GlobalTeckz Apps 112 Apps found. author: Globalteckz ×

Goshippo connector will help you generate rates and labels in odoo with tracking number goShippo Shipping Integration will help you connect with 50% Shipping Carrier with Odoo. automatically submit order information from Odoo to goshippo and get Shipping label, Order Tracking number,Commercial Invoice and Shipping Cost from goshippo to Odoo.

GoShippo Shipping connector

Website helpdesk support ticket & Issues system with billing based on the support provided Customer Helpdesk Support Ticket website support ticket Website Help Desk Support Online ticketing system for customer support service desk customer supporting Support Ticketing support Issue tracking system website ticket service request helpdesk ticket Website helpdesk SLA website support SLA service level SLA support SLA service SLA Help desk Service Level Agreement customer Service Level Agreement Helpdesk SLA Level Customer Helpdesk Support Ticket website support ticket support Issue tracking system Helpdesk helpdesk desk help Helpdesk support help desk help desk support Ticket Issue Management Website with timesheets to track the number of hours used and pending with accounting. helpdesk with accounting heldesk with tracking helpdesk with hours helpdesk with tracking hours Website Helpdesk Support Ticket helpdesk support customer Helpdesk support Helpdesk support request Helpdesk support ticket ticket Helpdesk customer query Helpdesk customer help Customer maintenance request Customer service request Website Helpdesk ticket website request customer Website Helpdesk Support Ticket helpdesk support system website_support crm_helpdesk Helpdesk Management unique ticket number to customer automatically being able to reply to incoming emails to communicate with customer seeing all a customers incoming help desk requests in context against customer object unique ticket number per issue print Helpdesk Ticket Attachment on website Helpdesk Support Message on website Helpdesk Support Add attchment Add message Send Message Helpdesk Support Attachment add Helpdesk Support Multiple attachments Helpdesk Support Add multiple attachments Helpdesk Support Add attachments on website App to manage your customer tickets and requests Website Support Ticket- Support Detail customer support support request support ticket ticket customer support Invoice support request Invoice support ticket Invoice ticket Invoice customer query customer help customer maintenance request Invoice customer service request Invoice website support ticket Invoice website request customer Invoice ticket invoice customer invoice for support tickets customer support Portal support request Portal support ticket Portal ticket Portal customer query customer help customer maintenance request Portal customer service request Portal website support ticket Portal website request customer Portal ticket Portal customer Portal for support tickets prepaid support hours prepaid prepaid support prepaid customer prepaid invoice odoo 11 project issue project issue odoo project issue odoo project task support project support support manager issue manager issue operator​

Helpdesk Support Ticket & Issue Management from Website

This Module can be used to import your Products using csv / xls

Import Products using csv / xls.

This Module can be used to import your Products using csv / xls

Import Products using csv / xls.

Import stock / inventory using csv / xls

Import Stock / Inventory using csv / xls

This Module can be used to import Sales order with order line using csv / xls excel sales order line xls sales order line csv sales order line import excel sales order line import xls sales order line import csv sales order line excel sales import excel sales xls sales import xls sales csv sales import csv sales excel sales order import excel sales order xls sales order import xls sales order csv sales order import csv sales order Import sales Import Sales order Import sales line Import Sales order line import taxes csv taxes xls taxes import csv taxes import xls taxes

Import of Sales order with order lines using csv / xls

Insurance Policy management in Odoo 17 manage insurance management which include insurance customers with payment details of premium odoo app allow to manage Insurance management , Insurance management, insurance policy, insurance management, insurace approval, insurance policy reminder, Insurance policy approval, Insurance Reminder

Insurance Management by Globalteckz

Insurance Policy management in Odoo 11

Insurance Management by Globalteckz
Journal Entries Report

License and Certification Management with expiry date, licence will help to maintain your business smooth without any legal disturbance, certifcate license creation app odoo license creation automatically certificate creation app school certification partner vendor certificate management certification creation app odoo vendor certificate for partnership certificate renewal app license renewal app

License and Certification Management

Multiple Branch Management Multi Branch manufacturing MRP app Multiple Unit Operating unit manufacturing branch mrp branch production multiple branch manufacturing single company with Multi Branches multi company branch mrp unit multi branch mrp multi branch with Multi Branches multi company branch Purchase branch Invoicing branch logo on Accounting Report logo Multi branch sequence branch logo on pos Multiple Branch Management Multi Branch app Multiple Unit multiple Operating unit sales branch Sales Purchase branch Invoicing branch billing Voucher branch warehouse branch Payment branch Accounting Reports for single company Multi Branches multi company Advance Multiple Branch advance Multi Branch app Multiple Unit multiple Operating unit multi branch sequence branch address on report branch logo on report sales branch Purchase branch Invoicing branch billing branch Accounting Report logo Multi Branches

MRP Multi Branch

Print Multiple Copies of Reports with custom headers mainly for India used for transport, transportation copy

Mainly for India | Multi Reports with Custom Headers

This module will help to add multiple products on order line

Mass Product Selection on Sales, Purchase, Invoice & Delivery Order

Raise Material Requisition from MRP Workorders location to inventry Locations Odoo Material requisition app Material requisition MRP Material requisition planning materials requirements planning materials requirements planning in operation management MRP planner materials requirement planning Master Production Schedule (MPS) Inventory Status File manufacturing requirements planing Materials handling materials management raw materials requisition module Product Purchase Requisition for employee product Requisition for users manufacturing product Requisition manufacturing Requisition for product Requisition picking Requisition purchase material Requisition Requisition manufacturing material Requisition Material Requisition during production and work order process mrp requisition manufacturing requisition.

Material Requisition Management with in Warehouse/Workorder

This module will help you to handle large picking and merge in single picking merge picking merge delivery order merge receipts merge merge stock picking Merge Picking list merge shipments Merge orders combine picking merge transfer merge internal transfer picking merger merge operations merge multiple delivery merge DO merger merge picking merge delivery merge receipts merge stock picking merge invoice merge sales order merge purchase merge order line merge order merger picking merger vendor bill merge DO merge SO merge PO merge customer invoice merge transfer

Merge multiple Picking

Odoo 10 Global Sales/Purchase discount calculation with Tax on the respected sales/purchase order using (fixed/percentage) amount

Odoo 10 Global Discount on Sales,Purchase & Invoice with Tax calculation

Bundle Product/Combo is a PoS based module

Odoo 10 POS Product Pack (Bundle) or Combo Products
Odoo 10 eBay connector
Odoo 8 Subscription Management

Odoo Court Case Management to manage all your legal matters

Odoo Court Case Management