Odoo Apps 49265 Apps found.

POS Order Discount Sales Discount Management Discount Application in POS In-Store Order Discounts Flexible Discount Options Discount Codes for POS POS Discount Promotions Real-time Discount Calculation Automatic Discounting in POS Customizable Discount Rules Discount per Order in POS Discounting at Checkout Dynamic Order Discounting Discount on Point of Sale Orders Discount Authorization in POS Product Discount Point Of Sale Discount Point Of Sale Order Line Discount POS Custom Discount Point Of Sale Global Discount Point Of Sale Line Discount POS Line Discount POS Global Discount POS Order Discount POS Order Line Discount Odoo Discount POS Discount in POS Discount In Point of Sales Trade Discounts Fixed Discounts Cash Discounts Threshold Discounts Percentage Discounts Set Discounts Manage Discounts Offer Discounts POS Discounts Discount On Sale Orders Discount On Sales Orders Discount On POS Orders Discount On Point Of Sale Orders

Point Of Sale Order Discount
Softhealer Technologies

Verify Email Signup E-mail Verification Sign-up Email Confirmation Account Activate By Email Log-in Email Verification Sign-in Mail Verification Signup Verification Log-in Verification Email OTP Verification E-mail Verification Signup Mail Verification Odoo Sign-in Email Verification Sign-in E-mail Verification Sign in Email Verification Sign in E-mail Verification Sign in Mail Verification Log-in E-mail Verification Log-in Mail Verification Log in E-mail Verification Log in Mail Verification Log in Email Verification Signup Email Verification Email verification plugin for website Email verification for user registration Email validation plugin User signup email confirmation Email confirmation module for website Email verification system for signups Email verification for new users Odoo

Signup Email Verification
Softhealer Technologies

Allows you to sell one products in different units of measure in Sales and POS

Product Multi UOM

Stripe (Customers, Products, Invoices, Orders) Integration with ODOO helps out to synchronization your desire data.

Odoo Stripe Connector

Calendar Custom Settings / Configuration / View, Odoo Calendar Configuration, Odoo Web Calendar Configuration, Odoo Calendar Events, Odoo Calendar Meetings, Odoo Events, Odoo Meetings, Odoo Calendar Views, Odoo Calendar Settings, Odoo Calendar UI, Odoo Configuration, Odoo Settings, Odoo Views, Odoo UI, Odoo Event Configuration, Odoo Event Settings, Odoo Event Views, Odoo Event UI, Odoo Meeting Configuration, Odoo Meeting Settings, Odoo Meeting Views, Odoo Meeting UI, Odoo Custom Configuration, Odoo Custom Settings, Odoo Custom Views, Odoo Custom UI, Calendar time range, Start working time, Minutes per row/slot, Show weekends, Show week number, First day of week, Allow events overlap, Disable drag and drop, Disable resizing, Default minutes when creating and resizing an event

Web Calendar Configuration

The POS Kitchen Screen module streamlines kitchen operations with real-time order updates, status tracking, and efficient order management. Real-time sync, Preparation display, POS order sync, Kitchen display, POS kitchen display, Odoo Kitchen Display, Point of sale restaurant screen, POS restaurant, Kitchen Order print, Kitchen print, Preparation Time, Order changes, internal notes, notification sound

POS Kitchen Screen
Andreas Bichinger

Apps for POS Customer Credit Management Website Customer Credit Management POS Credit Management Website Credit Management point of sale Customer Credit Management point of sale Credit Management internal credit management system internal wallet pos wallet

Customer Credit Management for POS and Website in Odoo

Manage advanced product attributes

Product Advanced Attribute
Atharva System

Odoo to Google Spreadsheet Connector, spread sheet, google sheets, excel sheets, microsoft excel, powerbi, power bi, ms excel, ms office, microsoft office, Data connection and synchronization, Excel Connector for Odoo Data, PowerBI Connector for Odoo Data, Power BI Connector for Odoo Data, Odoo Excel Connector LibreOffice, Odoo Excel Data Connector, LibreOffice Connector excel to database, Excel Connect to Odoo, Excel Office Document Connection to Odoo, LibreOffice Connect excel to Odoo Data, Generate ODC Odoo, Excel Data Connection Template, Auto synchronization data, LibreOffice Sync data to excel, ERP Excel Data Connection LibreOffice, Office Document Connection for Odoo, Export Odoo Data Excel, Excel Report Connector, Project Tasks to Excel, Accounting Report to Excel, Connect Account Report to Excel, LibreOffice Calc Link External Data from Odoo, OpenOffice Link External Data from Odoo, All In One Excel Report, All In One Report, Quotations Excel Report, Sale Order Excel Report, Sales Order Excel Report, Request For Quotation Excel Report, RFQ Excel Report, Supplier Invoice Excel Report, Customer Invoice Excel Report, Invoice Excel Report, Invoice Report, Invoices Excel Report, Delivery Order Excel Report, Delivery Order Report, XLS Report, XLSX Report,

