inconvenience caused to you. Sure, we will assist you on the same. It would be great if you can please get in touch with us on sales@ksolves.com and share some more details with us so that we can immediately address your concern. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks!
use of fields text?
Can the text-type fields be used in filters and groupers? I currently only see relational fields in these options ...
Re: use of fields text?
Hi Alejandro, thanks for your query. Yes, users can group by data based on text type fields. We are providing any type of field which is stored in the database used in the group by . You can also filter data based on any type of field which is stored in the data base using our domain feature. In case of any further queries please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com It would be our honor to assist you. Thanks!
filter by POS
Hello again, can i filter with POS ? i have three pos and i need to show total items solid (count), top 10 products, total cash of current session, add a payment method ( Cach, Visa, etc) can i do this?
Re: filter by POS
Hi Raafat, thanks for your query. Yes, you can filter the item data based on POS matching using domain filter. Furthermore, we have created the POS Test" under My dashboard on our demo server to serve the solution for your queries, here is the link for the same : https://dashboardninja.kappso.com/web?#cids=1&menu_id=72 In case of any further queries please do let us know. It would be our honor to assist you. Thanks!
asking about Pre-configured
Helo, i'm purchased this addone from more than 6 months but didn't use it until now i need to use it for POS and need to know more for "Pre-configured" you mentioned, from where or how to do that?
Re: asking about Pre-configured
Hi Raafat, thanks for your query. Yes, you can avail the pre-defined templates of our app fro the below-listed links. Furthermore, these pre-defined templates are FREE of cost and have Dashboard Ninja in their dependencies, so the cost is displaying as per it. POS Dashboard Ninja: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/ks_pos_dashboard_ninja/ Sales Dashboard Ninja: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/ks_sale_dashboard_ninja/ Inventory Dashboard Ninja: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/ks_inventory_dashboard/ Account Dashboard Ninja: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/ks_account_dashboard/ In case of any further queries please do let us know. It would be our honor to assist you. Thanks!
Price issue $159.. but you charged me $176.17
Hi..You have noticed the price in $159.. but you charged me $176.17 ..SO2019/808851 pls check
Re: Price issue $159.. but you charged me $176.17
Hi MindBiz Solutions, thanks for your query. There is some glitch on website in displaying the currency as Euro. If you've noticed then after clicking "Add to Cart", it will convert the prices in dollar. Moreover, ($ 176.17 as of 2nd Jan 2020) are the current price of the app. In case of any further queries please do let us know. It would be our honor to assist you. Thanks!
Filter After Date
you can use some filter or domain for dates using date fields, for example: "before Date" or "after"
Loses Date Filter When Entering Detail and Back
Thanks for the feedback, but I used this channel again because I didn't get feedback at sales@ksolves.com. Is it another email or send again?
Re: Loses Date Filter When Entering Detail and Back
Hi Augusto, thanks for your query! We would request you to please check your email as our concern person has been in touch with you over it. In case of any further queries please do let us know. It would be our honor to assist you. Thanks!
Re: Loses Date Filter When Entering Detail and Back
Hi Augusto, thanks for your query! We would request you to please check your email as our concern person has been in touch with you over it. In case of any further queries please do let us know. It would be our honor to assist you. Thanks!
Loses Date Filter When Entering Detail and Back
Hello, I needed support regarding the problem of losing the date filter when going into the graphics detail. When you return to the main screen you return without any filter processing the entire database and all the graphs, having to re-enter the date filter. How can I resolve this item?
Re: Loses Date Filter When Entering Detail and Back
Hi Augusto, thanks for your query and for bringing this to our notice. It would be great if can please drop us an email with an attachment of the issue being faced by you as it will surely help us in serving you better. Looking forward to your response. Thanks!
Instant Report for sales to follow it
It is easy to use and it is an instant to have the Matrix or KPI comes up!
Instant Report for sales to follow it
It is easy to use and it is an instant to have the Matrix or KPI comes up!
Doubt -Sales Funnel Chart ?
Hello, all right ... do you intend to include in the chart relation the type Sales Funnel, chart focused on CRM?
Re: Doubt -Sales Funnel Chart ?
Hi, thanks for your query and for showing interest in our app. Sure, we wish to include your suggestion for our app road map. It would be great if you please share the detailed requirement with us on sales@ksolves.com so that we will get in touch with you on the same. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks!
UPDATE: Now available for Version 13 as well!
Now available for Version 13 as well!
