v 16.0 Third Party 1315
Live Preview
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Inventory (stock)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 2421
Technical Name woo_commerce_ept
Versions 17.0 8.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 9.0
You bought this module and need support? Click here!
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Inventory (stock)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 2421
Technical Name woo_commerce_ept
Versions 17.0 8.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 9.0

Why Emipro WooCommerce Integration?

You will never have to transfer any data manually again.
The connector will take care of flowing your orders, customers, and products between both the apps, and it's fully automated!
The integration additionally gives you a lot of analytical insights for all your WooCommerce stores


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ComprehensiveOdoo WooCommerce Connector

The Most Advanced And
User-Friendly Integration

One-click installation

One-click personalized demo access

Smart Onboarding Panel for easy setup

Multi woocommerce store/website compatibility

Interactive user interface for admin

Process orders as soon as they arrive

Yes, the connector can handle the heavy flow of your woocommerce orders & you can process them within a few minutes by a webhook. Totally managed by the connector; no manual clicks.

Get rid of managing any data manually

Because the connector precisely transfers your orders, products & customer data seamlessly from woocommerce to Odoo, it eliminates the manual efforts to use any kind of third-party or file transfer applications.

Extract analytical insights for your business

Get all the useful sales data and insights of your different selling channels. A consolidated view of profit & loss generated by the different stores directs you to take precautionary decisions forward.

Smart Onboarding Panel

No hassles for tying up your WooCommerce and Odoo the first time! The Onboarding Panel is designed to quickly set up and integrate all your WooCommerce stores in just 4 easy steps.

Enjoy high speed for importing huge order data

Based on your server resources, data synchronization, and auto-order workflow configuration, the connector brings you a high importing speed for a massive volume of orders.

Real-time synchronization of data in WooCommerce and Odoo

Intuitively built to import your orders, products, customers, and coupons in real-time from your WooCommerce to Odoo thus enabling your operational efficiency.

Keep your store updated with the latest stock

Show your WooCommerce products with up-to-date stock so that customers buy according to the quantities you have in the warehouse. Other items are immediately marked out of stock leaving no chance of backorders.

Digest Email with your desired custom KPI

Digest Emails are designed with the aim to bring business key KPI metrics straight to your inbox, so you can observe how your business is performing, that too, with our custom KPIs.

Odoo to WooCommerce

Export Operations

  • Export & Update Products & Product Variants
  • Create, export & update Product Categories, Tags & Coupons
  • Update product prices (sales and regular), and images
  • Export product stock from multiple odoo warehouse to WooCommerce.
  • Publish or Unpublish Products to WooCommerce Store from Odoo
  • Update Order Status of completed orders
  • Orders that were cancelled in Odoo can be cancelled in WooCommerce.
  • Users can initiate refunds from Odoo whenever an order needs to be refunded.
WooCommerce to Odoo

Import Operations

  • Introducing Webhooks: When the new Orders or Products are created at WooCommerce Store or the order status changed to Completed, Refunded or Cancelled - get these updates instantly in Odoo without waiting for next cron job.

    (Note: Any other cases where transaction values are changed in orders like product price is changed or quantity is modified or new product is added/removed, etc. - it will not be updated to Odoo).

  • Import Orders in bulk or choose specific order to import based on date range
  • Import Products along with product variants
  • Import Product Price, Stock levels & Images
  • Import Product Categories, tags & coupons
  • Import Customer Data
Import shipped and unshipped orders

The Odoo WooCommerce Connector also allows you to manage order status updates after shipping, cancel orders, and issue refunds or credit notes.

Connect Multiple Stores

Easily integrate & configure multiple WooCommerce stores with a single Odoo database.

Set Automatic Cron Jobs

Avoid manual operations by automating various operations between Odoo & WooCommerce, at your own time and frequency.

Real-time import data via webhook

Import orders, products, customers, and coupons from WooCommerce in no time.

Dynamic Dashboard

Get data insights through sales reports, line graphs, Clickable tabs, and data cards. You can also import-export data directly from the dashboard.

Meta mapping

Map some custom fields you use in WooCommerce into Odoo directly via config settings without customization. For ex., mapping of the VAT id of woocommerce as Tax id in Odoo.

Queue management & Mismatch log

Queues are created to import data. In case of error, the particular record is skipped, its error log is generated and the queue is resumed without interrupting the further process.

Smart queue dashboard

Monitor the status of each operation queue with the smart queue dashboard that provides Clickable tabs and data cards.

Activity Alert Notification

When an Order Queue Job Operation fails, an alert is triggered (scheduled activity) with specific configuration details.