Odoo to Sheets Connector

This app allows to scan multiple barcodes for same product in invetory Operations and Adjustments for Enterprise Edition. app to scan barcode, Odoo app scanning barcode, scan barcode, barcode scanning, product multi barcode, product multiple barcode,Scan multiple barcode, multiple barcode scanner enterprise, multi bar code scan, multi bar code scanner, multiple barcode for same product, Scan barcode for Delivery order, scan barcode for Receipts, Scan barcode for Internal transfer, Scan barcode for Inventory Adjustments, Operations, Inventory Adjustments, Scanning for multiple barcode, Scan barcode for Inventory, App to scan barcode in Inventory, multi barcode scanning for enterprise, Odoo enterprise, enterprise, scanning, barcode scanning, multi bar code scan, multi bar code scanning, multiple bar code scan, product multi bar code, product multi bar code scanning, product multiple barcode scan,multiple barcode scaning for same product, one product multiple barcodes, barcodes, scan, scanning, barcode French Cette application permet de scanner plusieurs codes-barres pour le même produit dans les opérations et ajustements d'inventaire pour Enterprise Edition. application pour scanner le code-barres, code-barres de numérisation de l'application Odoo, scanner le code-barres, numérisation de codes-barres, code-barres multi-produits, code-barres multiples de produits, scanner plusieurs codes-barres, entreprise de scanner de codes-barres multiples, numérisation de codes-barres multi, scanner de codes-barres multi, code-barres multiples pour le même produit, Scanner le code-barres pour le bon de livraison, scanner le code-barres pour les reçus, scanner le code-barres pour le transfert interne, scanner le code-barres pour les ajustements d'inventaire, les opérations, les ajustements d'inventaire, scanner plusieurs codes-barres, scanner le code-barres pour l'inventaire, application pour scanner le code-barres dans l'inventaire, numérisation de codes-barres multiples pour entreprise, entreprise Odoo, entreprise, numérisation, numérisation de codes-barres, numérisation de codes-barres multiples, numérisation de codes-barres multiples, numérisation de codes-barres multiples, code-barres multi-produits, numérisation de codes-barres multi-produits, numérisation de codes-barres multiples de produits, numérisation de codes-barres multiples pour le même produit, un produit plusieurs codes-barres, codes-barres, scan, numérisation, code-barres Spanish Esta aplicación permite escanear varios códigos de barras para el mismo producto en Operaciones y ajustes de inventario para Enterprise Edition. aplicación para escanear códigos de barras, aplicación Odoo para escanear códigos de barras, escanear códigos de barras, escanear códigos de barras, códigos de barras múltiples de productos, códigos de barras múltiples de productos, escanear códigos de barras múltiples, empresa de escáner de códigos de barras múltiples, escaneo de códigos de barras múltiples, escáner de códigos de barras múltiples, códigos de barras múltiples para el mismo producto, Escanear código de barras para orden de entrega, escanear código de barras para recibos, escanear código de barras para transferencia interna, escanear código de barras para ajustes de inventario, operaciones, ajustes de inventario, escanear códigos de barras múltiples, escanear códigos de barras para inventario, aplicación para escanear códigos de barras en inventario, escaneo de códigos de barras múltiples para empresas, Odoo empresarial, escaneo empresarial, escaneo de códigos de barras, escaneo de códigos de barras múltiples, escaneo de códigos de barras múltiples, escaneo de códigos de barras múltiples, código de barras múltiples de productos, escaneo de códigos de barras múltiples de productos, escaneo de códigos de barras múltiples de productos, escaneo de códigos de barras múltiples para el mismo producto, un producto múltiples códigos de barras, códigos de barras, escaneo, escaneo, código de barras Chinese 该应用程序允许在企业版的库存操作和调整中扫描同一产品的多个条形码。 