Odoo Apps 22807 Apps found. version: 15.0 ×

helpdesk ticketing system customer service request customer support ticket system email helpdesk generic request all in one helpdesk issue tracking helpdesk ticket system service desk help desk support helpdesk Invoice helpdesk helpdesk account helpdesk

Manage Invoice With Helpdesk | Integrate helpdesk with Invoice | Help Desk Software For Accounting and Invoice Management | Helpdesk Invoicing | Helpdesk Account | Account Helpdesk Management
Relief Technologies

helpdesk ticketing system customer service request customer support ticket system email helpdesk generic request all in one helpdesk issue tracking helpdesk ticket system service desk helpdesk Purchase helpdesk Purchase service Purchase issue

Manage Purchase Order With Helpdesk | Integrate helpdesk with Purchase Order | Helpdesk Purchase | Purchase Helpdesk Management
Relief Technologies

helpdesk ticketing system customer service request customer support ticket system email helpdesk generic request all in one helpdesk issue tracking helpdesk ticket system service desk help desk support helpdesk repair helpdesk repair request

Manage Repair Order With Helpdesk | Integrate helpdesk with Repair Order | Help Desk Software For Maintenance and Field Service | Helpdesk Repair | Repair Helpdesk Management
Relief Technologies

helpdesk ticketing system customer service request customer support ticket system email helpdesk generic request all in one helpdesk issue tracking helpdesk ticket system help desk support sale helpdesk sale sales helpdesk sales retail service desk

Manage Sale Order With Helpdesk | Integrate helpdesk with Sale Order | Helpdesk Sale | Sale Helpdesk Management
Relief Technologies

Actual Costing Method, Inventory Valuation With Actual Costing Method, Effective Inventory Valuation, Actual Costing Method in odoo, Inventory Valuation With Actual Costing Method in odoo, Effective Inventory Valuation in odoo, Product costing method, Product Costing Method in odoo, Stock Valuation, Real Costing Method, Costing at iteam leavel(Lot/Serial No), Compute Product cost, Stock Valuation in odoo, Real Costing Method in odoo, Costing at iteam leavel(Lot/Serial No) in odoo, Compute Product cost,

Actual Costing Method | Inventory Valuation With Actual Costing Method | Effective Inventory Valuation | Product Costing Method
Creyox Technologies

This module helps to translate the terms to specific language easily. It works for custom and base both addons.

Auto Language Translator | Language Translation Tool | Automatic Translation Tool
Creyox Technologies

Base Shipping Integration

Base Shipping Integration | Base Shipping Cost Calculation
Creyox Technologies

This module allows users to create a dynamic or real-time filters for all the models.

Dynamic Customizable Filter & Group By | Dynamic Filter & Group By | Real-Time Date Filters | Smart Filters & Group By | Global Search
Creyox Technologies

Material Requisition, Material Request in Odoo, Product/Material Purchase Requisitions and Internal Picking Requisitions by Employees / Users, Maternal Requisition Request by Employee/User Odoo App, Material Requisition Request in odoo, Purchase Material Requisition Request in odoo, Purchase Material Requisition Request by Employee in odoo, Purchase Material Requisition Request by User in odoo, Material Requisition Request by Employee in odoo, Material Requisition Request by User in odoo, Material Requisitions By Employee, Material Requisitions By Employee in odoo, Material Requisitions By Users, Material Requisitions By Users in odoo,

Material Purchase Requisitions | Material Requisitions By Employee | Material Requisitions By Users | Material Request in Odoo | Material Requisition
Creyox Technologies

NMI Payment Gateway is a module where users will Streamline your payment processing with NMI, a leading payment gateway designed to provide seamless and secure transactions for businesses of all sizes. NMI Payment Gateway NMI API Integration, Payment Provider: NMI, NMI Payment Solutions, NMI Payment System, NMI Payment Processing, NMI recurring billing, NMI mobile payments, NMI payment acceptance,

NMI Payment Gateway | NMI API Integration | Payment Provider: NMI | NMI Payment Solutions | NMI Payment Processing | NMI Payment System
Creyox Technologies

Accounting Reports, Asset Management and Account Budget, Recurring Payments, Lock Dates, Fiscal Year For Odoo15 Community Edition, Accounting Dashboard, Financial Reports, Customer Follow up Management, Bank Statement Import, Odoo Budget

Odoo 15 Accounting
Odoo Mates , Odoo S.A.
89 79843

Asset and Budget Management, Accounting Reports, PDC, Lock dates, Credit Limit, Follow Ups, Day-Bank-Cash book reports.

Odoo 15 Full Accounting Kit
Cybrosys Techno Solutions , Odoo S.A.
97 52500

Open HRMS Suit: It brings all Open HRMS modules

Open HRMS Core
Cybrosys Techno solutions
44 62811

Generate automatic backup of databases and store to local, google drive, dropbox, nextcloud, amazon S3, onedrive or remote server

Automatic Database Backup To Local Server, Remote Server, Google Drive, Dropbox, Onedrive, Nextcloud and Amazon S3
Cybrosys Techno Solutions
40 10732

Dynamic Financial Reports with drill down and filters– Community Edition

Dynamic Financial Reports
Cybrosys Techno Solutions
42 13174

Hide Menu,hide menu, hide, hide menus, hide menu odoo,Hide Any Menu Item User Wise

Hide Any Menu User Wise
Cybrosys Techno Solutions
6 8148

Create Configurable Dashboards Easily

Odoo Dynamic Dashboard
Cybrosys Techno Solutions

Base module to create xlsx report

Base report xlsx
ACSONE SA/NV , Creu Blanca ,
5 27455

Responsive web client, community-supported

Web Responsive
LasLabs , Tecnativa ,
28 31420

Form Builder for backend, portal, website and embedded forms, to collect any information you need for your business.

Nova Code
42 8124