Create WooCommerce Instance

Configure WooCommerce Instance

Configure the Sale Auto Workflow

Set the Payment Gateways

Detailed information of Financial Status

Perform WooCommerce Operations from Dashboard

Various WooCommerce Product Operations

Product Details configuration in WooCommerce

Product Images management

Manage Shipping Methods & Payment Gateways

WooCommerce Sale Order

Cancel Sale Order in WooCommerce

Refunds in WooCommerce

Configure Scheduled Actions for Order & Stock

Webhooks Configuration

WooCommerce Operations

Default Products Management

Mismatch Logs

User Guide

Read User Guide



Watch Video Tutorial

Release Note



Create a Support Ticket

If you face any issues while using our app and the issue is arising due to our app, we provide you complementary support for a duration of 90 days from the date of purchase of the respective app.

To create a support ticket, please register on Emipro Support Desk and provide us necessary information to help you resolve the issue.

Emipro Support Desk



Support Policy



Yes, the app works perfectly well with Odoo Enterprise (On-premise and Odoo.SH) as well as Community. Odoo Online (Cloud) does not allow installation of third-party apps and hence this app cannot be installed on Odoo Online.

You can contact us to request a customization in the app.

The Odoo WooCommerce Connector lets connect as many WooCommerce stores as you want with a single Odoo Instance.

This app - Odoo WooCommerce Connector v13 supports all versions of WooCommerce above 3.5.

Yes, you can export Products from Odoo to WooCommerce as well as import Products from WooCommerce to Odoo. If the products are already present on Odoo as well as WooCommerce, you can establish a synchronization between them using the connector

If you purchase our app for Odoo Version 12 and prior, we will provide you access to all the versions up to 12 depending on their availability. Starting version 13, every version of the app will be sold separately.

We offer free support for a duration of 90 days from the date of purchase. Kindly read our support policy to know the details.

The connector synchronizes products by matching the Internal Reference field in Odoo with the SKU field in WooCommerce. It is mandatory to have a unique SKU or Internal Reference for a product.

Please note that our Odoo WooCommerce Connector requires the XML-RPC to be enabled on your WooCommerce store in order to perform the export/update products images operation from Odoo to WooCommerce.

In a standard WooCommerce environment, the XML-RPC is enabled by default. So, if you have manually disabled it, we advise you to enable it again.

If your XML-RPC is enabled and you still get the error, it is because of some restriction set on your WooCommerce server that restricts the export/update operation. This is not an issue with our connector but with your WooCommerce server and must be resolved by your WooCommerce Developers.

However, based on our experience, we advise you to read this technical note (Link: https://bit.ly/owc-xmlrpc-tn-faq) that can help you rectify the issue.

The connector allows you to update price from Odoo to WooCommerce via a pricelist. You can set up a pricelist per WooCommerce instance in Odoo and update the price to WooCommerce via the pricelist. You also import the prices from WooCommerce to Odoo, however, the prices will get imported to the pricelist and not directly to the product.

The connector allows you to update stock from Odoo to WooCommerce either manually or automatically via a cron job. Stock levels get automatically adjusted in Odoo based on the imported orders. You can also import stock levels from WooCommerce to Odoo. The imported stock values will create an inventory adjustment entry in Odoo which upon validating will affect the actual stock levels. In the connector settings, you can choose one warehouse per WooCommerce Instance from which the stock is to be managed.

Any order on WooCommerce can be imported to Odoo if the connector has been configured correctly. Orders in WooCommerce have different order statuses such as Processing, On hold, Completed & Pending Payment. In the connector, you can choose one or more order statuses and import orders only of your chosen statuses.

Yes. Webhook operations in WooCommerce apply to domain name only (for eg., www.example.com). It will not work with any other format of URLs like www.example.com:1234 or

No. Your Sales Order data once fetched - cannot be modified in your Odoo via Webhooks. It only gets processed based on its status (Completed, Refunded, Cancelled, etc.) at WooCommerce Store in Odoo.

Suggested Products

Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Please log in to comment on this module

  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.
Woocommerce connector issue
Abdulmageed Khaleel
on 7/9/24, 9:14 AM

Dear sir,

I guessed today that the connector doesn't sync sale orders. and when trying to do that manually it goes into processing for a long time without success. However, we enabled the SSL, which worked automatically successfully for a long time (since we bought it in 1/1/2024) until yesterday.

Please your help


Reliable and Customizable
on 7/3/24, 2:09 AM

We've been using the WooCommerce module for our business for some time now, and it has significantly improved our operations. The module has proven to be incredibly adaptable to our specific business requirements, allowing for easy customization to suit our unique needs.