应用程序扫描条码,Odoo应用程序扫描条码,扫描条码,条码扫描,产品多条码,产品多条码,扫描多个条码,多个条码扫描仪企业,多条码扫描,多条码扫描仪,同一产品的多个条码, 扫描交货单条码、扫描收据条码、扫描内部转移条码、扫描库存调整条码、操作、库存调整、扫描多个条码、扫描库存条码、扫描库存条码的应用程序、 企业多条码扫描, Odoo 企业, 企业, 扫描, 条码扫描, 多条码扫描, 多条码扫描, 多条码扫描, 产品多条码, 产品多条码扫描, 产品多条码扫描, 多条码扫描 同一产品,一个产品多个条码,条码,扫描,扫描,条码 German Diese App ermöglicht das Scannen mehrerer Barcodes für dasselbe Produkt in den Inventaroperationen und -anpassungen für Enterprise Edition. App zum Scannen von Barcodes, Odoo-App zum Scannen von Barcodes, Scannen von Barcodes, Barcode-Scannen, Produkt-Multi-Barcode, Produkt-Mehrfach-Barcode, Scannen mehrerer Barcodes, Mehrere Barcode-Scanner für Unternehmen, Multi-Barcode-Scan, Multi-Barcode-Scanner, Mehrere Barcodes für dasselbe Produkt, Barcode für Lieferauftrag scannen, Barcode für Quittungen scannen, Barcode für interne Übertragung scannen, Barcode für Bestandsanpassungen scannen, Vorgänge, Bestandsanpassungen, Scannen nach mehreren Barcodes, Barcode für Bestand scannen, App zum Scannen von Barcodes im Bestand, Multi-Barcode-Scannen für Unternehmen, Odoo Enterprise, Unternehmen, Scannen, Barcode-Scannen, Multi-Barcode-Scan, Multi-Barcode-Scannen, Mehrfach-Barcode-Scan, Produkt-Multi-Barcode, Produkt-Multi-Barcode-Scannen, Produkt-Mehrfach-Barcode-Scan, Mehrfach-Barcode-Scannen für dasselbe Produkt, ein Produkt mehrere Barcodes, Barcodes, Scannen, Scannen, Barcode Russian Это приложение позволяет сканировать несколько штрих-кодов для одного и того же продукта в инвентарных операциях и корректировках для Enterprise Edition. приложение для сканирования штрих-кода, приложение Odoo для сканирования штрих-кода, сканирование штрих-кода, сканирование штрих-кода, мульти-штрих-код продукта, несколько штрих-кодов продукта, сканирование нескольких штрих-кодов, несколько предприятий по сканеру штрих-кодов, сканирование нескольких штрих-кодов, сканер нескольких штрих-кодов, несколько штрих-кодов для одного и того же продукта, Сканирование штрих-кода для заказа на доставку, сканирование штрих-кода для квитанций, сканирование штрих-кода для внутреннего перевода, сканирование штрих-кода для корректировки запасов, операций, корректировки запасов, сканирование нескольких штрих-кодов, сканирование штрих-кода для инвентаризации, приложение для сканирования штрих-кода в инвентаризации, множественное сканирование штрих-кодов для предприятия, Odoo Enterprise, предприятие, сканирование, сканирование штрих-кодов, множественное сканирование штрих-кодов, множественное сканирование штрих-кодов, множественное сканирование штрих-кодов, множественное сканирование штрих-кодов продуктов, множественное сканирование штрих-кодов продуктов, множественное сканирование штрих-кодов продуктов, множественное сканирование штрих-кодов для одного и того же товара, одного товара, несколько штрих-кодов, штрих-кодов, сканирования, сканирования, штрих-кода Arabic يسمح هذا التطبيق بمسح رموز شريطية متعددة لنفس المنتج في عمليات المخزون والتعديلات لإصدار Enterprise. تطبيق لمسح الباركود، تطبيق Odoo لمسح الباركود، مسح الباركود، مسح الباركود، الباركود المتعدد للمنتج، الباركود المتعدد للمنتج، مسح الباركود المتعدد، مؤسسة ماسح الباركود المتعددة، مسح الباركود المتعدد، ماسح الباركود المتعدد، الباركود المتعدد لنفس المنتج، مسح الباركود ضوئيًا لأمر التسليم، مسح الباركود ضوئيًا للإيصالات، مسح الباركود ضوئيًا للنقل الداخلي، مسح الباركود ضوئيًا لتسويات المخزون، العمليات، تعديلات المخزون، المسح الضوئي لرموز شريطية متعددة، مسح الباركود ضوئيًا للمخزون، تطبيق لمسح الباركود في المخزون، مسح الباركود المتعدد للمؤسسات، مؤسسة Odoo، المؤسسة، المسح الضوئي، مسح الباركود، مسح الباركود المتعدد، مسح الباركود المتعدد، مسح الباركود المتعدد، الرمز الشريطي المتعدد للمنتج، مسح الرمز الشريطي المتعدد للمنتج، مسح الباركود المتعدد للمنتج، مسح الباركود المتعدد لنفس المنتج، منتج واحد باركود متعددة، باركود، مسح، مسح ضوئي، باركود

