
v 9.0 v 10.0 v 11.0 v 12.0 Third Party 316
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Project (project)
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Technical Name project_native
LicenseSee License tab
Versions 17.0 15.0 10.0 9.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 16.0 11.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Project (project)
Discuss (mail)
Sales Management (sale)
Invoicing (account)
Employee Directory (hr)
Community Apps Dependencies
Technical Name project_native
LicenseSee License tab
Versions 17.0 15.0 10.0 9.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 16.0 11.0

Main UI Gannt Module. It Only Web Gantt Framework. It is Main cost module. Other parts free.

299.00 Eur Main UI Web Gannt Module

0.00 Eur Gantt Native view for Projects

0.00 Eur Save/Load project in xml

0.00 Eur Save Gantt in PDF for Project

0.00 Eur Gantt Native view for MRP / Manufacture

0.00 Eur Gantt Native view for Leave

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YouTube Video PlayList Odoo Gantt Native


user: demo Password:demog Odoo Gantt Demo

What New

Fold State Available

Fold with save

Unfold with save

List in Items

Show List near Item Name

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YouTube Video Some New for Gantt Item


Fasted and Better TreeView for Gantt Items

Tree View can update data in backgroup

More Control: Add Item(every item possible it.), Recheduling, Rename, Export

Rename in Line

Show action button near Item Name

Rename on fly.

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YouTube Video New UI TreeView for Gantt Item


Done with -/+ days if deadline was define

Done after deadline

Done before deadline

Deadline Control

If TODAY on Gatt, shows Bar to Today and how many days: +/- from today to deadline

If not TODAY on Gatt, bar from Task Bar, but days: +/- from today to deadline


If TODAY on Gatt, shows Bar to Today and how many days: +/- from today to deadline


Can order: Start Date: DECS/ASC, if not group by Project

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YouTube Video Deadline, Orderby, Attachments

New sub Task for Task Group

Click on Plus in circle

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YouTube Video Look much better

Task Resource

Allow add resource to Task

Gantt Bar Shows resource and working period (vertical bar)

Task: Calc type: Work/Duration

Calc type


Set Calc Type = Work and Plan Value = 72. Gantt calculate Working Time for all resource to Plan Value with Load Factor too.

Set Calc Type = Duration and Plan Value = 72. Gantt calculate Working Time for all resource to Plan Value with Load Factor too.


YOu can add resource to Task with Calendar

Load Factor: if set 0.5, 8*05=4 hours in day available.

Set Calendar for resource

Resources Task Link

Project -> Resource - > Resources Task Link

Group by Resource: you can see, Total Working Hours in Day.

8H Scale. Vertical Bar showd working period in day.

Loop Detect for Precedessor Link

On Gantt Shows: Orange if some loop detect.

Precedessor Link showd link type, if loop shows circle.

Loop Detect

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YouTube Video Look much better

Project View

Gantt mode for Project View can group by customer and manager.

Project Dashboard

Arrows Link

Now look much better..

Tasks Group by project

Tasks Group by stage

Detail Plan Control

You can set: in Project, In Task.

Allow detail plan control from project for all tasks. If select that options it save detail plan for all tasks. But if not, you can control separate it in each task.

Default Start Time

You can select: Negative value

You can set negative value for default time start in project.

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YouTube Video Detail Plan Control

Gantt Bar Info

Colored inforation for Bar

It is Basic things for more information about calculating Critical path. It available in project (cp_detail). But you can use for your information, around gantt bar.

Task - Tab Info

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YouTube Video Gantt Bar Info

Critical Path

You can calculate critical path for project when do rescheduling (Press Refresh button)

Look like That

Project - you can On/Off: Critical path on gantt or critical path detail info.

Critical Path and Constraint

You can select: As late as possible

Update Constraint type

It move tasks how is possible. Critical path not change. It like a buffer for task with Constraint: As LAte as possible.

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YouTube Video Critical Path and Constraint

User Interface

Colored and better usability

Grouping and Sorting - drag and drop. Allow only if, One elemnt in group by and is project and limit more than Quantity records after search.

Not Allow

Group element colored. IF last element in group by - is Project, it shows items in Tree. If group element is project, shows Action Button for project(add task, rescheduling, export to pdf.)

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YouTube Video Colored and better usability


Limit added for gantt items:

For default 250, it is in "view_task_ganttaps", later will be options in config, or something also.

But now you can change on fly. 0 - means unlimited.

If Quantity records after search more than limit, it shows red. And means not shows all records on the gantt.

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YouTube Video Limit for Items

More Info

Task name with long name

UI - Improved

Look Better

Very Long Name

More Info

YouTube Video Task name with long name

New Predecessor Link without canvas

Group by: Project

Look New

Mouseover - Highlight Link

More Info

YouTube Video New Predecessor Link without canvas

Folding Task Group and Project

Group by: Project

Project Folding

Task Group Folding

More Info

YouTube Video Folding Task Group and Project

New UI Draggable and Resizable

Allows Draggable and Resizable - Gantt Bar.

Allows Draggable - Deadline.

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YouTube Video New UI Draggable and Resizable

Sorting from Kanban by stage

In Gantt: group by stage -> same like in kanban view

More Info

YouTube Video Group and Sort by Stage

In project you can generate Gantt PDF

In Gantt: group by project -> click red arrow

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YouTube Video Generate PDF

support: Use Calendar in Project - auto scheduling, with Detail Plan for Task.