Like anything in the computer world, no system is entirely perfect. However, we've found that any issues we encounter are quickly addressed by the support team in Emipro. Their responsiveness ensures virtually no downtime, allowing us to maintain a smooth and uninterrupted workflow.

Overall, the module has been a valuable addition to our business toolkit, providing both flexibility and reliable support. We highly recommend it to any business looking to integrate their e-commerce operations with Emipro.

Fantastic module and support by Emipro If you use both Woocommerce and Odoo, this module is THE SOLUTION!
on 6/28/24, 9:58 AM

Good support
Ossi Mäntylahti
on 12/19/23, 4:48 PM

We have a client that is using WooCommerce as a front-end for seven figures ecommerce site. I would not think any other extension apart from Emipro's connector. Recently we had a syncronisation issue but the support was done professionally and fast. And yes, the problem was fixed (thanks Lekha!) .

Re: Good support
Emipro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
on 12/21/23, 12:23 AM Author

Thank you for providing us with your valuable feedback. We're delighted to have you as a valued customer.

Good Product - Few critical bugs
on 12/7/23, 9:16 PM

Overall, the product works somewhat as expected, but there are a few bugs with 5.3.0 on v16. I somewhat agree with koltsov below, it other features aren't working, I have to process stock exports manually all the time, there are orders missing regular orders and bundle orders often and people need to check to make sure they synced, and if they didn't then it becomes a whole job to input those orders. I actually agree with most of Koltsovs points, but at the end of the day it still is a pretty good product, it's doing 80% of what it should do.

Re: Good Product - Few critical bugs
Emipro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
on 12/8/23, 1:57 AM Author

Thank you for providing us with your valuable feedback. We're delighted to have you as a valued customer.

Good product
Emil Pop
on 11/4/23, 4:09 AM

Good product, good support.

Bad Quality, Additional Fixes and Coding are Mandatory
on 10/14/23, 4:40 AM

We used this plugin since May 2023. All that plugin actually does is product sync between Woo and Odoo. Other features are not working properly and additional actions needed.

  • Product sync. It works but you have to pay attention before starting the synchronisation. Don't change Product's Category after export to Woo.
  • Orders sync. By-default it does not work. You have to setup Financial Status before. It's not cleat and can be an unexpected problem.
  • Stock export. Does not work. We spent dozens of hours to fix it. Vendor tried to help but no effect. We fixed the problem with the hard coding because this bug is critical for my customer.
  • Logs. Are not working properly. That is the hugest problem in the app. You can't never be sure that sync is working correctly. Logs provide you with the OK status but this is not true! My customer spent dozens hours to check the data every day. This is not the solution.
  • Instance initial setup is clear. Instance additional options (check-boxes, selectors, etc) are not clear. You never be sure that you've done all correctly.

At the end, I have to say thanks to support. They really try to help customers. I appreciate that. But the result is unacceptable anyway.

This module helped us a lot to make our work more efficient
on 9/28/23, 7:00 AM

Automate, Save, and Grow: The Magic of the WooCommerce-Odoo Connector
on 8/24/23, 10:31 AM

I've been an Odoo user since version 14, and the WooCommerce-Odoo connector has been instrumental for my business efficiency and effectiveness. The highlight has been the meta mapping feature, which allowed me to map additional WooCommerce fields to specific fields in Odoo. I implemented a key field for taxpayer type with just a few lines of WooCommerce code, and the connector took care of the rest.

This connector has also enabled me to solve stock issues, automate the packing process, and generate invoices directly within Odoo. Plus, it's saved me over $50 a month by letting me ditch my previous invoicing system.
Additionally, I could transition away from a limited WooCommerce POS system to Odoo's more robust and flexible POS setups.

The support team is highly professional and collaborative. We communicated multiple times to refine the solution and they were always willing to go the extra mile to make sure everything was running smoothly.

In summary, it's a powerful tool that makes Odoo an even more complete ERP solution. Highly recommended.

Huge time saver, great support!
Mission Critical Inc
on 8/15/23, 9:05 AM

As always, Emipro puts out a great connector module. Support is top notch and very fast. If you want to accelerate moving a Woo website to Odoo, well worth the money here.

Poor Functionality
Caylon McKellar
on 4/27/23, 12:18 PM

Re: Poor Functionality
Emipro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
on 5/9/23, 6:19 AM Author

Hello Caylon McKellar,

We extend our sincere apologies for any inconvenience that you may have encountered with our product.

We have noticed that you have previously attempted to contact our support team through the helpdesk portal. We assure you that our support executive is working diligently to address your concerns, and they will guide you through the right approach to resolve your query.