Multi company as Selection on the Dashboard header
Provision to select Company on the Dashboard header would be required. If possible it can be a multi-select too.
Re: Multi company as Selection on the Dashboard header
Hi, thanks for your query! In response to your query, It is not certain that every dashboard item will have company I'd to filter with, so the idea for drop-down on the Dashboard header is a bit confusing. Furthermore, please drop us an email on sales@ksolves.com if you have any concerns or queries regarding the same. We shall assist you with the same. Thanks!
Starting version 13.0, every version of the module is bought separately. Please be careful when adding the product to your cart.
Is it true?
Re: Starting version 13.0, every version of the module is bought separately. Please be careful when adding the product to your cart.
Hi Henry, thanks for your query and apologies for the late response. Yes, since we have enquired the same from Odoo support itself, there have been some changes with the pricing scheme, including the fact that all the apps in V13 will be sold separately and if you wish to use that module for V12 as well then you need to purchase it again from the Odoo app store. In case of any further queries, please feel free to get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Can i use this dashboard for Custom module
Hi, Is this module compatible for the custom module? which doesn't have any sales or default sales or purchase module
Re: Can i use this dashboard for Custom module
Hi Riyad, thanks for your query. Yes, our Dashboard Ninja works well with any custom module. In case of any further queries, please feel free to get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
i cant use regular odoo export
am using odoo 10 community after install ninja dashboard module i cant use regular odoo export for all module. Tree view > Select record > action > export it changed to Dashbord export instate to export flowing error Odoo Warning - Missing Record Record does not exist or has been deleted. how can return regular export
Re: i cant use regular odoo export
Hi, thanks for your query and bringing the same to our notice. In response to your query, we would request you to please upgrade your Dashboard Ninja V10 app version to 6.0.0. as we have released this update in this version. In case of any further queries, please feel free to get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
PDF Export
Is it possible to Export to PDF all Dashboard? not item by item...
Re: PDF Export
Hi Gylmar, thanks for your query and bringing this to our notice. In response to your query, this feature is not supported in the current version of the app but we can surely implement the same if you can explain more about your requirement. Please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Hello Team, first of all thank you for this great module, my quotation is how can i make dashboard to customized screen that i add in CRM V10? waiting for your good reply
Hi Hani, thanks for your query and bringing this to our notice. We really appreciate the same. In response to your query, we assume that you wish to showcase your customized Dashboard screen on CRM module, so you just need to change the parent menu name from the Configuration view of My Dashboards, Go to My Dashboard>Configurations> From here you can define the module name on which you wish to see your Dashboard. If this is not the use case you are looking for then please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com as we would require the detailed explanation so that we can cater the same to you ASAP. Thanks!
Can it do two table comparison
I want to see all my invoice status vs stock movement status for comparison. How will can I do that.
Re: Can it do two table comparison
Hi Rjay, thanks for your query. We really appreciate your interest. In order to provide you the detailed explanation regarding your query, we would request you to please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com so that we can cater you with the requirement. Thanks!
How to see Only Product Name without Internal Reference Number is List View & Pie Chart?
Hello, In list view , Pie Charts etc, for the Model "purchase.order.line" if I select the product it shows me Product Name + Internal Reference No. This takes up a lot of space on Dashboard and its really annoying. I tried a solution as follows but I am facing some issue. Kindly guide me. In Purchase Order Lines model I need the name of the product without the Internal Reference Number as currently it shows the (Internal Reference Number+Product Name). I know that in the Model "product.template" there is a field name which is the Actual Name of the Product (minus -) the Internal Reference so this is the field I want to Display On Purchase Order Lines. So what I did was the following: 1. I created a new field in model "purchase.order.line" x_product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one('product.template') 2.Then I created another field Related Field in model "purchase.order.line" as follows: x_name = fields.Char(string='Name', related='x_product_tmpl_id.name') Now the issue is that instead of showing the Product Name its showing Blank in the columns for this field when I create a new list view; in Dash Board Ninja.
Re: How to see Only Product Name without Internal Reference Number is List View & Pie Chart?
Hi Asad, thanks for your query. In response to your query, this is not how we define related fields. If we add a new "product.template" field, it will not have any value and if we add a new related field with this newly created field it will also not have any value. If you wish to display the name from the "product.template" model then you need to relate your field to one of the existing fields that have product id. In the Invoice line model, the product is related to the "product_id" field. So we can use this field to get its related product template name. In order to achieve this, you need to add only one new field that has this value "product_id.product_tmpl_id.name" in "Related field" field. For reference, we have shared the link for the screenshot below. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Kyql08EgK8Li5EsLcSKu_Pc7swSckI3z In case of any further queries, please feel free to get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Support on Website?
