Log message deletion activity
Filter messages using custom filters. Spam protection
Website Product Stock Notification
odoo notification and email notification both
Additional mail icons, enabling faster identification of email statuses
Add Android app support
Allows to view the status of mail send by Odoo by connecting to Brevo.
Make OdooBot finally useful. Create users that you chat with just like ChatGPT. Integrate with OpenAI ChatGPT (GPT-3) or other LLM
Reminder notifications about planned activities
Show thumbnails for images in chatter
Allows you to configure the from header for a mail server.
AI Bot for LLM-servers compatible with Open Interpreter
Post unkonwn messages to an existing thread
Schedule mail sent for a later date
Mail limit module
Extended view for chatter
Force outgoing emails to be queued
Fetchmail by date and unseen messages