We kindly request that you get back to our support executive email as soon as possible so that we can assist you in resolving your issue promptly.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to resolve this matter.

Thanks & Regards,

Team Emipro

Great service
on 4/27/23, 11:25 AM

A great product that is very detailed. Great customer service and technical support to help you along the way! If your using odoo and woocommerce this is a must! 

Thank you!

Great connector and great company to work with!
on 4/14/23, 3:55 AM

Great Module, well designed backed by a professional team
Pasha Golshani
on 4/10/23, 9:47 AM

This module has reduced our order processing time by 50% and has saved us thousands of hours of manual work. Also our order processing mistakes (due to human error) has changed from 1% to 0. Now we focus on our main business rather than having to spend all of our time on orders processing. Emipro has really a tallended design team. Their modules are very well designed, flexible and feature reach. Emipro support team did a great job and helped me with the migration of the module data from V 13 to V 16 and I'm pleased to see they have added new features to an already perfect module. 

Horrible service - long wait and no refunds
Quinten Brems
on 1/25/23, 12:40 PM

Watch out before you buy

If you are a newbie like me, and think this module will work on the 'online' version of Odoo, DO NOT BUY! It will not work!
This might seem obvious for anyone that knows how this system works, but If you are like me, a noob, this is a very costly mistake - and your money will be gone for good! Due to their 'no refund policy'. And documentation/clarity is far fetched.

Our case:

  • Someone said; look into Odoo. So I did and was amazed with functions in standard subscription
  • We bought the Odoo standard version at 19,90 euro/month (discounted)
  • We did a google search and found this connector from Emipro to connect our woocommerce website. In the required apps section on this page, I checked if we had acces to the required apps and yes we did! Even had Odoo v16! So we bought the Odoo Woocommerce connector module at 399 euro just to find out it won't work with Odoo standard version.
  • We do some more research and find out we need Odoo.sh
  • We get quotation for Odoo.sh worker, Odoo sh GB and Staging + the upgraded version of Odoo itself. This came at 876 euro EXTRA per year. (on top of the +-240 euro we already paid)

We are no coders or IT persons so we tried to get refund but Emipro but they blew me off very cold and said: NO REFUNDS. They even send me screenshot from a small piece somewhere in the Q&A section (yes, that is where you should tell this, not in the required apps section or so, that would be to logical) where it said it would not work with Odoo online. If only I knew what 'Odoo online' ment - because that is not what my subscription is called in my language - its called standard or custom. So what they actually say is: "Boohoo. We know you cant do anything with our plugin, but we have your money and wont give it back. We don't care about you!"

But that is not all. Odoo is very unclear about what is free and what is paid. For example. If you choose for Odoo.sh you might need to pay extra €16/month PER 100 lines of code in your database. They told me I would not have to pay by email, but it is written on your contract! This module from Emipro is 11000 lines of code totaling about €1700/month if they claim you need to pay. We have no reference so I can't even say if it is true or not.

There is a very strict NO REFUND POLICY. From Odoo to every seller on this platform. So I like to give this fair warning: If you think you could link your woocommerce website to Odoo for just 399 euro and a 20 euro/month subscription... You ARE dreaming.

PS. Even the people calling you from Odoo stated that they have a lot of customers like us that buy a module they can't install. They admitted this and also said they are not going to give more information on their webpage about this. (because this gives more sales of more expensive subscriptions). I HATE THIS BUSINESS MODEL. How can I ever be a satisfied customer now?

PS. For big earning companies, this might be not such an issue, but we have a micro-coffee-roastery. Our yearly profits are less then 10K. Paying 2100 euro in first year for 2 users, Odoo.sh and the rest is just crazy. They lure you in with 19,90/month. But you will hit paywall after paywall and no way back because of the outrageous no refund policy.

Christoph Nagler/ Q-Pet GmbH
on 11/8/22, 3:47 AM

Emipro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
on 1/16/23, 3:15 PM Author

Hello Christoph, 

It is a pleasure to receive such an excellent rating for our product from you. This gesture of yours is highly appreciated. 

Best Regards,
Team Emipro

Abdulmageed Khaleel
on 7/9/24, 9:06 AM Confirmed Purchase

Excellent Tech support
Abdulmageed Khaleel
on 7/9/24, 9:06 AM Confirmed Purchase

I want to express my appreciation for the excellent and satisfactory technical support provided by Emipro, particularly regarding the webhooks. The assistance received was truly commendable. Thank you for your expertise and responsiveness! Soft Magic

Excellent product and excellent service
manuel calero solis
on 2/22/24, 6:18 AM Confirmed Purchase

Excellent product and excellent service, every time I have needed them they have attended to me quickly and efficiently.