Can I display my dashboards on my website?
Re: Support on Website?
Hi Rachel, thanks for your query. Yes, you can easily configure all your created dashboards on the website view by using our Dashboard Ninja's partner app "Website Dashboard Ninja" here is the link: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/12.0/ks_website_dashboard_ninja/ In case of any further queries, please feel free to get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Update for v13
Hey, since the new odoo v13 is almost here, will the update be included if I buy the module now? thanks
Re: Update for v13
Hi Herbert, thanks for your query and showing interest in our app! We really appreciate the same. In response to your query. Yes, you can buy the app now and we will surely migrate our app to Odoo version 13 as well once the Version 13 will be launched on the Odoo platform. In case of any further queries, please feel free to get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Looks promising but...
I can't figure out how to filter the dashboard for the logged in user. I tried adding %UID to the domain filter [''] and it displays zero records, although when I remove that from the domain filter, there are records assigned to my logged in user.
Re: Looks promising but...
Hi David, thanks for your query, we really appreciate the same. In response to your query 'How to filter out the dashboard for the logged-in user, you need to place the id of the user who is logged in the UID% domain. For example, if you wish to see the sale orders created by the user who is in logged in then you can simply select the field "Created by" and set equals to "%UID", it will filter out the data with respect to the logged-in user. Moreover, we have also created a Dashboard item named "Sale Orders of Logged In User" on our demo server under the Dashboard menu name "test" and Dashboard name "my dashboard". In case of further queries, please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com. We would be happy to assist you on a priority basis. Thanks!
can I add custom filters to this dashboard?
Hi Bashar, thanks for your query! Yes, our Dashboard Ninja app works well with the custom filters, you can apply the same as by adding the domain and dynamic date filters. In case of any further query, please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com. We would be happy to assist you. Thanks!
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Good Dashboards need user relevant Data
In Odoo you can filter in the domain by uid (ex: domain = "[('team_id.member_ids', 'in', uid)]" ), this is unfortunately not possible in Dashboard Ninja, which makes is difficult to show only relevant information to the user. This is really needed for good and relevant dashboards. Adding this feature would be great ! Otherwise great app with good look and feel.
Re: Good Dashboards need user relevant Data
Hi Thie, thanks for your query! Glad to know our discussion over email assisted you. In case of any further query please feel free to get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
UPDATE: Added thousand decimal separator on Target and Percentage values of KPI.
Added thousand decimal separator on Target and Percentage values of KPI. Please upgrade your app to the latest version. Thanks!
Thousand Decimal Separator
I could add Thousand Decimal Separator on KPI Items on target manual, (example 550,000,000 or 550M)
Re: Thousand Decimal Separator
Hi David, thanks for bringing this to our notice. We're working on the same and will update it by today EOD on the store as well. In case of any further query, please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Splendid Add-on
Monitoring all data from single and eye-candy screen is perfect. i get rid of preparing reports to my superiors , they can see all figures on 1 screen saved me a lot . and believe most of you will find it helpful thanks to the developers
UPDATE: Dashboard Ninja now works with Microsoft Edge!
Please upgrade your app to the latest version. Thanks!
UPDATE: User Guide for Odoo 12 is LIVE now!
Please check the User Guide tab in the description.
Training Manual
Dear Support i hope you can provide me with a training manual pls Regards, Husam
Re: Training Manual
Hi Husam, some updates are under process on the training manual. We will serve you within 48 hours for the same. We will update you on skype and here as soon it is done. Thanks!