Calendar support - Global Leaves, Extra Working Time by date, Global Leave for cut of working time.

In the Project setting setup: Track time spent on projects and task

Project: Working Time -> Select Calendar

Calendar: Setup -> Global Leaves. You can setup Cut OFF time for special day too.

Calendar: Setup -> Working Hours

Project: Gantt View Tab Setup -> Use calendar and TimeZone for project. After Open Gantt - > Group by project and Rescheduling

Task: Open Task -> look: Detail-Plan for Task

Task: Detail-Plan List View

Task: Detail-Plan Gantt View

More Info

YouTube Video Calendar, auto-Scheduling.

Module: project_native_exchange. In project you can save / load project with tasks

In project: Exchange (Save / Load)

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YouTube Video Save/Load .xml file

In project you can set humanized duration scale for tasks

In project: Gantt View Tab: Duration Scale: "You canset: y,mo,w,d,h,m,s,ms", Duration Picker: Empty hide: day and second (select what you need)

Task Hour:

Task Hour-Minutes

Task Week-Hour-Minutes:

More Info

YouTube Video Humanized duration scale

Forward and Backward Scheduling

In project: Gantt View Tab: Select Forward and Backward Scheduling.

In project: Gantt View Tab: Set Start or End Date.

Backward scheduling you can use with TOC (Theory of Constraints).

More Info

YouTube Video Forward and Backward Scheduling

Default Task Start and Duration for Project

In project: Gantt View Tab: Setting Duration and Start Task.

New Task with project Default Task setting.

New UI

Today and Scale button in Odoo Native place.

Frozen Header and horizontal - vertical scroll.

More Info

YouTube Video Odoo Gantt Native View - New UI

Bootstrap Color Picker for Tasks

Set Color Task and edit color for tasks

Before Update: Install module web_widget_colorpicker.

Gantt with custom color for tasks

Edit Color Task


Download from Odoo App

Manual: Copy folders modules ( web_gantt_native, project_native, web_widget_time_delta ) to odoo addons folder on Odoo server. Update Locale Module under Development Mode (APPs)

Install modules(web_gantt_native, project_native, mrp_gantt_native, web_widget_time_delta )

Restart Odoo service. Need for Some Implementations.

Updade/Upgrade in APP -> Restart Odoo service. or update over Console. first install web_widget_time_deltav after that update other modules.

Start Date for Auto Scheduling for tasks

Auto Scheduling

New option for the project. Start Date. All tasks in Auto Mode, after rescheduling will begin with the start date in the project.

Lag/Lead time for predecessor link and Summary Bar for tasks

After Some Change Run Scheduler, ! - shows need rescheduling

To add lead time, type a negative number or a negative percentage (for example, -75%). Lead time is an overlap between two tasks, where those two tasks share a dependency (a relationship between tasks). For example, if you want the second task to start even though the first task is only 35% complete. Create predecessor link a finish-to-start dependency between the two tasks, and then add a lead time of -75 percent.

To add lag time, type a positive number or percentage (for example, 3 day). Lag time creates a delay between two tasks. For example, if you want a 3 day delay between the end of the first task and the start of the second. Create a predecessor link finish-to-start between the two tasks, and then add 2 days of lag time.

You can add task as a summary task in the task list.

After some change in task it is shows "!" it means need rescheduled.

Auto Scheduling and Constraint for tasks

Manual / Auto Scheduling, Different type for constraint task

Auto Scheduler Task !Important -> Only after Click Re Scheduled Tasks for current project.

Schedule Type for Task

Constraint Type for Task

Humanize duration

Form View

List View

YouTube Video PlayList Odoo Gantt Native - web widget time delta

Done and Ghosts Bar

Timesheets - > Ghosts Bar on Gantt, And Done Date for Task on Gantt.

Main View with Ghosts Bar and Done Bar.

Ghosts Bar

Done Bar

Sub Tasks

Sorting, Grouping, SubTasks, Timesheets

Only, if Grouping by Project: TreeView Drag and Drop Tasks. For Automatically use sub-task in yours project just Sorting any Task.

Drag and Drop Sorting: Sorting in self level.

Drag and Drop Grouping: Change parent for Task.

Task Full Screen Edit Support.

Task Predecessor

Arrows between tasks


FS - Finish to Start

SS - Start to Start

FF - Finish to Finish

SF - Start to Finish

All together

If select Group by Project

You can:

Tree Sorting Task inside project.

Drag and Drop Task

Change Level Task

Focus on Task

Gantt Screen automaticly move to task

Easy Add/Edit Task

Just Click

Edit Task.

Tips / Hint - Drag and Drop Gantt Line

Drag task Gantt line on timeline.
Drag Start or End task.



Gantt Scale

Easy switch


1Hour, 2Hour, 4Hour, 8Hour





Timesheets progress and Deadline




Makr Task as Milestone


Task Name and Progress Bar

New style progress bar with task name.

Task name options

Need our service?

Contact us by email

Info demo/video

  • Youtube: Odoo Gantt Native Play List
  • Demo: Odoo 9 Gantt Demo
    • User: demo
    • password: demog
  • Docs:
    • Detail Plan Control in actions
    • Detail Plan Control
Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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