Xtendoo Software

Great team to work with
Warren Da Costa
on 2/2/24, 2:34 PM

Thank yo team, again yo have stepped up and made the Odoo v16 WooCommerce experience much better! Great communication and quick development and implementation means a great deal to my business. Again thank you!

Fridge Seal

Excellent Tech support
Abdulmageed Khaleel
on 1/5/24, 9:55 AM Confirmed Purchase

I want to express my appreciation for the excellent and satisfactory technical support provided by Emipro, particularly regarding the webhooks. The assistance received was truly commendable. Thank you for your expertise and responsiveness! 

Soft Magic

Re: Excellent Tech support
Emipro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
on 2/5/24, 1:06 AM Author

Thank you for providing us with your valuable feedback. We're delighted to have you as a valued customer.

Many thanks to Emipro!
Abdulmageed Khaleel
on 1/5/24, 7:49 AM Confirmed Purchase

Emipro consistently delivers an outstanding connector module. Their support is unparalleled – fast and efficient. If you're looking to streamline the migration of a WooCommerce website to Odoo, investing in this module is highly valuable. A warm thanks to the Emipro team for their excellent work!"

Soft Magic Teck Team 

Re: Many thanks to Emipro!
Emipro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
on 1/5/24, 8:30 AM Author

Thank you Abdulmageed Khaleel for providing us with your valuable feedback. We're delighted to have you as a valued customer.

Already tried other connectors, but this one is still the best
Arne D'Halluin
on 10/13/23, 8:35 AM

We tried a few woocommerce connectors, but this one still works best. Only at the beginning was it a bit of a search, but once it worked everything goes smoothly!

Module Match with need, Available Team Support
Ikrame Bensaoud
on 10/4/23, 4:44 AM

Module Match with need, Available Team Support

very responsive team, the module meets the need
Ikrame Bensaoud
on 10/3/23, 7:13 AM

very responsive team, the module meets the need

Eezee-It SaaS
on 10/3/23, 6:38 AM

Module meets needs, support team very responsive,

Great support
on 9/8/23, 6:25 AM

I had an issue with importing products and I got immediate feedback and solved the problem with the support. 

Things that can be improved:
When WooCommerce creates a new order in Odoo it creates an empty order first and updates this with information consecutively. This is annoying if you want to apply automated actions on the creation process.

on 8/14/23, 8:40 AM

Onetime payment with any monthly fees ?  or is there any additional fees ? 

How to handle subscriptions?
on 4/10/23, 8:06 PM

Hi - our WooCommerce store has subscription products - which I think will be fine - in that at the anniversary of the sub it generates a new Order - and it seems that Orders will go into Odoo using this connector. (We also have a freight integration - which is triggered independently - but I would need to be sure the freight price that we enter in WooCommerce also goes to Odoo)

I am a bit concerned if we to buy this (we will have SH hosting) and it does not work then there is no refund?

Thanks for any comments.

Good module
Pasha Golshani
on 4/10/23, 9:00 AM Confirmed Purchase

Good module

If it is possible to import/export extra images from the odoo default EXTRA PRODUCT MEDIA?
Frank Miao
on 4/7/23, 1:49 AM

If it is possible to import/export extra images from the odoo default EXTRA PRODUCT MEDIA for website sales?I saw in your video that you create a new tab for images which is different with odoo ecommerce extra images.

Odoo 10 version
Federico Romero de Alfaro
on 3/22/23, 10:50 AM

hello, we are interested in buying this module for odoo 10, is there any possibility?

Good module, poor support
Pasha Golshani
on 3/21/23, 8:18 AM Confirmed Purchase

Good module, very poor support. I'm getting internal server error after installing V16 of the module (Upgraded from V13). I contacted support 2 days ago and didn't receive a response. I sent them an email and also contacted them via Skype and haven't received a response. They even don't bother to send an automatic reply to emails sent to the support saying we have received your email and we will get back to you in X days. I didn't buy alternative modules as I have existing data on this module on V13. However, if you are a new customer, there are cheaper woocommerce connector plugins with better support available

Kindly Reply on email & Ticket
on 1/13/23, 3:22 PM

The last update broke some of the export (stock & images) functionalities, kindly send me the most stable version of the connector via email

Is it possible to use for multiple databases on the same instance?
Petter Bowl
on 1/11/23, 11:36 AM Confirmed Purchase

I'm interested in buying this module. Before purchase, I need to know if it's possible to use this module for multiple databases on the same server (community).