Error During Installation - Correction
Dear Team, Kindly be informed i had a mistake in Version that i used - i used the wrong version ( used Ver 11 on Odoo 12 ) i am sorry for the wrong msg Regards, Husam
Re: Error During Installation - Correction
Hi Husam, glad to know our discussion over skype helped you. In case of any further query please get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Error During Installation
Error: Odoo Server Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 656, in _handle_exception return super(JsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 314, in _handle_exception raise pycompat.reraise(type(exception), exception, sys.exc_info()[2]) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/tools/pycompat.py", line 87, in reraise raise value File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 698, in dispatch result = self._call_function(**self.params) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 346, in _call_function return checked_call(self.db, *args, **kwargs) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/service/model.py", line 97, in wrapper return f(dbname, *args, **kwargs) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 339, in checked_call result = self.endpoint(*a, **kw) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 941, in __call__ return self.method(*args, **kw) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/http.py", line 519, in response_wrap response = f(*args, **kw) File "/odoo/odoo-server/addons/web/controllers/main.py", line 966, in call_button action = self._call_kw(model, method, args, {}) File "/odoo/odoo-server/addons/web/controllers/main.py", line 954, in _call_kw return call_kw(request.env[model], method, args, kwargs) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/api.py", line 749, in call_kw return _call_kw_multi(method, model, args, kwargs) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/api.py", line 736, in _call_kw_multi result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs) File "", line 2, in button_immediate_install File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/addons/base/models/ir_module.py", line 74, in check_and_log return method(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/addons/base/models/ir_module.py", line 445, in button_immediate_install return self._button_immediate_function(type(self).button_install) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/addons/base/models/ir_module.py", line 561, in _button_immediate_function modules.registry.Registry.new(self._cr.dbname, update_module=True) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/modules/registry.py", line 86, in new odoo.modules.load_modules(registry._db, force_demo, status, update_module) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/modules/loading.py", line 421, in load_modules loaded_modules, update_module, models_to_check) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/modules/loading.py", line 313, in load_marked_modules perform_checks=perform_checks, models_to_check=models_to_check File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/modules/loading.py", line 179, in load_module_graph load_openerp_module(package.name) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/modules/module.py", line 368, in load_openerp_module __import__('odoo.addons.' + module_name) File "/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/modules/module.py", line 82, in load_module exec(open(modfile, 'rb').read(), new_mod.__dict__) File "", line 4, in File "/odoo/custom/addons/ks_dashboard_ninja/controllers/__init__.py", line 1, in from . import ks_chart_export File "/odoo/custom/addons/ks_dashboard_ninja/controllers/ks_chart_export.py", line 7, in from cStringIO import StringIO ImportError: No module named 'cStringIO' pls advise Skype : husam-esco
Hello, First I most say that I'm impressed by the features of this module, really great looking demo. I would like to know if the filters can support expressions to filter by current user by example ? Seems to be taking the expression as a string. Thanks and keep the awesome work!
Hi RedLabz, thanks for your query and reviewing our app, we have already served this feature in our module, please add %UID in domain filter to filter current user data, for example [["create_uid","=","%UID"]]. In case of any further query, please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
UPDATE: App Version 4.0.0 for Odoo 11 is LIVE now!
Please upgrade your app to the latest version. Thanks!
Feature Request :)
Hi there, thanks for the good work! It would be awesome if you could add some more date selection options for date filters. Helpful would be: Next month, next Week, next quarter. This would be nice to be able to create dashboards for things to do, like expiring Quotations or Subscriptions. Thanks!
Re: Feature Request :)
Hi Thie, thanks for your valuable suggestion. We've considered it and will plan to release the same within upcoming updates. In case of any further query, please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
UPDATE: Mobile View issue is fixed now for version 11 and 12
Please upgrade your app to the latest versions. Thanks!
Compare of years
Hey, I wanted to ask if it is possible to have a line chart where different years are compared? Thanks
Re: Compare of years
Hi Herbert, thanks for your query. Yes, this is possible, please select a Line chart with appropriate Measure fields, after that select Group By field along with Group By Date as Month, after that in Sub Group By select appropriate field with Sub Group By Date as 'Year'. In case of any further queries, please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
thanks for sharing
excellent app thanks for sharing with us, https://www.titaniumtvapp.xyz/titanium-tv-android-tv-box/
Issue in Mobile View
Hello, I am using your module on Odoo V11. I have a Dashboard Setup for Point of Sale, I have arranged tiles in my preferred order. On desktops' all the dashboard items (Tiles, List View) are showing as per the layout set, but when I view it on the mobile the order becomes haywire; the items are not shown as per the order I have set it up but as per the creation time of those items; i.e if I have a tile created first but now I have arranged that tile to be shown last on desktop it will show as per I set but when I view it on mobile it will show this last tile first. Kindly fix this issue asap, and let me know thanks.
Re: Issue in Mobile View
Hi Asad, thanks for bringing this to our notice, we will get it resolved ASAP. Please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com, so that we can update you. Thanks!
Great Odoo Addon!!! The updates are frequent and keeps getting better.