Product Multiple Barcodes scanner - Enterprise
OMAX Informatics

You have the flexibility to personalize product and shop page URLs, making them independent of the product's name or ID. Basically you can have either the product name or Product ID on the URLs for SEO purposes

Ecommerce SEO URLs
EWall Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Drag & drop a form on a website or portal page. (form snippet, forms snippet, form block, forms block, website forms, portal forms)

Forms • Website Snippet
Nova Code

Apple Authentication provider Apple auth provider Authenticate using apple Authenticate Using Apple ID login in with apple id sign in with apple id sign in with apple accounts iphone authenticate user app useauthentication apple developer sign in sign in with apple ios apple connect sign in apple id login apple authentication token apple authentication check Login with OAuth providers for odoo setup the OAuth Providers OAuth Single Sign On in odoo Odoo SSO using apple id sign in with apple id in odoo Apple Single Sign On OAuth login with app id in odoo sign up using apple id Apple Social Login Configuration in odoo

Sign in with Apple
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Operates ebarimt information of Mongolian Tax Administration Office.

Mongolian EBarimt PosAPI3
Engineersoft LLC

Odoo AI Engine (ChatGPT) integration allows users to create content based on the desired tone by asking questions. The module also includes a translation feature, enabling users to translate text into another language. The module also assists in grammatically correct sentences and helps in generating SEO meta titles and meta descriptions. This ensures that the generated content maintains proper grammar and readability. Overall, this module enhances the capabilities of Odoo by leveraging the AI engine to generate relevant and high-quality content while setting limits to ensure optimal output.

Odoo AI Engine (ChatGPT)
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Recruitment,recruitment,job position,hiiring,odoo recruitment,recruitment agency,client,gts candidate,recruitment apps,hr recruitment,hr applicant,odoo hr recruitemnt,RECRUITMENT,HR RECRUITMENT,HR APPLICANT, CANDIDATE RECRUITMENT,candidate recruitment,jobposition,hiiring,odoorecruitment,recruitmentagency,client, candidate,recruitmentapps,hrrecruitment,hrapplicant,odoohrrecruitemnt,RECRUITMENT,HR RECRUITMENT,HR APPLICANT, CANDIDATERECRUITMENT,candidaterecruitment,job,interview,jobskills,gts recruitment,gtsrecruitment,GTSRECRUITMENT

Geo Recruit|Staffing Agency Solution|Recruitment Agency Solution
Geotechnosoft Pvt. Ltd.

MercadoLibre Stock Management Extension / Mercado Libre Publisher Extension

MercadoLibre Stock Management Extension / Mercado Libre Publisher Extension
Moldeo Interactive

Overhead cost setup for Manufacturing Order, MRP Overhead, Manufacturing Cost, Additional Cost, MRP Cost, MRP Additional Cost, Overhead Cost Manufacturing

MRP Overhead Cost

Discount Sale Order feature applies fixed or percentage discounts to order lines or the entire order.

Discount On Sale Order
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Connect or Integrate your Odoo ERP with DHL Parcel carrier and access all feature from Odoo, get live shipping rate from DHL Parcel, genrate multiple shipping label, get tracking number of your shipment from DHL Parcel,we also provide solutions for various operations, such as shipping , logistics , shipping labels , and shipping carrier management with our shipping integration, known as the GLS, Fedex, DHL, SMSA, Unifaun, Asendia,DirectLink, UPS, Australia Post, Quantium, Amazone shipping, Shipstation,Swiss Post, MyFastway, Yodel, Canada Post, Parcelforce, Poste Italiane, Colissimo, Correos, EMS, La Poste, Royal Mail, Hermes, Parcelhub, PostNL, Mondial Relay, Bpost,Whistl, Shipengine, Aramex, MyParcel, SEUR, USPS, Deutsche Post, sendcloud, Shiprocket, Delhivery, Endicia DHL Paket Integration Also we will done other shipping integration based on your requirement.For the customers who are into Dropship business, Our plugin make your delivery or shipping process very easy and effortless, NSinfosystem also provide marketplace integration, marketplace like, shopify, Woocommerce,Magento,eBay, flipkart, Shopee, We also provide CRM Integration like, salesforce, xero,Mailchimp,Sendinblue,HubSpot, Zoho

DHL Parcel (Post & Parcel Germany) Shipping Integration