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v 13.0 Third Party 1472
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 647
Technical Name ks_chat_edit_and_delete
Versions 12.0 13.0 14.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 647
Technical Name ks_chat_edit_and_delete
Versions 12.0 13.0 14.0
Community Enterprise

Odoo Chat Edit/Delete

This app is an extension to the already available chat functionality of Odoo. It provides the feature of editing and deleting an already sent message.

Key Features

  • arrow You can edit an already sent message up until 15 minutes from the time the message is first sent.
  • arrow
    You can delete an already sent message up until 15 minutes from the time the message is first sent.
  • arrowr
    Feature provided to the Admin to delete any user’s individual message line until 48 hours from the time the message is first sent.
  • arrow
    Once a message is deleted, a default message which reads “This message was deleted.” is displayed in place of the originally deleted message.
  • arrow
    An edited message displays the “(Edited)” message tag over it.
  • arrowr
    You can not only delete the text message, but also delete the attached files i.e. PDFs, images etc.
  • arrow Go to Settings Menu. arrow
  • arrow In Settings, go to General Settings and Enable the Chat Edit/Delete App by checking the box. arrow
  • arrow Once Enabled, you will see another checkbox appear named “Allow Admin to delete any chat.” If you wish to enable the feature, you may check the box and save the settings that you have done. arrow
  • arrow On Enabling the Ksolves Odoo Chat/Edit app, you will notice Edit Icon and Delete Icon appear along with your chats.. arrow
  • arrow In order to edit an already sent message, select the Edit Icon, and then edit your message as intended and update the new message. arrow
  • arrow An “(Edited)” tag is displayed over an edited message. arrow
  • arrow In order to delete an already sent message, select the Delete Icon. arrow
  • arrow Once you select the option to delete an already sent message, a warning pops up asking for your final approval. Select Ok to proceed with your deletion. arrow
  • arrow Once a message is deleted by a user, a default message which reads “This message was deleted” is displayed in place of the originally deleted message. arrow
  • arrow If an admin deletes a user’s message, a default message which reads “Admin has deleted this message” is displayed in place of the originally deleted message. arrow

Frequently Asked Question

Is this app compatible with Odoo Enterprise?
Yes, our app works with Odoo Enterprise as well as Community.
Need some customization in this app, whom to contact?
Please drop email at or raise a ticket through Odoo store itself.
12th Feb, 2020

Latest Release 1.1.1

Fix - Updated CSS for feedback pop-up.


Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

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  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author, please use the developer contact information. They can usually be found in the description.
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Munna Sah
on 5/24/21, 3:30 PM

odoo chat edit/delete module not working on odoo14 version. I had installed this module on odoo14 but after installed successfully not showing any error but edit and delete icon not showing in discuss module. I need your help 

on 5/26/21, 11:49 AM Author

Hello Munna!

We are sorry for delay in response. Please would it be possible to share error screen shot or recording on The Technical Team will get in touch with you immediately.


Team Ksolves! 

on 3/18/21, 7:42 AM


Are you planning to release this module for Odoo14?


on 3/18/21, 8:09 AM Author

Hi Itssubas,

Thanks for sharing the query with us and showing your interest, we really appreciate it!

Yes, we are working to release the V14 soon, it would be helpful if you can drop us an email at so that we shall keep you posted on the same.

In case of any help, please reach out to us.



Great App. But need a small bug fix
on 3/15/20, 1:44 AM

At sometimes, type of variable named "fields" maybe list or dict (in line 56, ks_chat_edit_and_delete/models/ So "fields.append('ks_msg_edit')" produce error for dict

Re: Great App. But need a small bug fix
on 3/16/20, 2:27 AM Author

Hi Akhilesh, thanks for your query. We will check the same. If you face any concerns, please drop us an email on sales@ksolves for further queries. Thanks!

Great App. But need a bug fix.
on 3/15/20, 1:31 AM

In ks_chat_edit_and_delete/models/, line no. 56, sometimes the 'fields' is a list or dict. So in the case of dict, "append" not works.