After an detailed review of various Dashboard apps we have decided to purchase this module. We are using it already a couple months and graphs are displayed in the office via an Raspberry Pi incl. Yodeck. Everybody loves it. The Ksolves development is active and every couple weeks an better version is released. Really Love IT!
UPDATE: App Version 4.0.0 for Odoo 11 will be LIVE on 9th August 2019
Based on customer’s need and demand, Ksolves has taken this on priority to update the app version to 4.0.0 for Odoo 11 in our next app update i.e on 9th August 2019. Thanks!
Very good to have upgraded 5.0.0 with Selection field support in grouping by
Thanks for great effort!
Odoo 11 Version
Hello, @ KSolves I just noticed that V12 module has been upgraded to 5.0.0 whereas V11 is still 3.3.0. I have no plans to upgrade to Odoo V12 in near future, so before buying this module I have a simple question; will you be upgrading this module for V11 constantly or the focus is only on V12; and when can I expect this module to be updated to 5.0.0 for V11? Kindly confirm this for me so I may buy this module.
Re: Odoo 11 Version
Hi Ammar, V12 is upgraded to 5.0.0 because of some important and critical feature demands of our V12 customers. We are simultaneously working on 4.0.0 for V11 which will be live within 2 weeks as we have updated you in our previous reply also. Once the version 4.0.0 will be released for V11 after that we will plan for 5.0.0. As requested earlier, please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com so that we can update you once updates are Live on the store. Thanks!
UPDATE: Group By with Selection Field type feature is now LIVE
Feature to support Grouping By a Selection Field has been made LIVE in the Release 5.0.0.
Re: No Support for Old Versions? :( Really Upset About It
Hello Ksolves, Thanks for your reply. Can you confirm whats the definition of soon, any certain timeline? So if its in a couple of days do let me know so that I may purchase the module based on your word. Thanks
Re: Re: No Support for Old Versions? :( Really Upset About It
Hi Ammar, If we talk about timeline, it will be in around 2 weeks but we always make sure of quality before putting our product feature release in public. So, we request you to send us an email at sales@ksolves.com, so that we can notify you as soon as it is Live and for future releases also. Thanks!
No Support for Old Versions? :( Really Upset About It
Hello, I was about to purchase this module but then realized that you are only updating this module for V12 and not focusing on V11 or V10 a BIG DISSAPOINTMENT. I am using V11 and saw that many of the features are missing from the description you have provided on V11 page? https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/11.0/ks_dashboard_ninja/ I also saw that you have updated V12 on 12 July with many features and nothing for V11? Kindly confirm if you have stopped focusing on V11 so I may not purchase it. Thanks
Re: No Support for Old Versions? :( Really Upset About It
Hi Ammar, we understand your concern but that’s not the case. We work from Odoo 12 to backward and focus on all versions equally. Right now, we’re just one version behind on Odoo 11 from Odoo 12. We will be updating the same soon. Version 10 will be catered to after that and will soon be upgraded. So, be rest assured, regular updates are there for all versions. In case of any further query, please get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Single item export?
Hi, Does your module support the single item export.
Re: Single item export?
Hi Kirti, we have provided this feature in our app. You can export a single Dashboard Item as a PDF, Excel, Image and CSV, except Tile. In case of any further queries, please email us at sales@ksolves.com Thanks!
Cannot get 5 stars without selection field support out of box!
Selection field support is very very important. Otherwise we can not see the analysis chart for stage, status... fields.
Re: Cannot get 5 stars without selection field support out of box!
Hi Henry, thanks for bringing this to our notice, we understand the importance of this feature and have planned to release this feature by this weekend release. Thanks!
Selection Type Field Grouping
Does it support grouping by a selection field?
Re: Selection Type Field Grouping
Hi Henry, we're sorry that this feature is not supported under the current version. If you wish this to be customized, please contact us at sales@ksolves.com, Thanks!
!!!Excellent Feature!!!
You have done a nice module , I have two concern; 1. Does it support RTL language 2. After applying date filter and click the tile or chart, it will pass the date filter to the view
Re: !!!Excellent Feature!!!
Hi Shabeer, our module doesn't support these features currently but we've planned to release these features in a couple of weeks. Please drop us an email at sales@ksolves.com, so that we can keep you posted. Thanks!
