v 12.0 Third Party 1423
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Lines of code 525
Technical Name ks_chat_edit_and_delete
Versions 12.0 13.0 14.0
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Odoo Online
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 525
Technical Name ks_chat_edit_and_delete
Versions 12.0 13.0 14.0
Community Enterprise

Odoo Chat Edit/Delete

This app is an extension to the already available chat functionality of Odoo. It provides the feature of editing and deleting an already sent message.

Key Features

  • arrow You can edit an already sent message up until 15 minutes from the time the message is first sent.
  • arrow
    You can delete an already sent message up until 15 minutes from the time the message is first sent.
  • arrowr
    Feature provided to the Admin to delete any user’s individual message line until 48 hours from the time the message is first sent.
  • arrow
    Once a message is deleted, a default message which reads “This message was deleted.” is displayed in place of the originally deleted message.
  • arrow
    An edited message displays the “(Edited)” message tag over it.
  • arrowr
    You can not only delete the text message, but also delete the attached files i.e. PDFs, images etc.
  • arrow Go to Settings Menu. arrow
  • arrow In Settings, go to General Settings and Enable the Chat Edit/Delete App by checking the box. arrow
  • arrow Once Enabled, you will see another checkbox appear named “Allow Admin to delete any chat.” If you wish to enable the feature, you may check the box and save the settings that you have done. arrow
  • arrow On Enabling the Ksolves Odoo Chat/Edit app, you will notice Edit Icon and Delete Icon appear along with your chats.. arrow
  • arrow In order to edit an already sent message, select the Edit Icon, and then edit your message as intended and update the new message. arrow
  • arrow An “(Edited)” tag is displayed over an edited message. arrow
  • arrow In order to delete an already sent message, select the Delete Icon. arrow
  • arrow Once you select the option to delete an already sent message, a warning pops up asking for your final approval. Select Ok to proceed with your deletion. arrow
  • arrow Once a message is deleted by a user, a default message which reads “This message was deleted” is displayed in place of the originally deleted message. arrow
  • arrow If an admin deletes a user’s message, a default message which reads “Admin has deleted this message” is displayed in place of the originally deleted message. arrow

Frequently Asked Question

Is this app compatible with Odoo Enterprise?
Yes, our app works with Odoo Enterprise as well as Community.
Need some customization in this app, whom to contact?
Please drop email at sales@ksolves.com or raise a ticket through Odoo store itself.
12th Feb, 2020

Latest Release 1.1.1

Fix - Updated CSS for feedback pop-up.


Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

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Admin deletion functionality was so needed
on 5/11/19, 7:02 AM

I'm glad you updated the app with the new Admin deletion feature. Was much needed.

Did the work well
on 5/11/19, 6:56 AM

Works like Skype. Exactly what I wanted.

Works like a charm
on 5/1/19, 2:07 AM

This module works just as described. Very happy with the download. I just want to ask if you guys have a module, or a plug-in so that I as an Admin can delete a chat message line individually? Thanks.

Re: Works like a charm
on 5/3/19, 1:05 AM Author

Hi Ayanga, thanks for downloading and applauding our module, we really appreciate the same. Coming to your query, no we currently don’t have the feature wherein the Admin can delete a chat message line individually. However, we can incorporate this in our next update. Also, from the security point of view, currently, the sender of the message has the right to delete the message up till 15 mins from the time of sending the message, so we’re contemplating providing the Admin the leverage to delete anyone’s chat message line individually up until 24 hrs or 48 hrs from the time the message is sent. This feature could be enabled/disabled as per need from the General Settings. Please suggest if this would serve your purpose. Looking forward to your reply so that we can serve you better. Thanks, Ksolves India Private Limited

roger flores
on 10/10/20, 12:01 AM

Can you upgrade odoo 12 to odoo 14?

UPDATE: Version 13 is LIVE now!
on 1/27/20, 1:40 AM Author

UPDATE: Version 13 is LIVE now!

Shall we get for Ver 13?
Geoffrey Kisuze
on 1/26/20, 2:11 PM

Hello, Will you release a version compatible with odoo 13?

Re: Shall we get for Ver 13?
on 1/27/20, 1:36 AM Author

Hi Geoffrey, thanks for your query. Yes, we have launched Version 13 as well. Please do let us know your further concerns. We would love to assist you on the same. Thanks!

NEW UPDATE: Admin can delete chat until 48 hours!
on 5/11/19, 6:26 AM Author

Hi Ayanga, it’s our pleasure to inform you that based on your feedback we have updated the Odoo Chat Edit/Delete app and now the Admin has the functionality to delete any user’s individual message line until 48 hours from the time the message is first sent. If you have any further Odoo customization/implementation requirements, please feel free to get in touch with us. We have a proficient team of 15+ Odoo experts who can help you achieve your requirements in competitive time and budget. Do check out Ksolves Other Apps: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/browse?author=Ksolves Thanks, Ksolves India Private Limited

Re: Works like a charm
on 5/3/19, 6:30 AM

Hi there, Your reply was very helpful. I am looking forward for your future update with the possibility of admin deleting up until 24-48 hr. It is most definitely very useful feature for an admin. Thanks again. :)

Re: Re: Works like a charm
on 5/3/19, 7:48 AM Author

Sure, will keep you updated when we release the next version. Thanks for your reply. Also, if you have any queries regarding our any other app, please feel free to contact us at sales@ksolves.com We will get back to you immediately. Thanks, Ksolves India Private Limited