UPDATE: Thousands Separator feature is now LIVE
Feature to add thousands separator in the Charts and List View Dashboard Items (example 1,000,000.00) has been made LIVE in the Release 4.0.0.
thousands separator
Hi, I could add thousands separator in the graphs and the list view, (example 1,000,000.00)
Re: thousands separator
Hi David, we will be providing this feature in this week’s release of the app. Will notify you once the same is LIVE. Thanks!
Buy this mudule to version 11 and 12
Hello, Now we are in a migration process from Odoo v11 to v12, if I bought this module, Can I have it to both versions ?
Re: Buy this mudule to version 11 and 12
Hi Daniel, yes, you will. Once you buy the app, you get all the versions (Odoo 10, 11 and 12) and Odoo Editions (Community and Enterprise) available of that app on the Odoo Apps store. Please do let us know if you have any further query. Thanks, Ksolves
UID funciona genial, muchas gracias.!!!
UID works great, thank you very much !!!
Re: UID funciona genial, muchas gracias.!!!
Hi David, thanks for the feedback. Keep using Ksolves’ Dashboard Ninja app. Also, please do check out other apps by Ksolves--> https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/browse?author=Ksolves India Pvt. Ltd. Thanks
List View
Hello, I checked the demo for List View, in that I add the fields in my preferred order; but once I save the changes the layout order is changed automatically. Can you guide me how to save changes in my preferred order?
Re: List View
Hi Asad, thanks for your query. We’re currently investigating the issue, but can you please help us with a few screenshots of the issue being faced by you i.e. the list view edit screen. Please email the same to us at sales@ksolves.com. Looking forward to your mail to help you better. Thanks, Ksolves
Update: UID Feature is now LIVE
The most requested client feature for use of %UID in domain filter to filter logged in user data, is now LIVE on the Odoo apps store. Existing clients, please upgrade your Dashboard Ninja app to use the same. Thanks!
Current user
date of the update? Please...
Re: Current user
Hi David, it is currently in the works. It will be LIVE in this week’s release on Friday. Thanks!
custom modules
Hi, your dashboard can work with custom modules in Odoo ? can work with new modules created, not refered modules by default in Odoo?
Re: custom modules
Hi Cesar, yes, our Dashboard Ninja app can very well work with custom modules. If you have any queries, you can let us know here or get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com
current user
is the "uid" added to this app? i would like to buy this app, but definitely need this feature.
Re: current user
Hi Michael, we’re already working on your requirement and the same will be LIVE in the release planned for the next week. Please send us your email id at sales@ksolves.com, so that we can send you the update regarding the same. Thanks!
Domain current user
buy the app, it's very good, I have a problem, I need to create a file that shows the purchase requests of the current user, try with domain "user_id = uid" but it does not work. any advice ?
Re: Domain current user
Hi David, thanks for your query. We’re already working on your requirement and the same will be LIVE in the release planned for the next week. Please send us your email id at sales@ksolves.com, so that we can send you the update regarding the same. Thanks!
Need more info
Can we create multiple dashboards and then arrange its order? Also, how to delete complete Dashboards if I want? I couldn’t find this information in your description.
Re: Need more info
Hi Aya, thanks for your interest in our Dashboard Ninja app. Yes, we can create multiple dashboards and delete a particular dashboard using the Dashboard Manager menu provided in header. Also, for rearranging menus, use debug mode and go to : Settings -> Technical -> Menu Items, use drag and drop feature to arrange as per your need. If you have any further queries, please feel free to get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com
Custome Module Compatible?
Will my custome modules be visible on this dashboard or only odoo modules?
Re: Custome Module Compatible?
Hi Khalid, thanks for your interest in our Dashboard Ninja app. Coming to your query, yes, you can use your custom modules. Please do let us know if you have any further queries or need a demo. You can get in touch with us at sales@ksolves.com
Can we compare Sales between two years?
Nice Dashboard, I explored the DEMO and liked it. However, couldn't find the feature of comparing between two sales years, for example, if I wish to compare Sales for Year 2018 every month with the Sales for Year 2019 happening every month, is this possible? Also, do you provide in-person DEMO? I have a few more queries to ask. I really like your Dashboard and want to buy the same. Thanks!
Re: Can we compare Sales between two years?
Hi Jonathan, thanks a lot for the query and appreciating our app. Yes, we provide in-person demo, please get in touch at sales@ksolves.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible. In the demo, we can also answer all your queries related to the functionality of the app. Looking forward to your email to take this forward. Thanks, Ksolves India Private Limited